Let's have some fun by listing how we have been...oh...less than helpful to our spouses' careers over the years.
1. At a social function, lose inhibitions and tell DH's colleagues that you think that the majority of surgeons are egocentric and narrowminded bores.
(We haven't done ANYTHING with someone from the program since I inadvertantly let this little zinger slip at a Memorial Day party.
2. When DH starts talking about some "fabulous" fellowship, your response is "I don't fu**ing think so."
3. And the one I'm most ashamed of......While DH is on call on Fathers' Day, call him to pick a fight about how selfish he is and how this lifestyle sucks for you.
O.K., now let's fess up. What have you done on your evil days to not support your spouses' careers?
1. At a social function, lose inhibitions and tell DH's colleagues that you think that the majority of surgeons are egocentric and narrowminded bores.

2. When DH starts talking about some "fabulous" fellowship, your response is "I don't fu**ing think so."

3. And the one I'm most ashamed of......While DH is on call on Fathers' Day, call him to pick a fight about how selfish he is and how this lifestyle sucks for you.

O.K., now let's fess up. What have you done on your evil days to not support your spouses' careers?