I am new to this website and I have enjoyed reading what everyone has to say. Your insight and tidbits of information has gotten me through many a tough day lately.
Let me introduce myself - I am the girlfriend of a first year psychiatry resident at Stanford University. I am in the process of moving out to California to be with him after spending my entire life on the East Coast. So needless to say, this is an enormous change for me - for the two of us. We are moving to a new place, starting new jobs and starting to live together all at the same time. There has been just a little stress in our lives lately and the distance apart from each other these past 2 months has been hard (he had to be out there at the end of June).
We have been dating for almost 3 years and there was never any doubt in my mind that I would go with him, it has just taken awhile for me to adjust to the concept of moving to the other coast as I am very attached to my family and friends. I was never keen on California, even during his residency application process, but he did his undergrad at Stanford and just really enjoyed being back there during his interviews. Not to mention, the program had everything he wanted and they are very into residents having a personal AND a professional life.
Anyhow, reading this site the last couple of days as I toil away with organizing my stuff, pack boxes, schedule to ship my car and my belongings, purchase plane tickets has helped me see that there are so many others out there that have done what I am doing and all turned out well. Thanks for being there.
Let me introduce myself - I am the girlfriend of a first year psychiatry resident at Stanford University. I am in the process of moving out to California to be with him after spending my entire life on the East Coast. So needless to say, this is an enormous change for me - for the two of us. We are moving to a new place, starting new jobs and starting to live together all at the same time. There has been just a little stress in our lives lately and the distance apart from each other these past 2 months has been hard (he had to be out there at the end of June).
We have been dating for almost 3 years and there was never any doubt in my mind that I would go with him, it has just taken awhile for me to adjust to the concept of moving to the other coast as I am very attached to my family and friends. I was never keen on California, even during his residency application process, but he did his undergrad at Stanford and just really enjoyed being back there during his interviews. Not to mention, the program had everything he wanted and they are very into residents having a personal AND a professional life.
Anyhow, reading this site the last couple of days as I toil away with organizing my stuff, pack boxes, schedule to ship my car and my belongings, purchase plane tickets has helped me see that there are so many others out there that have done what I am doing and all turned out well. Thanks for being there.