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  • Today my 10.5 month old used the word "no" in the correct (well that is debatable) context twice. I'm scared.
    Married to a newly minted Pediatric Rad, momma to a sweet girl and a bunch of (mostly) cute boy monsters.


    • She's gonna give you a run for your money!
      Mother of two ballerinas and one wild boy


      • She's obviously taking lessons from Miss S. Who drives me to drink, or at least gives me the urge to drink, even if I don't actually imbibe.


        • Today was a normal day, after DH being on vacation last week. I missed him, but the kids seemed to do well back in our usual routine.
          My team: DH (anesthesiologist), DS (9), DD (8)


          • I'm posting a "yesterday" because I didn't have time to post but this is just too cute:

            Yesterday, I took the boys trick-or-treating at a convent. There is a nursing home for retired nuns in the convent with which the hospital and the boys' daycare is affiliated. Some friends and I dressed our kids in their Halloween costumes and brought them to the convent for a visit. They wore their penguin costumes, which was hilarious since some of the nuns were wearing the traditional black-and-white habits. (What could I do? The boys were set on penguins before we knew we were visiting a convent. The nuns were very cool about it joking that they were penguins too.) The children were all a little intimidated but, as usual, K1 was by far the least shy. He visited each of the nuns and told them all about penguins: "Penguins play in the snow and eat peanut butter and jellyfish sandwiches." Then he gave each of the nuns a high five on the way out.
            Last edited by MrsK; 10-23-2012, 08:25 AM.
            Wife and #1 Fan of Attending Adult & Geriatric Psychiatrist.


            • That is adorable MrsK! When C was little, his daycare was in a nursing home and they had integrated activities with the "Grandmas and Grandpas". I loved it.

              Today, I want a do-over. It is minor, but I spilled juice on the floor when pouring it for S. I spilled water all over when trying to refill the coffee maker. Then, while trying to clean that up, I spilled dishwasher detergent powder all over the damp floor. All before 7:45 this morning.


              • Today this site magically started working again on my phone! Hooray!
                I'm just trying to make it out alive!


                • Today DH had a final for mock patient interviewing... The "patient" evaluated him and left comments ... "This student is exactly what a person looks for and desires in a practitioner."

                  I knew he was wonderful, but it's pretty neat someone else does too!
                  buckeye born, raised, and educated... thankfully, so is my wonderful med student husband...


                  • Originally posted by MrsSz View Post
                    Today DH had a final for mock patient interviewing... The "patient" evaluated him and left comments ... "This student is exactly what a person looks for and desires in a practitioner."
                    Aw, that's awesome!


                    • MrsK, I love your nun story. PB&Jellyfish sandwiches... haha!!

                      Today, I'm here nursing SO, who's taking a sick day because her gum graft surgery yesterday was more intense and debilitating than we had anticipated. 15 stitches in 3 sites in her mouth, blood, swelling, and pain! So I turned the living room pull-out couch into a bed, and got her all set up with ice packs, pear ginger sorbet, soup, mashed squash, etc. The beagle has been cuddled by her side the whole time, which is incredibly touching, because he's not a cuddler. He was a hunting dog before we got him 4 months ago from the humane society, and he doesn't know how to cuddle - we tease him about it all the time. The closest he'll come to cuddling is to sit a few inches away from us, with his back turned to us, and stay very still while we pat him and coo at him. So to see him snuggled up against SO for hours is so touching. We're wondering if, since he's a hound with an incredible nose, he actually smells the blood, knows she's hurt, and is keeping her company. Or maybe we're reading too much into it and he's just thrilled that the couch has become a bed.

                      I didn't want to tell SO about this, because she can't partake in it, so I'll tell you - I made THE MOST AMAZING pumpin pancakes yesterday!!! I used Pamela's gluten-free baking/pancake mix, then added about 2/3 of a cup of pumpkin puree, a sprinkle of pumpkin pie spice, and about 1/2 tsp vanilla... SOOOO good, with maple syrup, of course. I have 3 wrapped up in the fridge for SO to eat when her mouth is feeling better, but I'm worried that I might devour them first!!


                      • Oh, poor gal! That sounds absolutely miserable! Hope she heals quickly. Those pancakes sound amazing. I may steal your recipe for the kids' breakfast this weekend.

                        Today I may or may not have used the term "twat waffle" in a FB debate. Whoops. Sorry, WGW.


                        • Originally posted by diggitydot View Post
                          Today I may or may not have used the term "twat waffle" in a FB debate. Whoops. Sorry, WGW.
                          Um, it may have been merited.


                          • Originally posted by HouseofWool View Post
                            Um, it may have been merited.
                            I was being good. I didn't specifically call anyone involved in the debate a twat waffle, though a couple are decidedly twat wafflish.


                            • Originally posted by diggitydot View Post
                              I was being good. I didn't specifically call anyone involved in the debate a twat waffle, though a couple are decidedly twat wafflish.
                              Oh I've been reading it avidly and agree wholeheartedly


                              • Now I have to go read it!
                                Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.

