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February mojo

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  • #16
    My biggest problem right now is that I get frustrated when I "waste" calories. Like yesterday, I met some of my sutdents for lunch at a Chinese place...I avoided the rice, but still - just not filling for the number of calories. Same thing happened last weekend with a frozen pizza - what a bust!

    Keep up the good work everyone!!
    Wife of a PGY-4 orthopod, momma to 2 DDs, caretaker of a retired race-dog, Hawkeye!


    • #17
      Pilates this morning. I'm trying to psych myself up for a 2nd visit tonight. The boys enjoy the "Kid's Play" on M/W/Th (rockclimbing and basketball), so I try to go those nights (M/W meaning 2 trips in a day).


      • #18
        February is good for me. I'm being consistent with calories and have stepped back into my winter walking. I've been working out with one of my ballet videos too. It's been getting me big laughs from the kids so I guess o look like I feel when doing it. . I'm happy to just be enjoying it all again. Dec was crazy cold here and Jan wasn't much better. Feb is perfect for walking outside!

        I'm on loseit too but haven't been as good about recording. I won't be weighing in until I finish steroids. I don't want to get bummed out by water weight.
        ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
        ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


        • #19
          It hasn't been so great for me. The first few days were ok but the last few I haven't been consistant & I've been over eating. Guess I've fallen off the wagon. Hershey bars, too many crackers & kettle corn. Guess I'll be climbing back on with a fresh start tomorrow.
          Wife to Hand Surgeon just out of training, mom to two lovely kittys and little boy, O, born in Sept 08.


          • #20
            Omg!!! I lost 7 pounds this week. My eating has been slightly better, not great but I've been running and or swimming everyday. I am so excited to be out of the range I was in . I totally needed this today. If you are in loseit, please let me know and I can send my email and vice versa. Thanks all for the wise words and encouragement.
            Wife of a sexy Radiologist and mom to TWO adorable little boys!


            • #21
              YOU ROCK!!! Strong work, D!


              • #22
                Originally posted by Tenacious_D View Post
                Omg!!! I lost 7 pounds this week. My eating has been slightly better, not great but I've been running and or swimming everyday. I am so excited to be out of the range I was in . I totally needed this today. If you are in loseit, please let me know and I can send my email and vice versa. Thanks all for the wise words and encouragement.
                Great Job!!
                Wife to Hand Surgeon just out of training, mom to two lovely kittys and little boy, O, born in Sept 08.


                • #23
                  Danielle -I sent you a PM with my email addy.

                  I am feeling pretty good today - despite making cookies for Caleb's class (I have no will power against cookie dough). Last night I ran 2 miles, almost without stopping. I didn't walk at all, but I did have to take a potty break in the middle. (Thank you very much childbearing!)


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by HouseofWool View Post
                    I ran 2 miles, almost without stopping. I didn't walk at all, but I did have to take a potty break in the middle. (Thank you very much childbearing!)
                    LOL, this happens to me, too!
                    Married to a peds surgeon attending


                    • #25
                      Just joined lose it and sent out some friend requests. Hopefully, we can keep each other motivated on there!

                      I can't get any pics to upload on lose it. Ugh.
                      Last edited by Chrisada; 02-10-2011, 09:58 AM.


                      • #26
                        I bounced back surprisingly well, and had two good short runs this week. I'm reading this thread to get me motivated to try and do 6 miles today.

                        You guys are so inspiring!
                        Loving wife of neurosurgeon


                        • #27
                          I dug out the couch to 5k workout schedule again and will be following it more carefully. I did 2.25 miles last night without stopping - even for a potty break. This weekend I will need to do 2.75. YIKES - it seems like an eternity to me.

                          Once I hit my goal of 5K distance, I really want to work on my speed. An 11 minute mile makes for long workouts without going very far. If I could even get it down to 8 or 9 minute miles, I would be very happy. I will never be a competitive runner and I am okay with that. I would like to do a 5K this summer and possibly a 10K next year. (I like setting very achievable goals.) Any suggestions on speed work? I assume some sort of interval training would do it.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by HouseofWool View Post
                            I dug out the couch to 5k workout schedule again and will be following it more carefully. I did 2.25 miles last night without stopping - even for a potty break. This weekend I will need to do 2.75. YIKES - it seems like an eternity to me.

                            Once I hit my goal of 5K distance, I really want to work on my speed. An 11 minute mile makes for long workouts without going very far. If I could even get it down to 8 or 9 minute miles, I would be very happy. I will never be a competitive runner and I am okay with that. I would like to do a 5K this summer and possibly a 10K next year. (I like setting very achievable goals.) Any suggestions on speed work? I assume some sort of interval training would do it.
                            I'm averaging between 11-12 minute miles, but if I try to go any faster I can't do more than a mile or two!

                            I did make it to 6 miles today! Although I still can't comprehend that, that isn't even HALF of a half marathon, and it took me well over an hour!
                            Loving wife of neurosurgeon


                            • #29
                              Our group from work will start running 3x a week starting on Monday! Yay I am so ready to get back at it. Lets hope the weather holds out!
                              I got new running shoes, the Reebox Runtones!! I freaking love them, they are the most comfortable shoe I have ever owned. I had my feet looked at by one of the running shoe stores, and this is the type the recommend.
                              Wife to PGY3 Rads also proud mother of three spoiled dogs!! Some days it is hectic, but I wouldn't trade this for anything.


                              • #30
                                I'm back at it. I got to the gym 5 times this week. 2 days/ 1 hr pilates, 2 days of mixed elliptical/weights, and 1 km in the pool tonight.

