Ok gang, our house is a split level so the entry runs into the upstairs and downstairs, the rooms all run into each other, the kitchen runs into the dining room, living room, etc. You get the idea.
We're having it painted. It is a bland contractor's white - probably has been for the 18 years it has been in existence. Based on our realtor's recommendation (and surprisingly all 3 painters I have bid it) we want to go with something warmer.
Any suggestions?
I don't know which painter we're going with yet so I don't know which paint they prefer to use. I have the Sherwin Williams and Hirshfield's paint decks in front of me and am leaning towards SW 6106, Kilin Beige.

I know color is hard to tell on a computer and I do plan to buy samples and put them on the wall, preferably before next week so that we can get opinions at both Thanksgiving and Christmas...
We're having it painted. It is a bland contractor's white - probably has been for the 18 years it has been in existence. Based on our realtor's recommendation (and surprisingly all 3 painters I have bid it) we want to go with something warmer.
Any suggestions?
I don't know which painter we're going with yet so I don't know which paint they prefer to use. I have the Sherwin Williams and Hirshfield's paint decks in front of me and am leaning towards SW 6106, Kilin Beige.

I know color is hard to tell on a computer and I do plan to buy samples and put them on the wall, preferably before next week so that we can get opinions at both Thanksgiving and Christmas...