Today I'm giving away free puppies. They are in my neighbor's backyard. Right next to my bedroom window. Make sure my neighbor doesn't see you.
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Today, DrK has the day off so he took K1 to the park while I took K2 to the grocery store.
Today, K2 had an epic tantrum in the grocery store because they wouldn't let us take the credit card machine with us when we left.
Today, I made falafel in the crock pot and chocolate/coconut filled cupcakes.
Today, everyone is napping and the house is quiet.
Today, we are going to the pool when they all wake up.
Today, life is good.
tWife and #1 Fan of Attending Adult & Geriatric Psychiatrist.
Today we took a break from massive house cleaning and dealing with other house crap to go disc golfing. Even N in her stroller. She holds the discs for us! I surprisingly had fun even though I usually hate stuff like that. Then we met my parents for lunch.
The insect problem we may or may not have forced us to clean out the "junk" bedroom and I'm looking forward to having a functioning room again. And I'm finishing Ns nursery and will post pictures later! I'm very pleased with myself!Married to a newly minted Pediatric Rad, momma to a sweet girl and a bunch of (mostly) cute boy monsters.
Originally posted by SoonerTexan View PostThe insect problem we may or may not have forced us to clean out the "junk" bedroom and I'm looking forward to having a functioning room again. And I'm finishing Ns nursery and will post pictures later! I'm very pleased with myself!Alison
Originally posted by SoonerTexan View PostToday we took a break from massive house cleaning and dealing with other house crap to go disc golfing. Even N in her stroller. She holds the discs for us! I surprisingly had fun even though I usually hate stuff like that. Then we met my parents for lunch.Wife of a surgical fellow; Mom to a busy toddler girl and 5 furballs (2 cats, 3 dogs)
Today, my parents helped us with hardware tasks around the house.
Today, I am making paleo lemon cake, and it is amazing.
Today, we are excited to start our veggie garden prep.
Sent from my iPhone using TapatalkWife to Family Medicine attending, Mom to DS1 and DS2
Professional Relocation Specialist &
"The Official IMSN Enabler"
Today my girls and I returned from a weekend at my mom's house. We had a great time and it feels nice to feel like I have some friends after seeing some high school/college girlfriends. I started fantasizing about moving home tonight by house hunting on the Internet.
Today my husband cooked dinner.
Today us the eve before my MRI. I don't like feeling claustrophobic.
Today I get to sleep in my own bed.Needs
Today, I'm trying a double dose of melatonin in the hopes of going to bed before 2am.
Today, I'm having one of those "what is the point of (my) life" days. They usually culminate in me coming up with some brilliant idea that never gets fully executed.
Today I cut the grass with our push mower and my arms are already sore. That's what I get for skipping a week and letting the grass get long.Wife of a surgical fellow; Mom to a busy toddler girl and 5 furballs (2 cats, 3 dogs)
Originally posted by niener View Post
Today I cut the grass with our push mower and my arms are already sore. That's what I get for skipping a week and letting the grass get long.I'm glad to have a push mower, because it doesn't pollute the air, and it's good exercise for me... but sometimes I'd rather just have a wild, weedy yard. (which I prefer to call a bird and insect sanctuary.
Today, the Beagle got loose - I stupidly had him on the retractable leash, and he slipped right out of his harness during our walk in the woods. He caught the scent of something and just absolutely would not listen to me... he pulled and lunged and wiggled his way free. He gleefully trotted off into a cornfield and disappeared. It immediately started to rain. I tromped through the woods, getting wet and muddy and hoarse as I yelled his name, pushing my way through cobwebs and brambles that left scratches on my face, and finally, finally, he came running back to me. He wore himself out - he's been practically comatose on his little bed in the kitchen ever since.
Today, I made a new soup in the crock pot - "African peanut soup," which is mainly tomatoes, chicken broth, onion, and peanut butter. It's actually rather disgusting, so I have an emergency-back-up pot of spaghetti boiling on the stove....
Thanks, Niener, me too!!
Today, I have a doctor's appointment that I'm dreading.
Today, it's raining, and thus a good day for several mugs of tea - genmaicha (sp?) green tea with honey and milk, and chamomile/honey/vanilla.
Today, I need to hide in my office to finish making my partner a happy-two-year-anniversary card [anniversary of when we started dating, that is - we're not married yet!], and we're going out to dinner to celebrate, because amazingly, our anniversary is the day of the week when she has no patients!