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  • Originally posted by Vanquisher View Post
    Today, Ryan finally got his high school schedule straightened out. He's a freshman this year. And the nerd apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

    AP Music Theory
    Spanish 2
    Chemistry Honors
    AP Human Geography
    Team Sports
    Algebra 2 Honors
    English Honors

    Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk 2
    Wife to Hand Surgeon just out of training, mom to two lovely kittys and little boy, O, born in Sept 08.


    • Originally posted by Vanquisher View Post
      Today, Ryan finally got his high school schedule straightened out. He's a freshman this year. And the nerd apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

      AP Music Theory
      Spanish 2
      Chemistry Honors
      AP Human Geography
      Team Sports
      Algebra 2 Honors
      English Honors
      Love this
      Wife of a surgical fellow; Mom to a busy toddler girl and 5 furballs (2 cats, 3 dogs)


      • Originally posted by Liisi View Post
        Today, my allergies are bothering me, too. Has anyone tried a neti pot? I'm scared of the idea...
        Sometimes its the only thing that helps me clear out a sinus headache. Just make sure you have the right solution for it or it can hurt. If you have the packets, or measure out the solution you are fine... just throwing stuff in there is a no no. I made that mistake once. It was not fun.

        Wife to a wonderful General Surgeon
        Mom to a sweet but stubborn boy born April 2014
        Rock Chalk Jayhawk GO KU!!!


        • Thanks for the neti pot advice, LJane. We'll see if I get brave enough to try it. For a temporary fix, my SO is prescribing me a nasal spray...which I also dislike the idea of... but we'll see!!


          • DH uses a neti pot at least once a day.
            He buys distilled water for it, and mixes a saline solution.

            Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
            Wife to Family Medicine attending, Mom to DS1 and DS2
            Professional Relocation Specialist &
            "The Official IMSN Enabler"


            • Originally posted by Thirteen View Post
              DH uses a neti pot at least once a day.
              He buys distilled water for it, and mixes a saline solution.

              Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
              I stopped using mine after this news story:

              I should start buying distiller water and using it again. It really does help.
              Wife of a PGY-4 orthopod, momma to 2 DDs, caretaker of a retired race-dog, Hawkeye!


              • Originally posted by Liisi View Post
                Thanks for the neti pot advice, LJane. We'll see if I get brave enough to try it. For a temporary fix, my SO is prescribing me a nasal spray...which I also dislike the idea of... but we'll see!!
                My naturopath turned me on to Xclear nasal spray. It is natural, soothes the sinuses, clears out the crap, and has natural anti-fungals to keep your sinuses healthy. I have severe allergies and have tried all the Rx nasal sprays. Nothing works as well as the Xclear.
                Married to a peds surgeon attending


                • I use the neti pot occasionally when I have bad allergies. DH says I should boil the water first to prevent brain-eating amoebas... ugh, another thing to worry about.
                  Wife of PGY-4 (of 6), cat herder, and mom to a sassy-pants four-nager.


                  • OK, today another one of my credit card numbers got stolen.
                    Today I'm getting a new polarizing filter for my DSLR and I'm excited to try it out this weekend.
                    Today we're going to have to buy a new external hard drive, back-up and wipe my computer and re-install Windows because I've been having so much trouble lately.
                    Today DH got his preference forms for rotations and we have 2 weeks to decide on our first and second choices. (Kind of confusing - DH's school doesn't have on-site core rotations for all students, so we'll choose a "home base" where we'll move for 3rd and 4th years.)
                    Today, I am REALLY glad it's Friday.
                    Wife of PGY-4 (of 6), cat herder, and mom to a sassy-pants four-nager.


                    • Originally posted by weeniegeniewife View Post
                      My naturopath turned me on to Xclear nasal spray. It is natural, soothes the sinuses, clears out the crap, and has natural anti-fungals to keep your sinuses healthy. I have severe allergies and have tried all the Rx nasal sprays. Nothing works as well as the Xclear.
                      oooh must check this out.

                      Wife to a wonderful General Surgeon
                      Mom to a sweet but stubborn boy born April 2014
                      Rock Chalk Jayhawk GO KU!!!


                      • And make sure the water for your neti isn't too hot or cold! I've made that mistake before


                        • Getting some of that now WGW! Over hearing DH make the grossest sounds because of his sinuses/ allergies.


                          • Today my life is a sit-com (okay, that's pretty much everyday). I honestly wish I had someone taping me because I could have sold the footage, and none of this is nearly as humorous without seeing it.

                            On our way to the bus stop, the very late garbage truck came careening toward us, sending me and all three of my children scurrying onto the grass. Once we had dodged that, a crew of trucks turned into our cul-de-sac to pour tar strips into the cracks in the street. They were literally toward us as we were trying to make our way to the bus stop. I had to walk the children around all of the crazy equipment to even get to the bus, and then manage my way back around with the two remaining children once DD was dropped off.

                            We get back home and packed up to make a trip to the gym. I start to back out of my driveway and the same street guys have my entire driveway (including in front of my lawn) blocked, doing their work. I pull back into the garage, take the kids in the house, and delay our trip by 45 minutes.

                            We do finally make it to the gym, but I have to cut my workout short to get the kids lunch. We grab lunch, and then make our way over to a beverage distributer to pick up three kegs of beer (which fit perfectly in my minivan, complete with stroller on top). I had precisely calculated getting the kegs, and then going to the gas station for a fill up. What I hadn't counted on was the extra 600 pounds of weight in my trunk affecting my fuel milage. I should have made it with 5 miles to spare. Instead, I ran out of gas in front of the pump (no pushing was needed, fortunately).

                            Now, we're headed to a caterer who is refrigerating the kegs overnight, before bringing them to the Dad's Club picnic tomorrow (did I mention that I"m basically impersonating my husband because these are actually his tasks to complete, but he's working). As I open the lift-gate, the stroller starts to tumble out. The two guys helping me unload assumed it was a keg stacked on top and both yell out what can only be described as a movie-like, slow motion "NOOOOOOOOOO" until I reassure them that it's just a stroller. This is when my two year old starts yelling, "I am a monkey princess! I am a monkey princess!" The guys take the kegs and I'm off again.

                            We're finally settled in at home, our play date having been cancelled because it was scheduled for the park and there is a storm not too far from here with golf ball sized hail. I really didn't need to add more adventure to my day.
                            Last edited by Deebs; 09-07-2012, 12:50 PM. Reason: poor punctuation
                            Wife to EP, just trying to keep up with my FOUR busy kids!


                            • Wow Deb - I think you take the prize today.

                              My day has involved NUMEROUS surgical patients for whom I have been trying to get pre-op clearances for weeks (or months for one patient) all of whom managed to get the clearances to me TODAY and they all want their surgeries right now, thankyouverymuch. We went from a nice easy schedule through the end of the month to a marathon to slog through. Good problems to have though...


                              • Wow Deb! I need a nap after reading that!
                                Mother of two ballerinas and one wild boy

