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Clueless New Homeowner - Combined Thread (lot of questions)

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  • Clueless New Homeowner - Combined Thread (lot of questions)

    I've realized that if I do a new thread for each question it'll be at least 10 new threads each day. When replying please keep in mind that we're house-stupid. Neither of us has ever lived in one and most of our friends and family live in condos and co-ops. If there are books/websites/mags out there, please recommend away, I need to learn as much as I can. Thanks in advance.


    1. What kind of trash cans and how many do I need to get? I need to find out if any of the local trash companies will come up to the house, if not we'll be driving the trash to the street. Should I take the car to the store to make sure they fit in the trunk or just dump the bags in the trunk? We can use the old car for this, so I don't care about full trash bags in the trunk.

    2. How many companies/contractors should I get quotes from? Is 3 for each service enough? I feel that I'm spending too much time shopping around and the work will never get started. I'm only contacting those that came highly recommended, so there's a filter build in already.

    3. Shower doors. I want to install doors in the master shower instead of the current curtain. DH wants clear, my mom insists that they're way too painful to keep clear and I'll be kicking myself. I do like the way they look the most but not sure if I trust myself to wipe them daily.

  • #2
    Re: Clueless New Homeowner - Combined Thread (lot of questions)

    Trash *totally* depends on the city you're in; in Hillsboro, OR, they provide the cans, you have a choice of two sizes, which cost differently (if you overflow in a given week, they charge a little extra). Here in Cleveland Heights, it's covered by property tax, and you put whatever you want taken out at the curb and it disappears, no cans. So there's a wide range. Poke around on your city's website and see what they say about trash pickup, or ask your neighbors (or both).

    No idea on 2; we usually asked at least a couple companies/people for quotes for things, but haven't had much major work done; biggest thing was going from carpet to tile on most of our floors, but that was just whoever the store we bought it from contracted out to (and they turned out to be great).

    3. I wouldn't go with completely clear, but if you do want to, then keep a squeegee in there, and just make it routine to wipe it at the end of every shower. When you're picking the doors, keep in mind how easy/hard it'll be to get a squeegee around any handles, bars, etc. that are on the inside of the doors. A friend has clear glass in her guest bathroom, and put a pretty, filmy, sheer shower curtain up that covers it up. I thought it looked nice, and the droplet marks on the glass weren't distracting, but if the whole point is that you don't like the LOOK of a curtain there, that may defeat the purpose.
    Wife of EM Attending, Web Programmer, mom to one older lady scaredy-cat and one sweet-but-dumb younger boy kitty


    • #3
      Re: Clueless New Homeowner - Combined Thread (lot of questions)

      re: trash, ditto Sandy. It varies. Your real estate agent might know. I'd find out who the company is that picks up and call and ask them. Remember Frankencan? Some places are *really* picky about the size of trash can you use.

      I think 3 quotes is enough unless they are just all over the place but three should do it.

      I have a clear glass shower door (just shower, not tub). It was here when we moved in. I like it. I think it is clean but if I were super-duper anal about these things, it might bother me. I'm sure water hardness or that sort of thing plays into it. I spray it with the Method daily shower every few days (not daily) and squegee less than that.


      • #4
        Re: Clueless New Homeowner - Combined Thread (lot of questions)

        Originally posted by cupcake
        I'm sure water hardness or that sort of thing plays into it.
        Definitely. We have hard water and after goodness knows how many years of renters (including our own less-than-stellar record of keeping it clean!) I think the glass of our shower door is permanently etched with hard water minerals (I can't even tell if it's frosted or not! CLR is making a slight dent in it though...) My mom has not-so-hard water and has been diligent with the squeegee in her guest 3/4 bath, and last time I was up there that shower door was still crystal clear.


        • #5
          Re: Clueless New Homeowner - Combined Thread (lot of questions)

          We too have hard water and our shower doors will never be sparkling clean again. DH hates curtains though so we live with it.
          Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


          • #6
            Re: Clueless New Homeowner - Combined Thread (lot of questions)

            OMG, How could I forget Frankencan! Thanks for reminding me Nellie. I'll have to check with the neighbors. And make sure I ask trash companies when I call around.

            I have no idea if we have hard water, I don't think so. But we control our own water supply and can add softeners into the filter.

            A few more questions.

            What's a good price for hardwood floors? Or what would you pay?

            Do any of you have a security system? Which one and are you happy with it? How much was installation?


