So, what do you think?
I could go with the "Red" "Blue" "purple" theme but that's kind of cheesy- then I was thinking of "Americana"- hotdogs and apple pie kind of thing or I was thinking of regions- Northeast, Southeast, etc.
I'm giving all of the kids blank maps of the US that they can color in whatever colors they'd like but I'm also doing one big one for color for the grown-ups. I'm also pulling the spreads from Cilliza's site on the WashPost website for side bets.
We're having probably 20 or so people- at least 10 kids and of course, being my neighborhood, half are vegetarians. We also are going to need lots of beer and wine.
So- what do you guys think for food?
I could go with the "Red" "Blue" "purple" theme but that's kind of cheesy- then I was thinking of "Americana"- hotdogs and apple pie kind of thing or I was thinking of regions- Northeast, Southeast, etc.
I'm giving all of the kids blank maps of the US that they can color in whatever colors they'd like but I'm also doing one big one for color for the grown-ups. I'm also pulling the spreads from Cilliza's site on the WashPost website for side bets.
We're having probably 20 or so people- at least 10 kids and of course, being my neighborhood, half are vegetarians. We also are going to need lots of beer and wine.
So- what do you guys think for food?