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  • I'm new!

    Hi! My real name is Sandi, and I'm new to this website and think it's a wonderful resource! My husband just started his 3rd year of med school, and we just found out yesterday that he passed the Boards and even ended up with a pretty good score! (I think it's good, anyway!) I am very, very thankful! He is on family practice rotation, and even though it's supposed to be one of the easiest, it's been pretty hard for me so far since he is no longer in charge of his hours. I am in grad school, so once the school year starts up again, it will be a lot easier, I think. Anyway, I just wanted to post and to say hi to everyone!

  • #2
    Welcome Sandy!

    What are you studying? What does dh want to specialize in? Whatever your answer, I'm sure that you will find someone going through similar experiences here. Congrats on the good board scores.

    In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


    • #3
      Welcome Sandy,
      Glad you found us. This is a great place for support. I look forward to getting to know you.
      wife, mother, nurse practitioner

      "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


      • #4
        more about me

        Thank you guys for replying! I'm pursuing my Master's degree in language teaching, specifically French. My undergraduate degrees were in French and Music Education, and although I don't have big career goals (I look forward to being at home with kids in the future), we thought this would be a great time for me to get my Masters if ever I'm going to get one -- before kids, while my husband's in med school, and while it's free with an assistantship.

        We're leaving today to go to a rural town for the second half of his family practice clerkship -- should be interesting! I look forward to getting to know you all!



        • #5
          Hi Sandi,

          Welcome to the board! My husband is a Family Practice attending in a rural town in Arkansas, and we like it a lot. (You should see my house!!!) Is FP a specialty he might consider? Mike's a "people person", so it's been a good fit for him.


          • #6
            family practice/AR

            Yes, he is definitely considering family practice and actually leans that way, but this is only his first rotation so it's possible that he will change his mind after other experiences. He has always been interested in primary health care.

            I'm actually from Arkansas originally! How long have you lived there? We are in Missouri.