            • #7
              Re: Clueless New Homeowner - Combined Thread (lot of questions)

              When we refinished our floors, I *think* the price was $3.5/sq ft. That was without stain. Maybe that will help as a starting point.

              Long live Frankencan!

              I need to look into a security system. I'm going to get a quote from ADT and a local place or two.


              • #8
                Re: Clueless New Homeowner - Combined Thread (lot of questions)

                Everyone else covered the trash thing and the shower door thing. For a security system, you'll probably be getting a coupon or offer for a free assement / installation soon. You get inundated with offers like that after closing on a house. We've used Brinks and I've been perfectly happy with them .... but I've also been fortunate to never actually have to test them out. Make sure when you get a security system that you check with your city as well. Ours requires an annual permit (it's only $15 here) to cover false alarms. You get 3 a year and then they start charging you.


                • #9
                  Re: Clueless New Homeowner - Combined Thread (lot of questions)

                  When we lived in Pa (different town), we were required to buy our own trash cans but the trash company provided a recycling can (small one). If your town requires you to purchase your trash can, I suggest you buy something with the lid attached. We didn't do that, and we lost the lid during one of the first winds. Also, it is not pleasant to go outside in the wind/rain and pick up trash that blew all over the place. Yuck.
                  Wife of Ophthalmologist and Mom to my daughter and two boys.


                  • #10
                    Re: Clueless New Homeowner - Combined Thread (lot of questions)

                    RE alarms:

                    We get a sweet discount on the alarm through the homeowner's insurance. Ask your insurance company if they do any discounting or have any relationships with companies.



                    • #11
                      Re: Clueless New Homeowner - Combined Thread (lot of questions)

                      I am chiming in late- We just redid our master bathroom, and we have hard water, and the glass shower door installed has Hydroshield, it's been great and easy to keep our door looking nice. We went with a "rain" look on our door, only because we have four kids, and didn't want someone walking in by accident.

                      Here is a link about Hydroshield.

                      Here is a link to the shower door company that custom made out door: (just realized they only service the Western US)
                      Gas, and 4 kids


                      • #12
                        Re: Clueless New Homeowner - Combined Thread (lot of questions)

                        We do need to buy our own cans and was told anything around 50 gallons was good. Lowes has some 45 gallon cans on wheels with a lid that is held in place by the handle. I think I'll go for those. DH found a special cart on Amazon to take the them to the road (about half a mile). Totally forgot to ask about the recycling bin, will have to call back tomorrow.

                        Good point about checking with the town regarding false alarms. I wouldn't have thought of that and nobody brought it up (I've had 2 security companies over already). ADT quote seems reasonable and lots of people here have them.

                        I found nice shower doors on Overstock (along with a kitchen sink and faucet). Reviews seem to be good but I know returning stuff to them is a pain. Anyone order such stuff from them? They are about half price of everything else I could find. I'll email the links to my contractor just to be on the safe side though.

                        Another etiquette question. I was leaving the house today and as I was pulling out on the road, neighbor couple was getting mail (in their car). They've introduced themselves to us last weekend. I waved and smiled and kept going. Then realized they might have expected more. But they were blocking the road on one side already and if I stopped to chat, I would have blocked it going the other way. I'll be needing everyone to chip in for regraveling in a week or two, so I need to make nice with everyone and quick.


                        • #13
                          Re: Clueless New Homeowner - Combined Thread (lot of questions)


                          If you have seriously old people that you're sharing the gravel w/ they may not have cash at the ready to gravel. You may get them to agree in two weeks but you may foot the bill in advance.

                          My parents just ran into this exact same scenario. Ancient people down the street who drive to the mailbox- but are on fixed incomes and cash is not readily available.



                          • #14
                            Re: Clueless New Homeowner - Combined Thread (lot of questions)

                            I don't think people expect a 'stop and chat' every time they see you -- that would be crazy. I'd be careful about immediately buying and then asking for money for regraveling, plowing, etc. though. People will probably not react too kindly to a lot of demands (even if they're not presented that way) for $$ right after the house changes hands, and it IS right after Christmas.


                            • #15
                              Re: Clueless New Homeowner - Combined Thread (lot of questions)

                              Has anyone heard of or used Vigo bathroom/kitchen products? They are based in NJ but I don't think that's where everything is made. They make copies of top European products at 1/4 of the price. Nobody down here has ever heard of them. They're pretty new, so all the reviews are fairly recent and it's not clear how well these products hold up over the years. The products are so pretty and cheap though. I'm having a hard time resisting.

