Wow, it must smell really good! I can understand the price if it's been discontinued and is rare.
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Today, I was cleaning the living room, and came across a cardboard box full of... about 30 pieces of SO's mail, from approximately April to June.Including several bills, and a large check. Ugh. I think what happened was: we were having company coming over soon, and SO's mail was piled in a huge stack on the kitchen table because that's where I put it every day as it came and she rarely got around to opening it... So I shoved it all into a box just to clear it off the table, stuck it in a corner of the living room, then totally forgot to go back to that box.
Today, one of the moms at the boys' school cried on my shoulder. I barely know her but she has two kids that are each about 6 months older than my boys. Because of our kids ages, their classes always overlap and each of my sons has been in class with her kids. (For instance, her son graduated from K1's class a couple months ago around the same time that K2 graduated into her daughter's class. Now her daughter graduated into K1's class and they'll be in class together until K1 graduates into her son's class. Then K2 will graduate into the daugher's class and so on.) My boys really like her kids - they are nice kids - and she's very friendly. I've always liked her. She just found out that she has breast cancer. It's spread to her lymph nodes. She's starting chemo and has to get scanned to see if the cancer has spread to other parts of her body. She's the same age I am. I wish I could do something for her. I wish I could tell her that her children will never be motherless and that her life will go on just the same as it was before today. I told DrK when he came home and we ate dinner in silence, trying to ignore the voice in our heads saying "it could happen to us." We are so lucky and we take it for granted.Wife and #1 Fan of Attending Adult & Geriatric Psychiatrist.
Today I ate pumpkin pop tarts for breakfast. It's like I'm 8 again. Ha ha ha! I never buy the regular pop tarts (only the organic imitations that are so hard to find my kids haven't had toaster pastries in over a year).Veronica
Mother of two ballerinas and one wild boy
V, I need to get some of those! I also don't eat them much, but I'm still thinking about the yummy gingerbread ones I got for our stockings last Christmas. I hope they make them again this year. (Warning - those are super sweet. Anyone without a severe sweet tooth like mine probably couldn't eat them!)Laurie
My team: DH (anesthesiologist), DS (9), DD (8)
Originally posted by SoonerTexan View PostOh please do share. This sounds awesome.
3 monkeys and [K1] were jumping on the bed,
[K2] fell off and bumped his head,
Mommy called Dr. Dad and Daddy said,
2 monkeys and [K1] will frantically eat banana bread,
[K2] will enjoy his half-birthday -- as long as he’s fed,
3PM would be perfect!” Mom and Dad said.
1 monkey and [K1] ran around until Mommy pled,
“Slow down, [K] brothers, before there’s bloodshed!
[K1], it’s a tricycle, not a moped!”
Please join us at [ADDRESS] as mommy turns red.
[K1] and [K2] will soon rush ahead,
It’s amazing how three years have quickly fled,
Our family’s happiness couldn’t be more widespread,
Please call us at [PHONE NUMBER] to RSVP now that our poem is read.Wife and #1 Fan of Attending Adult & Geriatric Psychiatrist.
DrK has reservations about my using the word "bloodshed" . . . But anyone who has seen my boys in action would know that phrase sounds so much like our typical dialogue. Besides, I'm running out of words that rhyme with bed and head.Wife and #1 Fan of Attending Adult & Geriatric Psychiatrist.
Today I took a nap with the three year old and felt slightly guilty knowing DH is working hard today while I'm napping. Today I'm grateful to be a SAHM who can nap if she damn well pleases too (don't tell DH, he thinks I'm cleaning)!