Originally posted by TulipsAndSunscreen
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Originally posted by TulipsAndSunscreen View PostYes, they're delicious!!! Although these won't freeze because they're not hearty enough.
We just joined a meat CSA for fall/winter and a seafood CSF (f= fishery) for the fall. I guess in going to have to learn to cook fish since Dh is an intern....
But I'm thankful that so much of our meals will be locally sourced!!
Originally posted by diggitydot View PostI don't know what kind of fish you'll have access to, but I have a ton of great ways to cook fish.
It will include some shrimp, crab, etc but I will post here to get your ideas when I know what we get!Married to a Urology Attending! (that is an understated exclamation point)
Mama to C (Jan 2012), D (Nov 2013), and R (April 2016). Consulting and homeschooling are my day jobs.
Originally posted by TulipsAndSunscreen View Post
We just joined a meat CSA for fall/winter and a seafood CSF (f= fishery) for the fall. I guess in going to have to learn to cook fish since Dh is an intern....
But I'm thankful that so much of our meals will be locally sourced!!I don't know much about cooking fish, either...or meat, actually, but I'm learning. I was a vegetarian for nine years and have only been eating meat again (only organic/humanely-raised - my rule for myself) in the past couple of years, so usually my SO cooks the meat and fish. I can handle hamburgers/ground beef, or throwing a chicken thigh in the crock pot, but not much beyond that yet.
I hope you enjoy all that fresh fish, yum! I grew up by the sea and loved all of the fish my dad would grill up in the backyard.
Today, is day 6 with a migraine.
Today, my 5 yo kicked butt in her second ever soccer game. I was so happy to watch.
Today, I hope I have a better handle on things when I am the same age as my mother is now.
Today, I am home alone with a sleeping baby. I love the quiet.Needs
Today, I have to go outside to clean up the trash that is, I'm embarrassed to say, strewn about the yard. Yesterday, I cleaned out the fridge to make room for new groceries, which involved throwing out a lot of rotten, moldy food. Then the trash smelled so bad I quickly tied up the bag and put it just outside the door, next to the steps, intending to put it in the trash can in the garage after I had finished putting the groceries away. I forgot. Darkness fell. A skunk arrived. My SO and I watched the skunk from the kitchen window - s/he very happily clawed a hole in our trash bag, nuzzled her whole head in, and went to town. Our Beagle spent the next hour and a half frantically whining, pacing, clawing at the windows, so desperate to go out there and hunt that animal. I cringed because we knew the skunk would spread our trash all over the yard, but could think of no sane way to attempt to stop it, of course fearing that the skunk would spray. So we shut all the windows, turned off the lights, shut the Beagle in the kitchen, and went upstairs to sleep. We slept with our door closed and the fan oscillating, to try and block out the sound of the Beagle's whines.
Now it's morning, and here I am procrastinating online, when I should be out there cleaning up the widely dispersed greasy paper towels, egg shells, milk cartons, and plastic wrap before the neighbors see. Sigh.
I have a few hair clients today, then it is off to get groceries for the week. We r having someone house and dog sit for us, so I have to make sure there is food in the house while we r gone.
Yay only 6 more days
Happy birthday!!!
Today I'm taking the kids to a nearby town to meet my parents for lunch. I love living this close to them!
Today my DD made a small breakthrough in sleeping. I'm hoping it eventually translates into fewer night wakeups. (Of which she had many last night... Someone needs to have a discussion with this girl's teeth!)
Today I am snuggling on the couch with my babies instead of getting in the shower like I should... But they're so cuddly!!!Laurie
My team: DH (anesthesiologist), DS (9), DD (8)
Happy Birthday MsSassyBaskets!
Today I'm counting down - 5 DAYS!!! A few more things to get and we're set.
Today we have no plans which is bad - we need to find something to do, a lot of the week is going to be like that. WHY aren't my kids back in school yet?Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.