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Fitness/Weightloss 2013

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  • Ah - bummer about the no Greek yogurt thing. I love that stuff as a substitute for so many foods i don't allow myself to have anymore.

    The sweet craving will go away, but I can't really let myself have a taste of real sugar either or I'm hooked again. I cant even drink those muscle milks without feeling like I need a brownie. Anyway, let me know what you think about the sassy water. It's kind of a pain to keep making, but it did great things for me. After a few weeks I started adding in pineapple and strawberries for some variety. I think it still did essentially the same thing.

    Also I totally missed that you were down about 20lbs in two months. That's awesome, it sounds like you're doing everything right! I also don't think could ever eat 1200 calories a day - that is really hard! (perhaps if I had a stomach flu!). Plus I eat like a crazy person if I do a 90min hot flow class in the morning, you are doing something right!


    • Thanks for asking. Silly cold is still around. Seems like its in my ears now. I'm still going to my Happy Class tonight anyways.
      Wife to PGY5. Mommy to baby girl born 11/2009. Cat mommy since 2002
      "“If you don't know where you are going any road can take you there”"


      • Originally posted by Sheherezade View Post
        Any thoughts on skipping meals? (Seems like that would help so I could eat a "real" meal once in a while) I know it's ill advised, but damn.

        Also, has anyone done Intermittent Fasting? I've seen that with both eating once a day (but a 1000 cal meal) and also with cycled days of extreme low cal and a scheduled higher cal day.

        I know I could just plan that out around weekly calorie allotments, but at this point I feel like having a high cal day might just lead me to say F- it all together, so I'm nervous.....
        I'm not so sure it's ill advised at the moment. There was all that buzz at the beginning of the year about the "8 hour diet." I think it sounds like what you are looking for. I honestly don't know much about it, but it was all over the news - so might be worth considering. (although I doubt you'll see results like you have been....).


        • It's a beautiful 38* out today. I've not walked around the block (4.5 miles) since October. Today, I decide to go. I rode my *very hot* horse this AM. Then did my walk. I may have been a boot camp drop out, but I'll still keep up my walks/rides. Walking through gooshy mud and lots of slush made it harder. StupidDamnHillsMyAssHurts.
          ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~


          • I don't feel full with a carb-heavy breakfast, at all. I'm usually full for hours after a breakfast of 3-4 egg whites, a little turkey sausage, and some spinach all scrambled together.

            My body doesn't process carbs well. They make me hungry and sluggish. I have more energy and less hunger with a Paleo-type diet.


            • Originally posted by diggitydot View Post
              I don't feel full with a carb-heavy breakfast, at all. I'm usually full for hours after a breakfast of 3-4 egg whites, a little turkey sausage, and some spinach all scrambled together.

              My body doesn't process carbs well. They make me hungry and sluggish. I have more energy and less hunger with a Paleo-type diet.
              This is me, too.
              I counted calories for 2 years in college, and gained it all back. I have to eat a lot.
              Lean meats, fruits and veggies (and organic half and half in my coffee).
              I eat when I want, and until I'm full.

              If you restrict calories too much, you may be losing muscle instead of fat. What is your typical work out routine? What are your long term goals?

              Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
              Wife to Family Medicine attending, Mom to DS1 and DS2
              Professional Relocation Specialist &
              "The Official IMSN Enabler"


              • Long term, I'd like to get back to my healthy college weight. (135 lbs or so) I'm an athletic person 5'7" and after having babies I ended up pinging around 160-170. I'm 45. For the last three years, I've been on a fitness kick; I had the idea that I could eat healthy, workout and that I'd just find my healthy weight. To that end, I lean towards veggies and and lean meats - limiting carbs and no dairy at all. Still, with working out 5-6 times a week, I never saw the scale budge more than 5 lbs down over 3 years. It was this total bummer that lead me to count calories after the new year. Obviously, that's done the trick since I've dropped 20 lbs. I literally eat too much if left to my own devices - even if I limit my acceptable foods. I can eat 7 pieces of fruit in an afternoon -- and down 4 chicken breasts. It's insane. I think I must have a hollow leg.

                For exercise, I do Bikram Yoga once a week, Hot Power Yoga 3x week and take a Fusion Exercise class (BodyPump style) once a week and I walk in the woods a few times a week with the dog and hit the spin bike once each weekend. I am very strong with weights and have decent endurance with aerobic activities. Sadly, I've inherited my dad's college linebacker body and appetite --- not so desirable in a woman! I'm happy with my fitness level but I need to get the appetite under control.
                Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
                Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

                "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"


                • Have you seen She has a bunch of healthier recipes and section on sweets if you have cravings...


                  • Thanks for the website! That will help with the dairy free. The potato soup on the front page looks insanely good. I may have to make that tomorrow.

                    I ran one of her yummiest recipes (Pecan Toffee Pudding) through my recipe calorie thing on the Loseit app and it came in at 449 for a small serving, so I suppose I'll still have to save up calories to get yumminess.
                    Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
                    Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

                    "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"


                    • I've started making no-bake cookies with some almond butter, a little bit of coconut oil, flaked organic coconut, and dark mini chocolate chips. Just mix them together to form small, nickel-sized balls and then chill. They satisfy my sweet tooth, don't recharge sugar cravings, and are entirely Paleo.


                      • Yum. Sounds delicious. I may make some and hide those in the freezer. Then convince myself to eat just 2 at a time.
                        Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
                        Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

                        "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"


                        • Originally posted by diggitydot View Post
                          I've started making no-bake cookies with some almond butter, a little bit of coconut oil, flaked organic coconut, and dark mini chocolate chips. Just mix them together to form small, nickel-sized balls and then chill. They satisfy my sweet tooth, don't recharge sugar cravings, and are entirely Paleo.
                          Is this recipe on your pinterest board? I need it!


                          • Angie, I've done IFing with great success in the past. It's not easy to adjust to, though, and if you're hungry much of the time, you're going to be white-knuckling it. (there are a lot of interesting studies on IF, if you're interested.) My typical breakfast is 3 eggs and 3 bacon. It comes out to ~375 calories and keeps me full for HOURS.

                            I had to get nutrition software for school; I think I'm going to start logging again out of curiosity.


                            • Originally posted by BonBon View Post
                              Is this recipe on your pinterest board? I need it!
                              Nope, I was just dicking around the other night and experimenting. It was probably 3/4 c. almond butter, 1/4-1/2 c. coconut, 1 tsp. coconut oil, and a 3-4 tablespoons of mini Ghirardelli dark chocolate chips. I adjusted some of the amounts until it was at the right consistency to form a stiff "dough", formed them into balls, and then stuck them in the fridge for a few minutes for the coconut oil to solidify. Took all of 5 minutes, start to finish. And they're pretty filling with the almond butter.


                              • Awesome, thank you!!

