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Amazing Race....Good for kids?

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  • Amazing Race....Good for kids?

    I see that the new amazing race starts tonight. I was wondering if you faithful fans would recommend this show for 10 year olds? I'm thinking of watching it with my son. Would it hold his interest?
    Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
    Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

    "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"

  • #2
    I love Amazing Race and I think a 10 year old would enjoy it and it would be appropriate for him to watch.

    Hopefully I won't be watching it tonight thinking "OMG, I can't believe I thought this would be ok!"


    • #3
      I watch it with my kids. I don't prescreen. If something did come up, I would just say something about it then. I tivo it too. Honestly though, I don't have to have to add a lot of commentary. I am pretty comfortable with my kids being exposed to a wide variety of people and things though - not that this show is way out there!
      Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.


      • #4
        That was one thing that popped into my head -- some of the pairs can be mean to each other. But there are always a few teams that work really well together.


        • #5
          I'd think the content would be fine for a 10 year old, but Tara did bring up some good points. Either pre-screening or on-the-fly ... depending on what you're most comfortable with. You will see some team mates not acting very team-like ... but don't have to worry about stupid girls in bikinis or like what you would see on Fear Factor.


          • #6
            My 4 and 7 year olds love AR, so they say. My 7y DD can sit and watch the entire show. She's a couch potato, though. My 4y DD watches and plays, so she's half paying attention. My 2y DS mostly plays and glances at the screen occasionally. My 1y DD is usually in bed.

            I put the kids to bed before AR started so I'm watching by myself. (DH is on call and had to go to the hospital.) I totally forgot it started today and realized when I was flipping channels!

            I think it's educational for the kids to see images from the different countries. Sometimes the banter between the contestants can be totally inappropriate. I just hope the kids aren't paying attention at that point.


            • #7
              btw, thank you SO MUCH for letting me know this was on tonight! I would have been disappointed to miss it. My to-do list can wait.


              • #8
                I thought it was really good! SO watched it with me. We loved the Kentucky couple. He kept going, "Yeah, that's right, I'm the man, I'm in charge!" I replied (from the kitchen) with, "Great, I'll sit down in front of the TV while you cook ME dinner then, Mr. Large and In Charge. Do it yourself." (Just kidding of course. )

                We're just waiting for the Beauty Queens to get eliminated. I swear if they introduce themselves one more time as Miss California and Miss New York giggle giggle giggle, I'm going to lose it.


                • #9
                  It cracks me up the that cheerleaders jump and clap each time they find something. Must be in their blood.

                  I like the Kentucky woman. Her wonder at seeing Beijing and then eating those fish eyes. She did the best of anyone! I liked the Indian couple and was sad to see them go.


                  • #10
                    The Kentucky couple cracks me up, they are so stereotypical, which I guess is what the producers are going for a lot of the time.
                    The worst part about it is that this couple insists on wearing my alma mater's insignia on everything.

                    I like the Asian boys (cerebral and cut! 8) ) and the sweet Indian couple that got cut.

                    In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by kmbsjbcgb
                      I like the Asian boys (cerebral and cut! 8) ) and the sweet Indian couple that got cut.

                      Was I the only one who got slightly emotional when the Indian couple got cut and they were so grateful for the experience and just so... in love? :---

                      I hope I'm like that once I've been married for a while....


                      • #12
                        I loved that the Indian guy called his wife "love". :--- The Muslim guys from Cleveland cracked me up. I was sorry to see them go so quickly. The Kentucky couple are hilarious, but then surprise me. When she was trying to get up the wall, he was trying to be encouraging ... even saying how proud he was and she said "Yeah. Sure you are."

                        The cheerleaders may be crazy ... like a fox. The clapping, and landing at the check in while slapping their legs was just CRAZY. That said - they kicked that wall's ASS.

                        The beauty queen's have to go. The 'disappointed dad' / lesbian daughter team seem to work well together - but it always seems like dad is checking out all of the guys around him looking for one that will 'fix' his daughter.

                        No old folks on this one!

                        What about the triatheletes? She's seriously cut in her upper body - totally strong and clearly fit. But she's willing to use the 'boarding early' thing?? The one that bugged me the most was the cab-stealing b/c of an 'emergency' while gesturing to her prosthetic. That's bad karma baby.

                        I love the single mom's from Alabama. I almost teared up when they made it up the wall (but I'm a tad emotional right now)


                        • #13
                          Has anyone been watching this season?

                          Peter is SUCH a jackass!!! How can he whine and complain at Sarah about speeding up when he KNOWS her leg isn't working right?

                          I've got to say I'm totally impressed with 'Alabama'. They've really held their own! I like the Cho brothers, too.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Momof4
                            I love Kentucky too! I hope they get to stay in the race after this next leg. She was so funny back in another episode when she said, "we've never been around gay people...I like 'em!"
                            I really like how Kentucky has befriended such diverse groups! If you went with the stereotypical-never-left-Kentucky-coalminer, you wouldn't think they would have buddied up with the gay guys, the Asians, and the black women! I love that that isn't the case!!!!

                            DH nearly jumped through the t.v. when Kimberly was whining about India and how she wanted to be with all of the "rich people in Europe". Ummm ... yeah. India is poor. Where have you been???


                            • #15
                              We're sick of Peter too and were saying "I'm just not having fun with you, Peter, especially when you eat like THAT!". What a pig.

                              I like the Cho bros too and hope Kentucky does well on the next leg. Favorite thing she has said: I am MORE than serious.

