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Best Concert You've Ever Been To

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  • #31
    Without a doubt U2, Nov. 1st, 1987 Hoosier Dome Indianapolis. I remember an opening act coming out & covering a couple of country tunes...the crowd near the stage was going nuts and those not near the stage, were like "WTF?" The band Los Lobos was supposed to open? Eventually Los Lobos made it out and had the crowd singing along with la bamba. At one point, they asked the crowd what they thought of the country western band "Dalton Brothers?" The reply was less than lukewarm, except from those around the stage...that's when they let everyone in on the true identity of the "Dalton Brothers," aka 4 blokes from Dublin: Larry, Bono, The Edge& Adam!! They wanted to prank the crowd& came out in cowboy hats & the whole 9yards...those near the front could see it was actually them! When they came back out as U2...well... it was fan- ℉uck!ng-tastic!!!!! It was such an amazing was my senior year in HS.

    A very close second or perhaps "Best in a smaller venue" would have to be Squeeze w/opening act Aimee Mann, @ The Vogue in Indianapolis IN.
    Last edited by Momo; 12-05-2014, 12:45 AM.


    • #32
      10/16/89 Grateful Dead at Meadowlands. Dark Star. nuff said.
      Enabler of DW and 5 kids
      Let's go Mets!


      • #33
        Originally posted by WolfpackWife View Post
        Second would have to be Alison Krauss and Union Station in August of 2011.
        I saw AK & US open for Bela Fleck & Flecktones sometime in the early 90s at a small venue in north Jersey. We were in the first few rows somewhere - it was a great show!
        Enabler of DW and 5 kids
        Let's go Mets!


        • #34
          Hmm, I'd have to say Garth Brooks in the mid 90's was the most memorable. I've been wanting to go see him again in Vegas. He put on one helluva show. More recently, we saw P!nk's opening show for her Truth About Love tour the day before Valentine's Day this year and she also puts on a great show. It was sorta like a Cirque du Soleil combined with a concert. Her acrobatic talent is really awesome.

          I've always wanted to see DMB.
          Charlene~Married to an attending Ophtho Mudphud and Mom to 2 daughters


          • #35
            Ooh I've seen Garth twice, he does put on a great show. I tried to talk DH into a Vegas show if his last year but at $200+ each he wouldn't go, he's not a fan.
            Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


            • #36
              I've seen Gogol Bordello twice now (Dublin 2008, Belfast 2011) and of all the bands I've seen, they put on the best live shows. Eugene Hutz and the entire band are incredibly energetic on stage and the gypsy punk music really gets the crowd going.


              • #37
                Originally posted by McPants View Post
                I've seen Gogol Bordello twice now (Dublin 2008, Belfast 2011) and of all the bands I've seen, they put on the best live shows. Eugene Hutz and the entire band are incredibly energetic on stage and the gypsy punk music really gets the crowd going.

                I would love to see them live.

                Have you watched the movie "Everything is Illuminated"? Eugene Hutz has a prominent role opposite Elijah Wood. It's a very good movie.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by diggitydot View Post
                  I would love to see them live.

                  Have you watched the movie "Everything is Illuminated"? Eugene Hutz has a prominent role opposite Elijah Wood. It's a very good movie.
                  I had no idea that's who that was! He was great in that movie. "Many girls want to get carnal with me because I am such premium dancer!"
                  Wife of PGY-4 (of 6), cat herder, and mom to a sassy-pants four-nager.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by diggitydot View Post
                    I would love to see them live.

                    Have you watched the movie "Everything is Illuminated"? Eugene Hutz has a prominent role opposite Elijah Wood. It's a very good movie.
                    You really should go see them. Since they're touring constantly, I'm sure they'll hit the PNW sooner or later.

                    I've got that movie on my computer but haven't gotten around to watching it yet. Doesn't the band feature briefly in the movie too by the way?


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by fluffhead View Post
                      10/16/89 Grateful Dead at Meadowlands. Dark Star. nuff said.
                      Would have loved to see them!
                      Wife, support system, and partner-in-crime to PGY-3 (IM) and spoiler of our 11 y/o yellow lab



                      • #41
                        Originally posted by McPants View Post
                        You really should go see them. Since they're touring constantly, I'm sure they'll hit the PNW sooner or later.

                        I've got that movie on my computer but haven't gotten around to watching it yet. Doesn't the band feature briefly in the movie too by the way?
                        Yup, but very briefly. "Blink and you'll miss it" kind of quick.

                        I didn't realize they were touring. I'll have to keep an eye out. Unless they're nearby, it will be a major road trip, though. The nearest "large" town that gets any decent acts is still 3 hours away.


                        • #42
                          What was the best concert I've been to? That's really hard to say because they're all such different experiences. Plus I grew up in Austin which calls itself the live music capitol of the world. Every night there is live music playing at several places and you can feel the music in the air. Then there is Austin City Limits which is in Austin and airs on PBS and brings many musicians. Needless to say I've been to several Willie Nelson concerts which is like an authentic Austin music scene must do. And seen loads of famous jazz and blues players there while eating BBQ. Yep, that's how they do it.

                          I think I've mentioned this before on here that my first big concert was at age 15. I went with my best friend and her Mom and her Mom's friends to an Areosmith concert. It was at South Park Meadows when it was just this big open field and platform stage. We went "Crazy". It was our also our favorite song.

                          I saw Jewel twice in Austin before she became famous. The first time was at Liberty Lunch when she was the opening act. I knew then she was going to be famous.

                          Probably the more memorable big stage production was when I went with my brothers to a Metallica concert with pyrotechnics. A stuntman fell from the ceiling on fire and I screamed my brains out in horror not knowing that was part of the act.

                          Other memorable big concerts were Pink Floyd "Roger Waters", Pearl Jam, Papa Roach at a Halloween Concert. The Gipsy Kings in Dallas. Oh and seeing Bob Dylan and Paul Simon tour at The Gorge Amphitheater, which is probably the most breath taking music venue I've ever been to.

                          Then of course there's the huge music festivals with multiple famous musicians playing that I've been too but is too long to list. I think it's good to have the music festival experience at least once in your life but I've found for myself as an introvert it can become overwhelming and taxing quickly.

                          I prefer small intimate concerts like seeing a popular Egyptian band names Wust el Balad live in downtown Cairo at the After 8 Club. Though it was really smoky in the club and I was told it's better to see them at one of the culture wheel events out in the open where the smoke doesn't get to you so much.

                          There are still a lot of musicians I'd love to see like U2 and Elton John. I'd really like to see some of the girl acts too like Madonna, Katy Perry, Brittney, Beyonce. They look like they can really put on a good show.
                          Last edited by Cinderella; 04-05-2013, 11:24 PM.
                          PGY4 Nephrology Fellow

                          Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing there is a field. I'll meet you there.

                          ~ Rumi

