Today, I'm winding down my apartment search. I haven't found a damn thing that's even close to what I'm looking for, and I'm just getting discouraged. I'm hitting up 6 open houses today...fingers crossed that there is something moderately decent out there.
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Originally posted by ladymoreta View PostWhich one did you go to? The Edmond farmer's market was a good size, but you have to be careful - only about 4-5 booths are local, and the rest just buy from all over the US and charge a lot for lower quality than a grocery store.Urban Agrarian is all Oklahoman, though, and their employees are really knowledgeable. They'll tell you when to expect different things to be available.
I'm thinking a csa might be a good way to go.Wife to Hand Surgeon just out of training, mom to two lovely kittys and little boy, O, born in Sept 08.
Originally posted by Liisi View PostToday, I'm thinking of going to a local hotel's hot tub and saltwater swimming pool! I'm trying to decide if getting a monthly membership (they also have a very small exercise room) would be worth it and if swimming there would be beneficial for my RSI pain. Chlorine triggers my asthma, so I'm grateful our town has a saltwater pool.Sandy
Wife of EM Attending, Web Programmer, mom to one older lady scaredy-cat and one sweet-but-dumb younger boy kitty
Today I ran around town testing out my new polarizing filter for my DSLR. Pretty pleased with the results.
I also found a litter of kittens living under the shed in the back yard. The mom was there too... they're all pretty feral, and I don't think there's anything I can do for them. If they were friendly I'd take them in and re-home them. I did this last year for a single stray kitten, and paid for his first shots and everything... I can't bear to take them to a shelter or call animal control. I think I'll just let them be and put out food occasionally. I hope they're big enough by winter...Wife of PGY-4 (of 6), cat herder, and mom to a sassy-pants four-nager.
Today, I unfortunately didn't make it to the pool.
Today, my partner got pine sap stuck in her hair, freaked out, and asked me to help her get it out. I convinced her to let me use peanut butter, which she very, very reluctantly agreed to. She hates messes. She made distressed noises the entire time that I gleefully rubbed Smuckers Super Chunky peanut butter through her hair - I think making messes is fun!!(And it worked. Her hair is now beautiful once again!)
Today, our landlord came over first thing in the morning to spray poison into the hole in the wall (on the back porch) that he saw hornets going into. Then he left. Now, for every hornet that may be dead, there are dozens more PISSED OFF hornets buzzing around and slamming themselves into our kitchen window. Thankyouverymuch, Man Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest. Now watch them all end up in our house by the end of the day. ANGERING hornets without killing them is worse than just leaving them be!! ARGH!!!
Liisi, that sucks!
Today, when I was returning home (or going to work depending on my perspective) I opened the storm door on my front door and the handle came off. I found the right allen wrench to put it back together and because I haven't had enough coffee, I dropped the wrench. And the damn thing fell between the concrete steps and the house. I was able to retrieve it, but I had visions of having to ask the kids to fish it out because their arms are skinny.Kris
This morning I'm trying to get some work done, but I'm totally stressing about these kittens in my backyard. I put food and water out yesterday and saw the mom cat eating when I looked out the window. I noticed the neighbor has put water out too. I'm hatching schemes involving kitty carriers and canned sardines... I just don't know what I'd do if I could catch them. Most of the local shelters don't accept strays, and the one that does says you have to surrender them through animal control. The shelter says they're no/low kill (only because of major medical problems) but I doubt that's true for animal control... so how many actually make it to the shelter? Last year when I took in a kitten I quarantined it from my cats, paid the vet bills myself and found it a home, but I don't think I can do that for 3 kittens + mom. Then there's the risk of my cats catching something from them, even if i do my best to quarantine them. It really breaks my heart to live in a town with so few animal resources and so many strays & feral colonies. I really feel most of the time like people here just don't care.Wife of PGY-4 (of 6), cat herder, and mom to a sassy-pants four-nager.
Sorry to hear about the kitties.I know some cities have a trap, nuter and release program for feral cats.
We took in three cats from our back garden in Brooklyn. We kept one & found two of them homes.
Today I made some granola.Wife to Hand Surgeon just out of training, mom to two lovely kittys and little boy, O, born in Sept 08.
Today, I started a new tennis clinic. I suck.
Today, is day 3 of our week-long plan to eliminate excess. We will only eat what is in our house and not spend money on anything except gas. I will have to buy cat litter and probably diapers, but thats it.Needs
Just talked to my neighbor-- she and her tenant want to catch the kittens (and momma cat) and find them homes. I got a better look at them, and they're still pretty tiny, and they don't seem completely wild, just very timid. They could probably warm up to people pretty well at that age, and they're definitely not big enough for winter. So operation kitten-catching is ON! If we can get them out, the neighbors will take care of them until they're homed. DH is going to think I'm a total weirdo when I ask him to pick up sardines and other stinky canned fish on the way home...Wife of PGY-4 (of 6), cat herder, and mom to a sassy-pants four-nager.