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Today, I was feeling sort of okay so I pulled myself together (i.e. put on the yoga pants and a clean t-shirt) and tried to take the boys out to a puppet show. This was supposed to occupy the entire morning. When we got there, the boys staged a sit-in. K1 refused to enter the room and seated himself on the floor just outside the door so he could block other people from entering as well. K2 joined in because, hey, if Big Brother's doin' it, it must be fun. So there I am begging them to get up off the floor and just go to the puppet show and they are flatly refusing. K1 kept saying, very calmly, "No. I don't want to." He sounded like Bartelby the Scrivener. And I'm becoming more and more frustrated because any threat at that point would involve hauling them out to the car in the 100* heat and then having to find another way to occupy them all morning. It's like *I* really want to go to the toddler puppet show? Why am I begging them to do something that is supposed to be fun for them? I could care less about going to the puppet show but what else am I going to do with them? And, if we leave, am I rewarding them for their protest? But if I force them to sit in the puppet show, I know they'll just be disruptive. So I'm hissing at them, "if we leave here, we are going to do something that Mommy wants and it's not going to be fun for you. . ." but I cannot imagine what that would be because I cannot exactly take two uncooperative boys with me to get a pedicure. Oh, I just hate it when they do that.Wife and #1 Fan of Attending Adult & Geriatric Psychiatrist.
Originally posted by v-girl View PostAloe Vera is your friend.Originally posted by HouseofWool View PostAnd hydrocortisone creamWife of a surgical fellow; Mom to a busy toddler girl and 5 furballs (2 cats, 3 dogs)
Today I had lunch with one of the residents from my hubby's first residency program, she's a pgy5 and had an 11 week old baby and has to go back next week to work, and she weeped the entire time about it. I just wanted to tell her that it was going to be ok, and that the baby would be ok and that in just 11 months she'd be done and having tons of time with him.
Today my sitter actually cleaned up the mess she and the kids made. That surprised me.
Today I am very tired from a baby who appears to be going through a growth spurt and feeding all night long.
I cant compete with my parents. They've been watching N the last two weeks, and moreso than usual because they've been helping me out while I feel sick. Earlier this week, N cried and pushed me away when I told her it was time to leave their house. She gets super excited when I tell her we are going to Grandma's. I'm boring and unfun in comparison. My dad just texted me a picture of her looking very happy at a plate of food--they took her out to breakfast. So spoiled!Married to a newly minted Pediatric Rad, momma to a sweet girl and a bunch of (mostly) cute boy monsters.
My grandparents used to grab my sister and I for the weekend all the time. I always thought it was to spoil us rotten and only later discovered that it was to give my mom a little quiet time because she was working 60-70 hours a week to support us.
G&G would take us on hours long rides around the region. I wouldn't trade that time with them for anything. We stopped at every tourist trap, roadside attraction, and historic site we came across. It was awesome.
Oh, I knowI've just been feeling so shitty lately and I hate that she hasn't had much fun with me. We are going to get sushi tomorrow (non-raw) though. Kid loves avocado and California rolls.
Today, I realized how crappy it would be for Kate Middleton if she went to the hospital too early and got discharged. Tough to have the world on labor watch!Married to a newly minted Pediatric Rad, momma to a sweet girl and a bunch of (mostly) cute boy monsters.