So, evidently squirrels can get into the space between our ceiling and our upstairs neighbors' floor. Every now and then we can hear one scrambling around up there for a few seconds before it turns around and leavs again.
Rodents freak me out. Especially in my home, which is supposed to be my haven from all things creepy.
The last time we heard one of our squirrel friends was Friday morning while we were still in bed. So Friday night as we're laying (lying? I don't know) in bed getting ready to go to sleep, I whispered to my boyfriend, "What if the squirrel comes back?" 8O 8O
And he whispers back, "I'll defend you." 8)
And I said "Awww, you love me enough to defend me from a squirrel?"
"Oh, I love you enough to defend you from three squirrels."
"What if there are four squirrels?"
"I love you enough to defend you from a thousand squirrels."
"Wow, that's really good! That should be the theme of our wedding!: 'I love you enough to defend you from a thousand squirrels.' And you know how some people release doves or butterflies for the send-off? We'll release a thousand squirrels--and my dress will be decorated with nuts."
"Macadamia nuts."
I'm concerned, though, that his squirrel weapon of choice is a bat. I'm voting for a rolled-up newspaper.
Rodents freak me out. Especially in my home, which is supposed to be my haven from all things creepy.
The last time we heard one of our squirrel friends was Friday morning while we were still in bed. So Friday night as we're laying (lying? I don't know) in bed getting ready to go to sleep, I whispered to my boyfriend, "What if the squirrel comes back?" 8O 8O
And he whispers back, "I'll defend you." 8)
And I said "Awww, you love me enough to defend me from a squirrel?"

"Oh, I love you enough to defend you from three squirrels."
"What if there are four squirrels?"

"I love you enough to defend you from a thousand squirrels."
"Wow, that's really good! That should be the theme of our wedding!: 'I love you enough to defend you from a thousand squirrels.' And you know how some people release doves or butterflies for the send-off? We'll release a thousand squirrels--and my dress will be decorated with nuts."

"Macadamia nuts."
I'm concerned, though, that his squirrel weapon of choice is a bat. I'm voting for a rolled-up newspaper.