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  • Today has been a no good horrible very bad day.

    Today, K2 has been screaming and climbing and disobedient since he woke up, he's been sticking things in the DVD player, AND he gave me a fat lip.

    Today, I regret volunteering to make super-easy-from-the-box matzoballs for our temple's fundraiser because I don't know how to make super-easy-from-the-box matzoballs and I've already ruined 3 boxes.

    It's not yet 9AM. I want to go back to bed.

    Today, I need an attitude adjustment.
    Wife and #1 Fan of Attending Adult & Geriatric Psychiatrist.


    • Ugh MrsK, that sucks!

      Today, I forgot that DD3 has a field trip to a pumpkin. I forgot to pack a lunch for her and she does not have appropriate clothing. Yet one more reason why I should be Mother of the Year.


      • Today, I had a college student come over to watch DD while I got some stuff done. I had to duck across the hall to get something (she was downstairs), and she saw me and lost her shit. Got 1/3 of the stuff done that I needed to
        Wife of a PGY-4 orthopod, momma to 2 DDs, caretaker of a retired race-dog, Hawkeye!


        • GRUs, big reason why I miss my sister ^^. We look so much alike I swear N couldn't tell the difference for a long time!
          Married to a newly minted Pediatric Rad, momma to a sweet girl and a bunch of (mostly) cute boy monsters.


          • Originally posted by HouseofWool View Post
            Ugh MrsK, that sucks!
            You know it's a bad day when your "quiet" child is the worse of the two. After an especially frustrating incident where K1 bit me and K2 climbed on my back as I curled up into a ball on the floor to protect myself, I managed to schlep them out to the library storytime. People know me there and it was nice to have a couple other moms around who understood. When they saw me with a fat lip trying to pin my boys to carpet squares, they got the whole picture. Eventually the boys settled down and storytime was the "reset button" we needed. Then I bribed them in order to get some retail therapy done. I got a thrifted cashmere sweater for $22 and they got to eat ice cream before lunch. Now they are napping and I'm back to the endless cooking that I somehow became obligated for when I joined our temple sisterhood.
            Last edited by MrsK; 09-25-2012, 01:57 PM.
            Wife and #1 Fan of Attending Adult & Geriatric Psychiatrist.


            • MrsK, hugs to you!


              • Happy birthday to your kids, Pheobe!

                MrsK, I'm sorry your day was so hard yesterday... how was today?

                Today, I had one of those pumpkin spice lattes ya'll've been talkin about. OH MY. Delicious. I'm one of those hippie health nuts who "doesn't eat sugar"... I have to put that in quotes, because clearly, I CHEAT. [Edited to add: I'll probably be up all night. I forgot, when I had that latte on a whim, that I'd already had my usual morning cup of coffee plus a mug of Kenya tea... oops]

                Today, I had an awesome doctor's appointment because I expected problems and there were none.

                Today, I'm happy my sweet beagle is doing better, finally. He was sick with a cold all week, and then yesterday, had to spend the day at the vet's, under anesthesia to get X-rays. He has over 50 pieces of birdshot in his little body, mostly clustered in his hind legs and rear end, but also one in his front leg, one in his neck, one in his face, and one in his ear. We rescued him from the humane society 4 months ago, and THANK GOODNESS. We can tell he misses being loose in the woods to his heart's content, and is unhappy that we have to keep him on a leash... but on the flip side, with us, he'll never get SHOT again. So I think it's a fair trade off. Last night he was so groggy from the anesthesia that he kind of just stared blankly at nothing and stumbled around, but today he's back to normal - wiggling like crazy, begging for belly rubs, dragging his stuffed toys from room to room...


                • Today I networked and now I feel icky for some reason.
                  Wife to PGY5. Mommy to baby girl born 11/2009. Cat mommy since 2002
                  "“If you don't know where you are going any road can take you there”"


                  • Today I took the idiot moose dog for a walk at the local park. He took a dump on one of the signs, not realizing that he was no longer peeing. Yeah, he's a brainiac. It's a good thing he's cute.

                    Today DH had a clinic-wide provider meeting where EVERYONE was pissed because their pay scale is changing. Instead of being based solely on production, it will now be based on 10% patient surveys and 90% production. This doesn't change DH's pay since he is still under the guarantee and has a two-year contract.


                    • Today started with a hilarious breakfast table conversation. The back story: Last night, SO took our beagle for his usual before-bed walk, around 10 PM. Usually it's a quick walk because it's late at night, and he just needs to pee, you know? But SO came back into the house totally aghast, because our dog had pooped on someone's front lawn, and she hadn't had a bag with her to pick it up, so she just left it there. (He hadn't pooped in 3 we should have expected this!) We decided to deal with it in the morning.

