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  • #16
    My dad has some good stories about drivers in Boston from when he lived in Cambridge back in the early 80s. Looks like they haven't improved!
    married to an anesthesia attending


    • #17
      Originally posted by alison
      My dad has some good stories about drivers in Boston from when he lived in Cambridge back in the early 80s. Looks like they haven't improved!

      Although.... The drivers in San Antonio can be equally as bad. It seems that many of the immigrants from south of the border think alcohol is the perfect beverage while driving home after a long day of work. AND, many of them are definitely NOT familiar with American traffic signs and signals.

      Don't get me wrong, though. Boston is bad - the cab drivers will smash into you in a heart beat. And, I've seen some behavior on the road that probably borderlines on "evil" out here (as in complete and utter disregard for human life). This was the only city we've visited or lived in where my kids and I were almost mowed down by a car in a parking lot (car probably going about 40mph - had about a full Target store's worth of space to see the kids and I in front of it crossing). Car didn't even slow down - I literally pulled my kids out of the way a few seconds before it whizzed by. Can we say adrenalin rush?
      Who uses a machete to cut through red tape
      With fingernails that shine like justice
      And a voice that is dark like tinted glass


      • #18
        Re: relocation

        Originally posted by gmdcblack
        2. "y'all" is singular and "all y'all" is plural.
        Hilarious! And, also very true of Texas (which is, ahem, the southwest and not a part of the deep south ).
        Who uses a machete to cut through red tape
        With fingernails that shine like justice
        And a voice that is dark like tinted glass


        • #19
          My driving instructor liked to say "If you can drive in NYC, you can drive anywhere." My test was on an actual street with real cars, between which I had to park. The ironic thing is that I can parallet park without any problems but still can't get in straight to a parking space at the mall.


          • #20
            My uncle says Californians "park by sound" ... that could go for Chicago, too.

            My dad claims to use the "park by feel" method, otherwise known as the "braille method". SO hates the way I drive, but concedes that I am the better parallel parker.

            One constant about moving from NY to PA is that I can still complain about Jersey drivers!


            • #21
              Originally posted by dayisme
              One constant about moving from NY to PA is that I can still complain about Jersey drivers!
              Oy! Jersey drivers! You can't blame 'em, really. They've got to deal with those stupid jug-handles. They're just awful.


              • #22
                My vote for the city with the worst drivers is Boston. Literally bumper cars.
                Clearly you've never tried to drive down here in DC. I'd rather drive in Boston anyday. Fine, we're aggressive, we'll flip you the bird in a heart beat, swear at you out the window, try to mow you down on a crosswalk but... If I need to get off an exit or am in the wrong lane and need to move over, the drivers in the other lane will usually slow down or speed up so I can get in (probably swearing at me while they do it). Around here, people are so passive aggressive, or something, that I can never get in the lane I want. I've had more people pull up parallel with my car the minute I put on my directional then I can count. It's so frustrating. Just swear at me and go around already so I can get in the lane! Plus they all go racing through traffic at rush hour, like any of us are getting anywhere. No wonder there are so many mulitple car accidents on a daily basis here!


                • #23

                  I was going to post about our drivers, but figured unless you've actually experienced it, you'd never believe it. But remember, 90% of the people who live here, aren't FROM here. We get everyone's crazy people (they need to talk to the president) and everyone's bad drivers.



                  • #24
                    Since we were in D.C. for six weeks I did get to experience the crazy driving!

                    I'd rank the D.C. drivers about on par with the Boston drivers.

                    The only difference: D.C. streets actually MAKE SENSE! There are signs indicating what road you are driving on. The city is laid out in a somewhat logical grid system. There are clearly painted lines on the roads!

                    Perhaps that is why Boston drivers are so awful - they're confused because they don't know where they are, how to get where they're going, and whether or not they're driving into oncoming traffic (which, believe me DOES happen - especially at this one intersection in Dedham as well as certain areas of Roslindale).

                    But, I guess when you consider the problems with Boston roads probably contributing to the bad driving here then, yeah, D.C. drivers come out as worse (because they don't have any excuses!).
                    Who uses a machete to cut through red tape
                    With fingernails that shine like justice
                    And a voice that is dark like tinted glass


                    • #25
                      There are signs indicating what road you are driving on. The city is laid out in a somewhat logical grid system. There are clearly painted lines on the roads!

                      Perhaps that is why Boston drivers are so awful - they're confused because they don't know where they are, how to get where they're going, and whether or not they're driving into oncoming traffic
                      Good point!

