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How are you exercising?
Originally posted by diggitydot View PostIt doesn’t hurt to just go in and talk to them. The people at the one here are fucking amazing and wildly supportive. Even if it was 100% out-of-pocket for me, I’d have still done it.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss
Originally posted by PrincessFiona View PostThanks! I’m going to look at that right now!
Sent from my iPhone using TapatalkAllison - professor; wife to a urology attending; mom to baby girl E (11/13), baby boy C (2/16), and a spoiled cat; knitter and hoarder of yarn; photographer
Originally posted by spotty_dog View PostWhenever I want to get back to moving my body I try to start slowly and sustainably. Especially because my feet have been a nightmare for the past few years and I know if they get bad enough I will be truly crippled and that scares me.
Lately I've been remembering how good it feels to be in shape for running, and how good it is for my heart health. Also, I got my athletic puppy precisely because I wanted a running partner, even though I basically quit running shortly after I started searching for him ~3 years ago.So I've decided to run a 10k in August. My hope is to be at about 15 miles of running per week by mid-June, and then to do an 8-week run training program in hopes of running a moderately fast 10k. This week I've done a 35-45 minute walk/jog every 2-3 days and gone for a 3-5 mile hike most days in between. (And left my purse at HOME, LOL!) I try to do long warmups and cooldowns, and stretch during and after, in hopes of coddling my poor ol' body.
I feel like for another aspect of long-term health I need to get strength training back into the mix, but gyms aren't an option where I live. I do try to do bodyweight exercises now and again. The None to Run plan has some very simple bodyweight workouts that feel like a good start, I should do those regularly and go from there!
@MDPhDWife I think @SoonerTexan has done OT?
I did it for ~2.5 with a break in between for a pregnancy. Loved it, especially when I was working and needed to get efficient workouts in. However, I ended up switching to the Y a few months after I quit working. I just needed a place with childcare so I could work out during the day and the Y was cheaper overall and included childcare.
Right now, I'm mostly sitting on my butt. 3rd Trimester is killing me. Check back in August or so...Last edited by SoonerTexan; 04-17-2019, 12:35 PM.Married to a newly minted Pediatric Rad, momma to a sweet girl and a bunch of (mostly) cute boy monsters.
I’ve done Orange Theory the last two years. I have taken off the last two months because of a hip injury and boredom. I have to decide if I will continue. I have been doing Club Pilates, a franchise with classes using reformers and other Pilates equipment. I like it but it’s not cardio. I am testing out the Sweat App by that BBG girl. It’s okay.
Sent from my iPhone using TapatalkNeeds
Originally posted by PrincessFiona View PostThat’s encouraging. I need the support. I think it’s the main thing keeping me from being successful. I think I’ll look into it again.
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For example, one of my weaknesses is Reese's Peanut Butter cups, and this last Christmas there were huge half pound ones. I was telling my Aunt about eating one, and she said NO, YOU WILL NOT. DON'T YOU DARE. And thanks to her, I didn't. I needed her to stop me.
I have several friends who I text every night and we talk over how the eating day went. Then I have several more friends I text right after I weigh, and we either cheer, or cry together. But I don`t know what I would have done without them. I`m so much more resilient with them in my life.token iMSN "not a medical spouse"
Originally posted by TulipsAndSunscreen View PostAnd you’re right to make it about total workout time and not speed. When I’ve got a limitation (injury, pregnant, etc), I always try to move for 40-50 minutes regardless of how far I go.
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I've gone to two Burn Boot Camps this week. Trying to get back into exercise while I still have DH at home to watch G. Once he starts residency I'll need to transition to mostly home workouts due to childcare issues, but until then I think group classes are good for increasing my confidence and motivation.
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Even when I belonged to a traditional gym what helped most was coming up with a reasonable exercise schedule and then doing it no matter what. As soon as I think "should I go?" I begin coming up with excuses not to. And for the most part I enjoy exercise! Travel, illness, and moving are the only acceptable excuses. I'm still Crossfitting -- class MWF and private training Thursdays. It looks like I'll be switching to MFS class so I can lift heavy on Thursdays and Sundays. I'm excited because 6-12 months ago I wasn't conditioned enough to add another day.
I haven't weighed myself in over two years. I'm the biggest and I'm sure heaviest I've ever been in my life but because of powerlifting I don't care. Last fall was the first time in my adult life I totally stopped thinking about losing weight. It was so liberating. Not that I'm suddenly under the impression I'll CrossFit my way to a smaller size. Quite the opposite. I've never been so convinced that the gym is where you gain muscle and the kitchen is where you gain/lose fat. The point is sure, aesthetically I'd prefer to have less fat but I'm the strongest and fastest I've ever been in my life. It's more rewarding for me to see more weight on the bar than less weight on the scale. The only downside? I try on a traditional pair of jeans and they get stuck halfway up my quads.
