I'm feeling the need for more window treatments and have suffered from sticker shock. (Roman shades for ONE triple window: $1500 ) I am thinking of making both roman shades and drapes, and eventually stitching together a duvet. (FYI - I have a new house that drained our wallets and naked windows...and a parade of people driving by every stinking day to looky-lou)
Any good references/how-to books? Sewing machine guidelines? I'm utterly clueless but would like to learn. I want custom treatments but am to cheap to pay custom prices.
Can a doofus learn their way around a sewing machine?
Any good references/how-to books? Sewing machine guidelines? I'm utterly clueless but would like to learn. I want custom treatments but am to cheap to pay custom prices.
Can a doofus learn their way around a sewing machine?