                      So, this morning over oatmeal and coffee:

                      SO: OMG, the poop!
                      Me: Oh, damn, I forgot! I could pick it up when I take him out for a walk this morning.
                      SO: I don't know if you can find it. It's that house with the blue door that had the wreath. On the right side, not the left. RIGHT in front of their house.
                      Me: How far into the lawn?
                      SO: I don't know, like 3 of 4 feet... maybe when I'm driving by on my way to work, I can stop and pick it up with a bag.
                      Me: And then what? It'll be in your car?? Maybe you can leave the bag for me on the side of the road and I can bring it home and throw it out.
                      SO: Oh, but then I can't wash my hands. And I don't know if you'll be able to find the bag. Maybe if I put it on the other side of the street?
                      Me: I bet I can find it. But your hands... do you want to bring gloves??
                      SO: Maybe I'll just pick it up, drive it home and throw it out, wash my hands, and THEN go to work. OMG, what if they SEE me?? How embarrassing! It's embarrassing enough to be scooping your dog's poop from someone's yard, but I'm going to DRIVE UP IN MY CAR and do it??
                      Me: What if they don't know what you're doing and they think you're trying to steal something from their yard?
                      SO: They're not going to think I'm stealing something from their yard!
                      Me: Why don't you just leave it... and I'll try and pick it up when I bring him out for his walk...
                      SO: You know, I hope [the dog] appreciates the lengths we go to for him. It's amazing dogs don't get fat egos - 'Oh, I'm so special, I have people who follow me around and pick up my poop, even if it means driving in their car to do so.'

                      And then I dissolved into giggles like a 12-year-old boy, at the absurdity of it all. Until you have a kid or a dog, you'd never believe you'd someday be having such long, drawn-out conversations about POOP.


                      • LOL Liisi! Y'all are such responsible pet owners -- I wish there were more like y'all in my neighborhood! Picking up your dog's crap is like a foreign concept here; it drives me batty.
                        Wife of a surgical fellow; Mom to a busy toddler girl and 5 furballs (2 cats, 3 dogs)


                        • Originally posted by niener View Post
                          LOL Liisi! Y'all are such responsible pet owners -- I wish there were more like y'all in my neighborhood! Picking up your dog's crap is like a foreign concept here; it drives me batty.
                          Yikes! It would drive me nuts, too! Although we have a "neighborhood dog" who poops all over. Pisses me off. And yes, he has owners. They just let him out of the house off-leash for hours. Damn dog will even go into your garage if it's open. Plus he hates kids and barks his loud Basset bark at them.

                          And this turned into an unexpected rant. Didn't realize I had so much anger towards him
                          Wife of a PGY-4 orthopod, momma to 2 DDs, caretaker of a retired race-dog, Hawkeye!


                          • Originally posted by GreyhoundsRUs View Post
                            Yikes! It would drive me nuts, too! Although we have a "neighborhood dog" who poops all over. Pisses me off. And yes, he has owners. They just let him out of the house off-leash for hours. Damn dog will even go into your garage if it's open. Plus he hates kids and barks his loud Basset bark at them.

                            And this turned into an unexpected rant. Didn't realize I had so much anger towards him
                            That is so irresponsible, especially with his reaction to children... I'd call animal control every.single.time they let him out. What if your kid was out on (your) lawn with you? Jerks.
                            Wife to PGY4 & Mother of 3.


                            • Irresponsible dog owners drive me nuts, too!! There are so many dogs in our neighborhood that usually aren't leashed; they're just allowed to run around, and it does drive me batshitcrazy. Usually they're little, aggressive, yippy dogs - what, just because your dog is small, it can run wild?? UGH! These yippy things come running up to my (sweet, friendly, LEASHED) dog and essentially try to pick a fight. I usually just stand there loudly saying "GO HOME," while trying to get my dog away, because I don't know what else to do. Sometimes, you can hear one of the dogs' owners waaay off in the distance, half-heartedly calling, "Henry Oscar! Henry Oscar, come here!", which does nothing... other than give me the dog's name, so that next time, I can should "GO HOME, HENRY OSCAR!" to personalize things a bit more.


                              • Originally posted by scrub-jay View Post
                                That is so irresponsible, especially with his reaction to children... I'd call animal control every.single.time they let him out. What if your kid was out on (your) lawn with you? Jerks.
                                Exactly! This is why A and I can't play in the front yard Plus, they have 4 kids - ranging in age from 2 - 16. The dog spends most of his time in their basement...I don't get people...
                                Wife of a PGY-4 orthopod, momma to 2 DDs, caretaker of a retired race-dog, Hawkeye!

