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Running Advice re knee pain?

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  • #16

    I'm going to drag dh in to get his stride checked. He wears ridiculously terrible shoes and he runs 5+ miles every time he goes running

    Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!


    • #17
      I hope that solves the problem, but have you considered talking to your doctor about this? For a bunch of people married to doctors, we seem awfully reluctant to go see one ourselves. Good shoes make a difference, and running shop people can be very knowledgeable, but they're not doctors at the end of the day.

      Not to scare you, but DH can no longer run. He had a small tear (I don't recall the details), but not enough to warrant surgery.
      IM PGY-2


      • #18
        Glad they all seem to help you! DH's ortho advice for shoes is to wear ones that are comfortable. LOL.
        Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.


        • #19
          I obviously don't want to be the one to tell you not to see a doctor, but if were me there is no way I would go see a doc right now. If I went to the doctor every time I had pains that were 1-2 on the pain scale (whatever that means, lol) I would spend half my life at the doctor's office. It sounds like the pain is triggered by working out - I don't think you mentioned any pain while walking around normally, right?

          I have had all sorts of issues since I started running. When I am really in pain, I've gone... but otherwise I try to tweak what I can and see if it helps. Oh - and when I have gone, it hasn't helped much! I had terrible plantar fasciitis and achilles tendonitis a few years back (not sure why - perhaps a little too much running around the city in cute heels). I went to see a podiatrist at the time who started giving me cortisone shots. I mentioned it to DF's roommate at the time who is now a sports medicine doc and he freaked out a little... apparently not the first step the dude should have taken. He told me to try switching my running shoes and that I should really get fitted at a running store. So I did, it helped a little. But then the pain got really bad again in a few months.

          So then I made an appointment at hospital for special surgery (which is supposed to be so amazing, and what everyone seemed to recommend in nyc) to see an ortho foot guy. I hobbled around for months waiting for the appointment and when I finally saw him he old me to stretch and got up to walk out of the room. I freaked out and went off on him a little. I was probably 24 at the time, couldn't walk (lived in a city where I also had no choice but to walk), and had waited forever to get an appointment. He finally said "what do you want me to do operate?" What prick! lol. He did end up spending more time with me and gave me prescriptions for orthotics and PT. He told me not to run anymore (apparently it "isn't good for you" lol) as well. Not running isn't an option for me, I don't care who says it. PT is great, but it isn't a quick fix and a lot of the stuff they do is stuff you can do on your own (this was what our sports med friend tells us - I didn't pay anything for it and it was a nice excuse to be able to leave work at 6:30, so I kept it up for a little bit). The orthotics eventually helped once my feet got used to them, but sometimes I wonder whether it was really the right move.

          For me, nothing helped like finding the right shoe. It took me more than a couple trips to the running store find that shoe, but when I did everything fell into place (this thread reminded me how hard that shoe was to find, and I ordered two more pairs this morning - I hate that they constantly update shoes).

          Certainly go to the Dr if you're in a ton of pain, but for me... I don't know, running hurts a little every now then. Ice, a little rest (I'm usually bad at that one), and new shoes is generally what I need.

          Also if you do end up seeing a doctor - many of my friends have had the best luck with Drs they find through local running clubs. If you're set on continuing to run, then having a Dr that runs and understands what it is like not to be able to give it up is a really nice thing. It really pissed me off when the Dr I saw told me I would have to stop running...


          • #20
            The weird thing about having your shoes fit by specialists is that your idea of "comfortable" is skewed by what you've experienced before. You have no idea what type of support "comfortable" actually entails.

            I have ridiculously high arches (as in, they don't touch the shoe/floor when I walk) and Morton's neuromae in both feet. The mechanics of my step are super weird. I always thought I'd been buying "comfy" shoes until I went to the running store and tried on something that felt like it was made for me. Granted, I still have to use orthotics, but can at least go more than two miles before limping now.


            • #21
              Oh, and anytime you have sports-related injuries going on, try to talk with someone in sports medicine. They typically have a better handle on whether it's a major injury requiring surgery (and will always refer to great orthos when necessary -- they don't mess around) or if it's a minor issue that can be treated with less drastic measures and save you the surgical recovery crapfest.


              • #22
                Yes I mentioned this to my dr at an appt for something else and he said "if it hurts don't do it.". Lol.

                Anyway it's hard to get an ortho consult here- what with the soldiers missing limbs and having legs and arms rebuilt.

                I really don't think my pain is that severe-- just something that I want to nip in the bud. I can still run on my knee- and it doesn't hurt. It's irritated this morning because I ran last night. And from what the girl who fitted me said, she wasn't surprised my knee hurt bc my shoes weren't supporting me, they weren't running shoes, plus I was on a treadmill.

                If I were in a ton of pain I would bag it bc honestly I don't love running- its just a really convenient workout and I like being able to run.

                Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!


                • #23
                  I hope the shoes work! I second having aches and pains from running. The right shoes (I am brand and type loyal and spend more money than I want to on running shoes) and orthotics have helped me with my old lady feet. I have spent time with different doctors and made it clear I will not stop running/impact exercise. Now I know my limits.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by diggitydot View Post
                    the weird thing about having your shoes fit by specialists is that your idea of "comfortable" is skewed by what you've experienced before. You have no idea what type of support "comfortable" actually entails.
                    so true!!!!


                    • #25
                      Hopefully the shoes will make a big difference. I have tendonitis in my one knee which only seems to flair up with running. I wear a band much like this and it makes all the difference in the world! It might be worth asking your DH about if you still have a little discomfort there. That and I ice afterwards (which makes it stiff and painful so its best for me to do before bed).

                      I'm not running now, but much like you I don't necessarily love it, but find its the most efficient and accessible workout... although I have to admit, I did start to enjoy it when I trained for my half marathon... never thought I would describe running with any adjective other than negative ones!
                      Loving wife of neurosurgeon


                      • #26
                        My dh said the part of my knee that I identified as most painful (keep in mind-- maybe a 1-2 pain- no limp or anything) was the ligament. Impressive that he still remembered the names of all the stuff in the knee-- it's been 4 years since he rotated with ortho.

                        Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!


                        • #27
                          I'll keep the knee band in mind though!

                          Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!


                          • #28
                            Just a follow up-- two days since I last ran and my knee feels a lot better today vs yesterday. I have hope that with a few more days rest plus using the new shoes I won't have many chronic pain issues.

                            My loose point is this-- VGirl- I hope you take care of you and get yourself those shoes. You want to avoid this-- because tho it's not a lot of pain, it's this worry now...

                            It's so hard to do something for yourself!!! I know!!!

                            Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by peggyfromwastate View Post
                              It's so hard to do something for yourself!!! I know!!!
                              I agree with this but support spending money on decent workout shoes! We don't spend money on ANYTHING since we're still in student mode and we buy good shoes. I consider it the only investment in my future that I can afford to make right now.
                              Married to a Urology Attending! (that is an understated exclamation point)
                              Mama to C (Jan 2012), D (Nov 2013), and R (April 2016). Consulting and homeschooling are my day jobs.


                              • #30
                                Okay - since I live in BFE, how do I go about finding a running store. Mostly what we have around here are chain stores and I don't think there is one that is specifically for running. Maybe I will have to check into this the next time I am down in Orlando or in Chicago.

