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  • Deb, what a day!!! I empathize with the construction delays. There's been construction on our street several times a week for about 2 or 3 months now, and I've totally had it. We moved to the end of a dead end street for privacy and quiet, and we've been getting anything but! I'm so bitter I can't even make eye contact with the public works employees who attempt to greet me on the street when I'm practically doing acrobatics to avoid their loud, street-blocking machinery. And I cheer on our beagle when he pees on their parking cones.


    • Today, I made a scary decision: I'm going to pretend my laptop computer is really a desktop, i.e. permanently affixed to my desk. I have hand, wrist, and arm pain due to Repetitive Stress Injury and years and years of poor ergonomics while using computers. I mainly use my laptop in horrible-for-my-health conditions, such as while sitting cross-legged on our mushy couch with my laptop on my lap, or in the recliner chair. This is for comfort and convenience. I have a wonderful home office upstairs, the sunniest room in the house, that mostly collects dust. Which is stupid. My partner actually bought me a really nice, high quality office chair that we specifically measured and chose because it's ergonomically correct with my desk. SO I'M GOING TO FREAKIN USE IT!!! I need to force myself!!!


      • Deb, I feel your pain. Our neighbors (who are divorcing and who have both moved out of the house) are having work done on their house to get it on the market. Contractors have been walking all over our property and leaving their tools on our driveway. They parked a trailer right across from our driveway making it difficult to get in and out! When DH had the workers call their boss to have him move the trailer, the boss got DH on the phone and told him to fuck off. Um, no. We had to call parking enforcement to have a cop remove the trailer. Here is a pic of it blocking our driveway:

        Married to a peds surgeon attending


        • People are so damn rude. Then the guy had the nerve to tell DH to f-off? Good lord. We had major problems with people parking IN my parent's driveway during their kids' baseball games - WTF people?!?
          Wife of a PGY-4 orthopod, momma to 2 DDs, caretaker of a retired race-dog, Hawkeye!


          • I hope their stupid trailer was impounded. I hate hate hate hate that crap.
            Wife to PGY4 & Mother of 3.


            • Today, my nose is so congested that I can't smell a poopy diaper or enjoy the dog's non-rancid breath.
              Today, DH came home (unprompted) so he could watch DD while I napped.
              Today, I realized that we have a home game tomorrow vs our big for traffic
              Wife of a PGY-4 orthopod, momma to 2 DDs, caretaker of a retired race-dog, Hawkeye!


              • Today (tonight, actually) DrK is spending the night at the hospital. I got brave and took the boys to the pot luck dinner and Shabbat service at our temple alone. They were super during dinner and K1 did his best to behave during services. He is genuinely enthusiastic but it was challenging to keep him from disrupting services by asking questions too loudly (I'm glad he asks questions but he needs to use his "inside voice"), rushing up to the pulpit to "help" the rabbi, tackeling his little brother in order to stop him from wandering in the asile, or shouting at someone's assistance dog for not standing during parts of the service when the congregation stands. At one point, K2 was rushing the pulpit, I grabbed K1 by the collar to keep him from chasing after the baby, and all of us ended up on the floor as I tried to separate my two wrestling boys. Then K1 announced "I'm pooping, Mommy!" We left services early.
                Last edited by MrsK; 09-07-2012, 09:16 PM.
                Wife and #1 Fan of Attending Adult & Geriatric Psychiatrist.


                • Oh, and I forgot to mention that K2 was truly awful because he kept screeching and shouting "NO" when I tried to stop him from wandering in order to head off K1's attempts to reign him in.
                  Wife and #1 Fan of Attending Adult & Geriatric Psychiatrist.


