My friend in Anchorage said she'd feel compelled to participate as well! Another Jen stepping up for Kris! (Another REDHEAD Jen if you can believe it!).
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Let's do it!
I can't do Alaska because of timing, but I'd love to do Maui if LLS will benefit from it. I would definitely have to walk most of it, though, because there is no way I would EVER make it if I had to actually run! Other than Rapunzel and myself, is there anyone else interested in Maui? 8)
Oh! This is great! I can't commit to joining in any way now, but I will be a "Go Runners!" girl. Actually, I just posted under the fitness part about online workout buddies. Do you guys partner up for this?
Anchorage. Sounds fantastic. Always wanted to go to Alaska. Maui; my dad lives in Hawaii. There's usually a Honolulu marathon, but I haven't looked into whether Team in Training participates. I just know it is later in the year. Regardless, since there are tons of marathons, I'll just cheer for the miles and the hours and the sweat and the coughing (but maybe not the spitting, never did like the spitting) adn for the baby steps when 26 miles seems SO very impossible.
:ra: :weight: :ra:
I'm *pretty* sure you can do the training but do other marathons instead if the targeted one doesn't work for you. When I trained for Portland there were several people on my team that ended up running a different marathon. Something to think about, though I'd be totally up for a trip to AK when not pregnant.Awake is the new sleep!
I know that I'm supposed to jump on the bandwagon here...but...<gulp> I can not do another Spring marathon while I live in these climes.
Seriously, it sucks running in ski gear in sub zero weather. I trained for a Spring marathon a few years ago and I felt like a nutjob running out in the blinding snow unable to see the path. Kris, you know that I love you, but I can't do Alaska in June because Minnesota in January is hell.
Nonetheless, I will run a fall marathon like Twin Cities, Chicago, or NYC in honor of Kris. I will raise funds as well. The TNT group here meets on the other side of the city and would entail getting a weekly babysitter so I may not join "officially", but I'm there for you.
KellyIn my dreams I run with the Kenyans.
I'm waiting to hear what their fall marathons are going to be- I'll let everyone know.
I decided that there's no way I can train for a tri and move at the same time. Walking/Running- I'm doing that anyway, but I can't add two more sports at the same time we're packing up life.
But I'm already plotting how to train for something.
I'm telling ya, Jenn, we should do the Maui one. It's several months after we move and - IT'S HAWAII, baby!
I'd be a wimpy walker but I could at least consider the September one. And, if I'm training by walking/running in the Texas summer heat I'll be ready for anything!
Who uses a machete to cut through red tape
With fingernails that shine like justice
And a voice that is dark like tinted glass
Now, I only have a rough idea of how Team in Training works. We'd join a local chapter, yes? And they'd help us with both training and fundraising? Couldn't we just do the event of our choice (marathon, 1/2, tri, century) close to home and dedicate our performance to Kris' name and our funds in her honor? Though it'd be fun for as many people as possible to get together for the same event, I hope that doesn't have to leave out those of us who A) don't run or B) can't travel next June.
And guys, I think their training is really good even for beginners. I know someone who got into racing triathlons through them -- she has done a half dozen and while she came in "dead last" on the first several she isn't any longer -- and she's had a blast with every one.
Anyway, I'll send in my "Tell me more" form! Great idea!Alison
Originally posted by jloreineI'm waiting to hear what their fall marathons are going to be- I'll let everyone know.
Click on Destinations to see some events through December 2006 (including October 30 in Dublin, Ireland!)Alison
I'd love to offer any kind of help and support, as long as I don't have to run myself. So far my only marathon events have been eating and shopping. I'd probably end up being one of those women who has to stop to pee/eat/drink/rest every hour or so. My talents would be better used to equip everyone with a cute uniform and running/walking shoes.
Well, we have our official Team Uniform Coodinator.
Vishenka- you're hired! (and I look terrible in pastels, if that matters)
Jenn S- I'd so be up for Maui. and of course, we could actually be stationed there (since we aren't going to find out until FEBRUARY...I'm still having my very active fantasy life)
Alison- I did the Dublin Marathon- and it was GREAT. (and all flat!) slightly chilly but really, really fun. Much funner than the Avon walk through DC.
and yes, anyone who wants to participate is welcome to stay local, although they do handle the transportation, etc. for travelers. (at least Arthritis does and I can't see them doing it differently- there were T in T people in Dublin, too. I'll actually go anywhere, just because, well, I like to travel and if I have to walk/run 26 miles to get a free vacation,- I'll do it.)
Okay, after reflection, here is what I can do.
1) I will support Kris by supporting your campaigns. Please P.M. me and I'll make a smallish donation to as many people as I can.
2) I will run a fall marathon in honor of Kris, but not formally sponsored by TNT. That way I can squeeze in runs whenever I can and am able to afford it by staying local.
KellyIn my dreams I run with the Kenyans.
Depending on when this is going to happen...I'll try and walk something.
Do they have a 5 miler?
kris~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss
I'm going to our area TiT meeting. (OK.....some things just can't be abbrieviated.) It is in a few weeks. (Alison in Oh: the Cleveland Heights meting was sooner I think. I'm planning on going to the Solon meeting.) Seems like now they are training towards the June events. I am thinking that something in the late summer of fall would work better for me. I could do walking or walk/run if we were going to get together for a single event. Otherwise, I might do a century cycling event because there is greater hope that I will be able to accomplish that. Running long distances is torture no matter how hard I try. BIG hurdle there. Biking long distances can feel fun.
When I go to the meeting, I'll post what I find out from them. From the website, it looks like you need to raise 1500 dollars? Is that correct? I'm game to try - but I'd want to have a fundraising game plan before I jumped in. That's a lot of moola!Angie
Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)
"Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"