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February mojo

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  • February mojo

    Here's hoping we don't all end up resolutionaries!

    Today, my sweet tooth is in overdrive and I can't sate it. Blech.

    On the positive side, I now have a pair of jeans that are nice and loose and will probably need to shop for a new belt soon!

  • #2
    The workouts are going great but can't seem to get the eating right. I tried to sign up for WW today but the site seems to be having issues. I going to blame the food thing on nursing but sadly I know it's not the only reason why I'm eating poorly.
    Wife of a sexy Radiologist and mom to TWO adorable little boys!


    • #3
      I am really struggling, which astounds me because I did so well when I cut flour and sugar from Sept through Thanksgiving. I gained almost all my 15 lbs lost back.

      YAY for the loose jeans!

      Hang in there, Danielle.


      • #4
        Congrats on having loose jeans!!

        We bought EA Sports Active 2 for our Wii (at Costco; it was on a really good sale), and last week I started up the 9-week program (30-45 minutes 4x/week). I'm discovering just how completely out of shape my legs are. Holy cow. It's FUN, though, and so simple. They just tell you what to do, and it just goes from one exercise to the next, and each one is just a minute or two (that was the main drawback to the Wii Sports for me; having to set things up and all the time it takes to get from one exercise to the next). After my first workout, I could barely walk (and was hobbling around for 3 days afterwords due to calf and quad weakness and pain). Today's kicked my butt again. There were like 8 exercises in a row that all involved squatting. Gah!

        I honestly think I'll stick with this, though; it doesn't take too long, and the nice lady is so encouraging. I can feel myself getting stronger and having a little more energy, too. I'm also realizing that yoga has helped my core quite a bit; the reverse crunches that DH hates so much are easy peasy for me.
        Wife of EM Attending, Web Programmer, mom to one older lady scaredy-cat and one sweet-but-dumb younger boy kitty


        • #5
          Danielle - there are a bunch of us on I have to say it did make it much easier to get started and best of all, it is free! They do specifically say to not do it while nursing, but you can adjust your calorie budget to account for the extra calories you need while nursing.


          • #6
            Keep up the great work y'all!

            I've hit a major hurdle as I'm having a MAJOR asthma flair up. I'm on steroids, and I get winded using the stairs. I was up to 6 miles last week, and was supposed to do 6 again this weekend, but could only do 5... and then my asthma flaired up. I'm hoping to resume running next week, hoping I can start with two 3 mile runs, and then maybe a 6. I'm really scared that I've lost ground, but at the same time I have to give my lungs some time to recover! Ugh!
            Loving wife of neurosurgeon


            • #7
              I'm still going. Lost another 5 lbs the last time I weighed myself (a week ago?). Not too bad considering we had another week of travel in there (bad eating/missed workouts). I'll have 2 days of pilates this week (Mon and Fri), and I shoveled the hell out of my driveway Tuesday & Wednesday ... it totally counts.


              • #8
                Somehow, after being in traction for awhile, I lost 1.5 lbs this week. Go figure, especially since there was a lot of pizza and birthday cake this past weekend. I'm on loseit too, although I'm kind of sucking at keeping track the last week. I get annoyed because we make dinner at home and if I can't find a calorie count on my recipe, I have to add the ingredients individually. I'm also trying to really cut the calories to get my weight down for our trip, but I'm always over because who can eat only 1000 calories a day?? So I think I need to go back to a realistic calorie count on this thing, since I'm obviously not going to lose 6 lbs in 7 days!

                Exercise is sucking right now - I only get it walking around campus. I really need to get back into the gym, but when I'm stressed out, it gets more difficult for me to go. We are going to be doing a lot of walking on our trip, DH has said we will get up each morning and run a few laps around the ship, and we are doing some physical stuff as excursions - bike riding, kayaking - so maybe that will get me back into exercising.

                Congrats to all of you losing weight and a big "you can do it" to all of you hitting plateaus or struggling a bit!!
                Event coordinator, wife and therapist to a peds attending


                • #9
                  Thanks for the encouragement . I just signed up for lose it and hope to do just that. I ran 2 miles this morning and want to do another 2 after dh gets home....this working out thing feels good.
                  Wife of a sexy Radiologist and mom to TWO adorable little boys!


                  • #10
                    I'm doing Boot Camp with two friends at the Y for the next 12 weeks. I've also been doing cardio between an 1 hour to 1 1/2 hours just about everyday.


                    • #11
                      Good for you D - I would think that adjusting your calorie budget up by 400-500 calories daily you should be okay. There is a way to adjust the budget manually. You might just have to play around with the numbers to see what works for you in terms of losing weight and keeping your supply up.


                      • #12
                        Motivation has been a huge issue for me. I haven't lost any weight and I can't seem to get my butt in gear.

                        Nonetheless, I had a rockstar morning. Last night I had screaming 11 year old boys terrorizing our house until well past 4 am. I ate crappy pizza, cake, and cheese doodles. Yet I met my running friends after church and posted a five miler at a decent pace .

                        go me.
                        In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


                        • #13
                          Ugh...not losing but keeping up the running. Sugar is still my weakness. Is it lent yet?
                          Married to a newly minted Pediatric Rad, momma to a sweet girl and a bunch of (mostly) cute boy monsters.


                          • #14
                            cripes Kelly - I can't imagine running 5 miles. I always stall out much earlier than that. Mostly I get bored and don't want to run anymore that particular day. How do you get past that? A running group simply isn't an option for me right now, it is just me and the treadmill.


                            • #15
                              I avoided the dessert table at DH's attending's super bowl party yesterday. But had 2 glasses of wine. Oops. At least wine is healthier than cupcakes.
                              Mother of two ballerinas and one wild boy

