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  • Laundry

    How much laundry do you do, and how often do you do it?

    I do 5 loads every week. 2 loads of my and DH's clothes, 1 load for DS#1, 1 load for DS#2, and 1 load of sheets and towels. I try to split it up between 2 days of the week (usually Mondays and Saturdays) so I don't get overwhelmed or stuck doing laundry all day long.

    -Wife of urology attending.
    -SAHM to three great kiddos (2 boys, 1 girl!)

  • #2
    Re: Laundry

    I don't know! DH does most of the clothing laundry. It's his "thing" and I'm more likely to screw something up than him. I do about a 30-40% of it depending on the week. I think we do 6 or so loads of clothes per week and then one load of sheets and towels. I love having a high capacity washer but the downside is that the loads that come out of the dryer to fold are huge and take forever.


    • #3
      Re: Laundry

      I do it when it looks like there is enough for a load of either darks or whites. I just do what comes, I dont sort by kid or grown up. I like to thrown the dirty clothes into a basket by the laundry so I can keep tabs on it, and not use the hamper in our room and the bathroom, but DH prefers the opposite.

      It probably works out to 4-5 loads a week. I am good about doing the laundry but bad about folding. I will leave a load in the dryer for days, same with a pile of unfolded clothes. Right now there are three loads over the past two days to be folded and I will probably enlist DH to fold them tonight.

      I am horrible at folding fitted sheets, DH has to do them for me.
      Mom to three wild women.


      • #4
        Re: Laundry

        I do laundry when I run out of underwear or shirts, and I do only what I have to to get by until I can make dh do it, which isn't very often. Seriously, you people are neat freaks. I hate laundry. Worst. Job. Ever.

        When I do, do laundry (twice a month, maybe), I do it all, over a few days time. I know, I'm sick.
        Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.


        • #5
          Re: Laundry

          I don't know! DH does most of the clothing laundry. It's his "thing" and I'm more likely to screw something up than him.
          If DH tries to touch the laundry, I get on his case. I'm picky, and he's shrunk a couple shirts of mine. He is better than I am at most things (like budgeting), but he doesn't step foot in the laundry room.

          I do the laundry as it comes or as we need certain things. Probably 5 loads a week - more if I'm keeping up well. I also sort clothes as we dirty them, by color and how they're washed. I'm bad at keeping up with the folding & putting away. When it backs up on that end, I quit washing them and we end up with a pile.


          • #6
            Re: Laundry

            Originally posted by cupcake
            I don't know! DH does most of the clothing laundry.
            Same here. The key to this is making sure he always owns less clothing than I do so that he always runs out of clean clothes first! I don't know all the details, but I know he has a totally different method than I do. I grew up with lights, darks, permanent press, and Wednesday was always laundry day. My husband sorts stuff into hots, colds, towels . . . I don't even know! And he just does it whenever he has time. I had to teach him how to handle my delicates, but other than that, as long as nothing is getting ruined I let him do his thing.

            When we first moved in together I was telling my mom how weirdly he does laundry, and she said actually if you talk to ten different people you'll probably get ten different laundry routines, some people do a load every day, etc. I never know that until my late 20's!
            Married to a hematopathologist seven years out of training.
            Raising three girls, 11, 9, and 2.

            “That was the thing about the world: it wasn't that things were harder than you thought they were going to be, it was that they were hard in ways that you didn't expect.”
            Lev Grossman, The Magician King


            • #7
              Re: Laundry

              We probably do 6 loads a week for the three of us. I have a hamper with 3 sections, darks, mediums and whites. When one is full, I do it. If it is nice, I hang it on the line before I go to work and take it off when I get home. I love laundry dried outside!

              I have been trying to do a load a day because if I have a ton to do it never seems to get put away.


              • #8
                Re: Laundry

                I do diapers every day....Russ does our scrubs as he needs them (I have more pairs than he does)....then I do other laundry as it fills up. I'm pretty good about folding all the clothes....but I suck at putting them away so we have folded clothes in piles all over the house! Also since I do diapers every day I often have a dry load in the dryer....if you ask Daegan to get a diaper he immediately goes to the dryer!
                Mom of 3, Veterinarian


                • #9
                  Re: Laundry

                  I honestly I have no idea how many loads I do a week, and it would probably irritate me if I did. I just do what is there, usually when Jacob complains that he's run out of shorts or underwear (Quinn has all the hand-me-downs, so he has plenty). I've stayed up with it a bit more since I've been into maternity clothes, as I'm more limited in my selection of wearable items.

