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Any stay-at-home fathers here?

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  • Any stay-at-home fathers here?

    I'm a 2nd year med student and my husband is quitting his job next month to be a stay-at-home father to our 6-month old. I was just curious if there are any other stay-at-home guys out there whose wives/partners are in medical training?

  • #2
    Yes, there are several here and more are welcome! There is a section just for them on called Mr. MD or something like that for male spouses, so have him check it out. I look forward to seeing him post!

    Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

    "I don't know when Dad will be home."


    • #3
      I'll probably be doing the same in about a year when my wife starts her internship. You'll have to let us know how it goes for you both. I'm a bit concerned about how it will work out for my wife and I.


      • #4
        I am not a SAHD but I am good friends with a SAHD of a psychiatry resident with two daughters. I think that I will try to get him to log on here and chat with you all. I know that he has said that this is quiet challenging on many aspects.

        Anyway, welcome to the boards!

        In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


        • #5

          Hello All,
          I have been a stay at home Dad for a little over 5 years. We have a 7.75 year old daughter. My wife is an RN, so it's a lot different than being in Med School etc. But, I'm good at it, so if you have any specific questions, feel free to ask. For a start:
          He HAS to want to do it, and YOU will have to let him do it his way. It takes a while to get accustomed to not leaving the house every day. Sit down and decide what EXACTLY his duties will be. If you don't tell him to vaccuum once a week, he won't!! If you don't want him to do laundry, don't complain if it doesn't get done.
          I am also home schooling my daughter. So, that adds a whole different realm to the duties required. Just a start. If he can handle the house work to YOUR liking, things should be okay. Our philosophy is: I am respondible for everything, my wife's job is to bring home the paycheck.
          I classify myself as "Husband of Sabrina" to all her family and "The Spousal Support Unit" to her friends. I expect NOTHING from her when she comes home from work. I do all the cooking/cleaning/laundry/ etc. I am also in charge of the finances/vacation planning when time allows. I average 3 days a year away from my daughter, otherwise, we are always together. All in all, it's wonderful. My wife does see a bit of "mini-me" in our daughter, but what would you expect from 5.5 years together? lol
          If he has any questions, please have him email me. Life is good, BUT YOU MUST SET THE GUIDELINES!!! Best of luck. Xz


          • #6

            I guess this isn't the best day to ask me how it's going - I really like to get out with the baby at least once during the day, and now it's been raining for like 3 days straight, so I'm going a bit stir crazy.

            I started when our baby was about 6 months - we have a ball together. But it would be nicer if residency wasn't such a hassle. And tell him to be prepared to ignore the prevailing attitude among those who need to express their opinions.

            I think it's really important to get out with the kid(s) as much as possible. If there's other SAHDs in the area, that would be prime. I tend to encounter some suspicious glances from the moms in town. (though maybe I'm being paranoid, or just reading too many posts from

            But all in all, I'm happy I quit my job and took this on. I can't imagine leaving the baby each morning to go to an office.

            Good luck.
            Enabler of DW and 5 kids
            Let's go Mets!