Originally posted by Bluejay View PostI have lost 139 pounds. The biggest single thing I have done to lose that much weight is social support. I have friends who will cheer me on when I'm making good choices with diet and exercise, and they know my weaknesses, like sugar binges, and help steer me away from them, or commiserate and cheer me up with I screw up. I don't know how many times my friends have told me, Get up, and try again.
For example, one of my weaknesses is Reese's Peanut Butter cups, and this last Christmas there were huge half pound ones. I was telling my Aunt about eating one, and she said NO, YOU WILL NOT. DON'T YOU DARE. And thanks to her, I didn't. I needed her to stop me.
I have several friends who I text every night and we talk over how the eating day went. Then I have several more friends I text right after I weigh, and we either cheer, or cry together. But I don`t know what I would have done without them. I`m so much more resilient with them in my life.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss
Originally posted by PrincessFiona View PostThis is amazing. It is my goal. Can I ask how long it took? Are you doing a similar bariatric program to Wendy or are you doing something on your own? I’d love to connect with you and Wendy about supporting each other. My weakness is Thomas’ chocolates. He is skinny and eats German chocolate like it’s going out of style. I do okay during the day and then binge on chocolate at night. Thomas is no help. He tells me I deserve to treat myself. Umm. Have you looked at me?
Sent from my iPhone using TapatalkLast edited by Bluejay; 04-18-2019, 08:03 PM.token iMSN "not a medical spouse"
Originally posted by Bluejay View PostLosing 142 pounds -after today's weigh - took, well, I've lost track of how much time. 3 or 4 years, something like that. No, I am not doing a program, just doing my own thing. Losing weight gets easier the farther you go. It's not like you have to hit 200 pounds to feel good. When you go down a clothing size, you feel good, even if it is from 3X to 2X. I still weigh about 30 pounds from where I hope to be. But I don't think of myself as fat anymore. I've lost enough that I'm close to having a normal BMI, and that I look good in clothes. Also it gets easier and more enjoyable to exercise, and you have more options. For example, I couldn't have run at my highest weight, but I did walk. It'll get better along the way.
I’ve recruited 2 friends to be my support people, and I’m excited to get started. I’ll wait until after the Easter weekend.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss
Originally posted by PrincessFiona View PostHow have you stuck with it for so long? I’m so impatient.
I’ve recruited 2 friends to be my support people, and I’m excited to get started. I’ll wait until after the Easter weekend.
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First, the eating and exercising are things I always plan on doing. Permanent. So it's not like I'm telling myself, lose 10 more pounds and you can go back to eating at McDonalds, but rather I tell myself that I have made long term choices. So I have eaten a certain way for probably and run for maybe 4 years now, and I plan to just stick with it.
The other way i can stick with it is that there are little rewards along the way. In my post i said how good it feels to go down a size. When I shop at a thrift store and see something cute in a smaller size I buy it, and stick it in my box. So the cute clothes that I can wear finally are a great incentive. There are other things, like when I could cross my legs. That was exciting. And, this one is TMI, but when you can go to the bathroom and wipe back to front. I've been able to do that a while now. So, I've been able to stick with it because of the rewards along the way. It's not something where 100% of the good stuff comes when you reach your final goal, but rather it comes little by little along the way. I still weigh about 167 pounds, so I'm not really tiny yet. But, the other day I saw a friend who hadn't seen me for two years, and she was very excited about how small I was. That was cool too. So I stick with it becuase I get all these little rewards as I go along.
Something else I just thought of. Last time my doctor tested my pulse and BP they were low, and he said that I had a runner's pulse and BP. I know I'm not the greatest runner, but him saying that felt good. Another reward as i go along. Also, I had restrictive lung disease when I was big, which basically meant that the fat on my chest meant that I could not take a deep breath. I don't have this anymore. So, lots of rewards along the way.
Two more intermediate gifts that I remembered are that I no longer need wide shoes. My feet are big anyway, like size 10/11 but when the wide width that I have when I am big is added in they are almost impossible to find. So having a regular width and being able to buy shoes more easily is one. The other is when I am big my fingers look like sausages, but as I lose so do they so I have to resize my rings. OK, I'll try to stop editing my post lol, which I have done 3 times now, but I hope I have made the point that good and exciting things come along the way.Last edited by Bluejay; 04-19-2019, 07:16 PM.token iMSN "not a medical spouse"