                  I also don't seperate kid vs. grown up - it all goes together.


                  • #10
                    Re: Laundry

                    I do diapers twice a week and the rest of the laundry usually once a week or once every week and a half. I prefer to do it all in one day and get it over with. Usually 3 loads for DH and I, one load for Adele and 1 load of towels. When DH is out of socks or boxers then its usually time.
                    Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


                    • #11
                      Re: Laundry

                      I probably do...2-3 load a week? DH doesn't touch the laundry (he did help out when he was on vacation and I was working, but it's "my" job like dishes are "his").

                      The laundry chute is a godsend. Part of what I love about this house.

                      I try to go to the basement at least once every day and:
                      - open the chute and sort what comes out into lights, darks, towels, and "DH's clothes that will be wrinkly if left to sit in the dryer".
                      - swap anything in the dryer into a basket, anything in the washer into the dryer, and if a section of the hamper is full, put that in the washer.

                      Takes at most 10 minutes (usually much less), and keeps me on top of things. When a basket is full (usually takes two dryer-loads), I carry it back upstairs with me, and it gets folded that evening after dinner while we watch TV. Folded baskets usually get upstairs to the bedroom to be put away that same evening, because stuff lying out in the living room bugs me.

                      DH's wrinkly clothes get slightly special treatment, because I dry them all the way, then add a wet towel to the dryer and then take them all out and hang them up *before* the dryer cools down; middle of the cycle. Much less of a pain than ironing, but it means I have to do a load of towels after them, and have to be around and remember to interrupt the dryer cycle. Luckily, he has enough of those clothes to last him two weeks easily, so I don't have to do it that often.

                      The key for me is to break it up into small, quick tasks that can happen at different times, so I never feel like I have to set aside a big chunk of time to do it.
                      Wife of EM Attending, Web Programmer, mom to one older lady scaredy-cat and one sweet-but-dumb younger boy kitty


                      • #12
                        Re: Laundry

                        To do all of our clothes and a load of towels/sheets, it is 7 loads (in a high-capacity washer) a week. For the past two years I have done it all on the weekend, but DH really hates having our weekends taken up by laundry (especially on his weekends off) so I am going to experiment with doing it during the week this year.....honestly, I am a little nervous about it. I hate having it hanging over my head,and when I do it on the weekend, it sucks, but at least I know I don't have to think about it Monday through Friday. I am going to make DS #1 start doing his own this year, and I will do the other two boys' clothes one day and DH's and mine another day, along with towels and sheets somewhere in there. I am a little anal about is much easier for me to get stuff out of the dryer right away and hang it up or fold it than it is for me to iron it later, so I like to stay on top of it. I don't mind doing laundry.....but it does take a lot of time.

                        Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

                        "I don't know when Dad will be home."


                        • #13
                          Re: Laundry

                          DH did our laundry until we moved here. Now it's on me. I usually have enough clothes to do two medium-to-large clothing loads every other day (one synthetic and blends, one cotton) and then I do diapers on the alternate days. But that method wasn't working and DH was running out of scrubs a lot if I fell behind even a little. So now I'm just trying to get it done when it looks like a load is ready to go. No idea how often that is, probably 4-5 times a week? Towels are included. If I'm good and change the sheets weekly, sheets make another load.


                          • #14
                            Re: Laundry

                            I think about 4-6 loads a week.
                            Mother of two ballerinas and one wild boy


                            • #15
                              Re: Laundry

                              The past month we have been using coin laundry so have been leaving it 'til one of us can be bothered to get a roll of quarters!

                              But, normally......diapers twice per week. I do other laundry most days too because Jack has very few clothes that fit him, and it does not seem worth buying more as he is just growing so fast. DH actually does some of his own laundry now since I decided that I would not wash anything that was not in the laundry basket. And apparently it is easier to do laundry than put clothes in the basket!!

                              All in all, 2 diaper loads, one sheet load, one towel load and about 2 lights and 2 darks each week.

