It sounds like what you linked is similar. I can't stand having to watch the commercial before the video. That's where they lose me, with a few exceptions.
Another bee update. This is crazy. Some bees -- mine? ones that had never left? new ones? -- are back in the white hive. Normal activity from the entrance for both. In the middle of the week, I saw a biggish clump of bees over the house but not enough to be a full swarm. Once again, the weather/DH combo are keeping me from checking them out. I like to think I have a hands-off approach to bee-keeping. I've got to medicate those buggers before much more time passes. And I still have to re-situate the inner and outer covers.
Another bee update. This is crazy. Some bees -- mine? ones that had never left? new ones? -- are back in the white hive. Normal activity from the entrance for both. In the middle of the week, I saw a biggish clump of bees over the house but not enough to be a full swarm. Once again, the weather/DH combo are keeping me from checking them out. I like to think I have a hands-off approach to bee-keeping. I've got to medicate those buggers before much more time passes. And I still have to re-situate the inner and outer covers.
