I have to face the music that my oldest daughter is approaching puberty and things will be changing. I would like to continue to keep my head in the sand and make DH have the necessary talks with her. So far, she says never wearing deodorant or a bra. She doesn't like change.
Today I find here getting on the computer to look up "how to kiss a boy". I shooed her out of the house at the time because I was trying to work out while the baby napped. I told her she isn't allowed to look that stuff up on the internet and use youtube as a reference. I didn't handle the situation well because I really wanted to finish my exercise. We have had ongoing discussions about personal space and what boundaries are acceptable. I know she sees stuff on TV which is most likely prompting her interest in this subject. She is 10.5 years old and I want to keep her from exposure to this.
How do you handle stuff like this? I can't get youtube blocked on my computer. I am clueless. I did go back and reiterate to my girls that is they have a question about something that they should ask DH or I first and we would find the answer together.
Today I find here getting on the computer to look up "how to kiss a boy". I shooed her out of the house at the time because I was trying to work out while the baby napped. I told her she isn't allowed to look that stuff up on the internet and use youtube as a reference. I didn't handle the situation well because I really wanted to finish my exercise. We have had ongoing discussions about personal space and what boundaries are acceptable. I know she sees stuff on TV which is most likely prompting her interest in this subject. She is 10.5 years old and I want to keep her from exposure to this.
How do you handle stuff like this? I can't get youtube blocked on my computer. I am clueless. I did go back and reiterate to my girls that is they have a question about something that they should ask DH or I first and we would find the answer together.