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apartment probs

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  • #16

    Guys i really need help on this my wife is being extremely unsupportive & has been discouraging from solutions. She is so confrontation avoidable it's making our lives worse. I was trying to find out from her if legalities existed in her contract which would get her fired by running a story in the media. She is encouraging me to drop all this & to keep living like this.... OH YEAH LOTS OF GOOD REST WILL COME OF THAT!! This is so dumb, why would anyone want to continue a situation which could blow up at any time & usually does each week through noise, etc..


    • #17
      Call a lawyer, find out what your 'outs' are and move.

      Sometimes a well-timed well-worded letter from a lawyer will work wonders with apartment managers.

      Your other option is to write them a letter, tell them that they have failed to live up to their end of the contract and that by doing so you have no choice but to give 30 days notice and then just move.



      • #18

        Sounds good thx Jenn. Currently checking with university about temp housing/extended stays. Prob is rates are very high. Think I'll move to Wisconsin & get a house earlier than expected & shove wife in an extended stay. Much to do next few weeks.


        • #19

          Local media station contacted me for more information (pics, video). This is getting interesting!


          • #20
            I'm late chiming in - but we once left an apt. because of mice. I was pregnant at the time and the management refused to do anything about it. Oh wait - they did set up 2 traps - but refused to come and empty them - and they set out poison. The poison was sitting on a paper plate in the walkway - right next to a huge grassy field where all of the kids played.

            We took pictures of the dead mice and the poison and documented all of our calls and letters to the management. One of our friends is a lawyer and he drafted a letter to the management company and got us our of our lease. We never received a confirmation from the company that they agreed that we could leave. We just sent the letter certified and then moved. We didn't receive any penalties or dings on our credit for leaving early either.

            Good luck!
            Cranky Wife to a Peds EM in private practice. Mom to 5 girls - 1 in Heaven and 4 running around in princess shoes.