                  • Originally posted by MrsK View Post
                    Then K1 announced "I'm pooping, Mommy!" We left services early.
                    You might just be raising the Jewish version of Kenny. LOL
                    Mother of two ballerinas and one wild boy


                    • Originally posted by MrsK View Post
                      Then K1 announced "I'm pooping, Mommy!" We left services early.
                      HA!! Wow, what a night. That's hilarious that your son was shouting at the assistance dog for not standing!!!
                      And don't kids always have to poop at the most inconvenient times?? I was a nanny for several years. Inevitably, I would spend 20 minutes getting a toddler or preschooler into a snowsuit, and then the moment we stepped out the door - "I have to poop."


                      • It was spectacular. I woke up this morning chuckling over my 2yo scolding the assistance dog. The dog's person is a friend of ours and, before services, he responded "yes" when K1 asked him if the dog was Jewish. We showed K1 how nicely and quietly the dog was sitting and told him that's how to behave during services. So, of course, K1 expected full participation from the dog. At least he didn't expect the dog to read from the torah.

                        I e-mailed DrK last night to relay the story. He just got home and the first thing he said was "That e-mail was hilarious! So, the kids knocked you over and you all ended up on the floor in front of the bimah?"

                        In all fairness to my toddlers, this was the "family" service at which the rabbi encourages the children to participate and invites them up to the bimah (pulpit) at various points during the service. My boys are usually the youngest kids there. K1 luuuuuuuves our rabbi and he gets so excited when he's invited up to the bimah that he'll jump up and run and trip over his feet, often falling on his face a couple times before he makes it up to the bimah. He'll participate in the same manner as the older children do but then he remains on the bimah after the other children have returned to their seats unless someone leads him back to his seat. He follows our rabbi around the temple like he's a shadow saying "Hey, Rabbi!" and asking dozens of questions. Then K2 wants to do as K1 does; he'll quietly wander in the asile unless he's intercepted. Then he screams. Loudly. I often find myself holding them back as they try to scramble up on the pulpit during services. Fortunately, our rabbi is very accepting of children (unlike my childhood rabbi who would have scowled at the mother until she died of embarassment and never brought her children back to services). He even seems to encourage their antics. On one hand, I want my sons to be comfortable at temple and to enjoy learning about Judiasm (which is definitely the case for K1) but on the other hand, I sort of freak out when they disturb other people's worship experience. Everyone always giggles at their antics and assures me that they are adorable but I cannot imagine that they go home and marvel at how well-behaved my boys are.
                        Last edited by MrsK; 09-08-2012, 01:13 PM.
                        Wife and #1 Fan of Attending Adult & Geriatric Psychiatrist.


                        • Originally posted by niener View Post
                          Today I'm going to the doggie rescue place for my first kennel duty shift! So excited!
                          Is this how you found your new little friend?


                          • Today, the package I've been waiting for for eons still has not arrived. I paid extra for "3-day shipping," and four business days have already passed. GRRR.

                            Today, as soon as I can get my butt off the Internet, my partner and I are going to go spend 3 or 4 hours at the local tea shop. We're going to drink tea (she'll probably get some kind of black tea, and I'll get some medicinal/herbal concoction she thinks is gross) and eat yummy scones, and she will be on her laptop doing patient notes, and I will be reading my overdue library books.


                            • Today, I have mostly cleaned the house.

                              One load of laundry was washed and hung out to dry.

                              I cleaned out the car.

                              I went grocery shopping.

                              Shortly, we are heading to my parents' house to pick apples and have dinner.

                              Tomorrow, I will be juicing the apples and drying some of them for snacks.

                              Today, I wanted nothing more for my grumpy 3yo to take a nap so I could lounge in the hammock and read. Foiled again.

                              Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk 2


                              • Originally posted by BonBon View Post
                                Is this how you found your new little friend?
                                Why yes it is! LOL. Leave it to me to bring home a new pet after my first shift. We've been in the market for dog #2 for about a month now anyway, and after watching this one play for hours with his suitemates at the shelter I knew he'd be perfect for my dog. I met him on Wednesday, took our other dog to meet him on Thursday, and brought him home Friday! They're BFFs already
                                Wife of a surgical fellow; Mom to a busy toddler girl and 5 furballs (2 cats, 3 dogs)

