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Do you like white meat or dark meat?

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  • #16
    Sauteed chicken breasts can be fork-tender and juicy too, just dredge in flour (better yet, a flour/herb/salt & pepper mixture) cook them in hot oil or oil/butter blend for exactly 4 minutes tenderloin-down, then flip and cook until the milky juices come up around the tenderloin and the breast is as firm as a...well this is a family forum, so I'll just say, as firm as a firm piece of...meat.

    Sigh. Well cooked chicken dishes are one of the culinary accomplishments I am proud of, which was part of the problem I had with sticking to a pescetarian diet.
    I totally agree!


    • #17
      Stop overcooking your white meat, and throw out that 'thunderthigh' dark meat.

      Tofu in no way equals white meat.

      I like my white meat about 5'-7", 126lbs, and in the CA-(almost 2) variety.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Stella
        I guess it differs depending on how I'm eating the chicken. If I'm going to chow down on the bone of the bird, I'm going straight for the leg. If I'm grilling chicken for a salad or scallopini or something, I'd definitely choose breast meat.
        Grilled breast can also be very juicy if not overcooked. And Ina's duck recipe rocks!


        • #19
          Originally posted by pstone
          5'-7", 126lbs

          Jealous. Maybe I do need to stop eating the dark meat. I like the skin too. Sue me.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Stella
            Originally posted by pstone
            5'-7", 126lbs

            Jealous. Maybe I do need to stop eating the dark meat. I like the skin too. Sue me.
            Just stand next to me and you'll feel much better.


            • #21
              Nobody is suing anyone, but white meat is better for you, not that I meant in that way really.

              do love my wife however.

