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  • #16
    Originally posted by corn poffi View Post
    I would never stop working. I like money, and not having it is not an option. The poor grad student life is not for me.
    I totally hear you on the money thing. I had to completely change my life, it kind of sucked.... lol!


    • #17
      Thanks everyone! Yes, back at school full time and it's been challenging trying to make time for everyone and everything. But I guess the good thing is that it's a distraction from the loneliness of not seeing the SO? We've been together for a few months so I'm a newbie in the relationship but also here too But he's really supportive and when we do see each other, he's very attentive so those moments make the sometimes weeks of not seeing each other tolerable...well, kind of!


      • #18
        Mother of two ballerinas and one wild boy


        • #19
          Corn Poffi, don't be scared of going back! I was juggling too much when I decided to just do it because I really wanted something for myself. There are moments when I regret that decision but after the first couple of semesters school calmed down and I found a rhythm so it's all good. As for the money situation, yes, totally sucks but hopefully it'll pay off


          • #20


            • #21
              Welcome, from a one-time Californian.

              CP, I'm working full time and going to grad school, but just barely. One grad school class at a time is about all my sanity can handle, and that means it'll be a long time before I get my master's degree.
              Julia - legislative process lover and general government nerd, married to a PICU & Medical Ethics attending, raising a toddler son and expecting a baby daughter Oct '16.


              • #22
                Thank you! Oceanchild, one step at a time, right? I'm feeling frustrated with everything right now and wish the SO were being more supportive. I'm almost regretting doing grad school full time-so draining


                • #23
                  Originally posted by cedarsnow View Post
                  Thank you! Oceanchild, one step at a time, right? I'm feeling frustrated with everything right now and wish the SO were being more supportive. I'm almost regretting doing grad school full time-so draining
                  I think it's totally normal to feel a little stressed or overwhelmed with school this time of year. I've always had a hard time with the end of fall semester. School is obviously crazy (the end of the semester always is!), social activities/obligations are usually at an annual high, plus all the shopping etc you are expected to do (with no time and very little cash!).

                  My best advice is to just try to focus and push through finals (I'm not sure what you are studying - so no idea if you're studying for finals etc.), do all of your shopping online (as quickly as possible), and try your best to push off social obligations until school wraps up. I'm sure it will be over soon and presumably you have a little break waiting for at the end!

                  While I was studying for finals in law school I always bought a little tree, listened to the nutcracker, and tried to make my apartment smell like my mom's house (red currant and christmas cookies were usually my fav). I'm not sure why, but it always helped me focus (and feel less depressed about being stuck at home studying for weeks on end... I always avoided the school library, way too many freak-outs that time of year!). I still went to holiday parties for little breaks here and there - but tried to just make an appearance and then went back to studying.

                  As for your SO not being more supportive - I'm sorry about that. I'm not sure what exactly is going on so very little advice there! If your long-distance and it has been a few weeks since you have seen each other, he may not even really know what is going on. You could try to explain (if you haven't)...but if it were me I'd ignore it until I was done with the semester (I personally like to block out all emotional/relationship issues that arise during finals until after the semester is over... I'm much more rational if I think about things when I am less stressed out.)

                  That probably wasn't super helpful - but my point is that this time of year is draining and so I think you are normal in feeling that way. BUT it's almost over! Just try your best to focus on school for the next two weeks (or so). You're almost done!


                  • #24
                    Welcome! I'm curious about your name. Cedar Snow? Cedars Now? I don't want to mispronounce it in my head.


                    • #25
                      Thank you BonBon I just finished reading Snow Falling on Cedars so I ended up with Cedar Snow because I couldn't think of a good name off the top of my head!
                      JDAZ, what a great idea! I need to remember to do little things for myself, especially during stressful times. And you're right, the SO doesn't know a lot of what's going on but sometimes when I do let him know, I don't know how interested he is. I know a lot of it is that he's got a lot of frustrations of his own but I'm in the frame of mind that people in relationships should share their concerns. It's been less than a year and we've had a lot of adjustments to make in terms of his career, my starting school, etc. so I hope it's just that we're still getting to know how the other operates. And finals, UGH! All of you have been so supportive and I appreciate your kind words SO much!


                      • #26
                        Welcome!! Is your SO in a 3 or 4 year program? I did grad school while my DH was in med school and I found it helpful to work full time and go to school do I was almost as busy as he was. It kept my mind off not being together much. Hope to get to know you better!
                        Wife to EP, just trying to keep up with my FOUR busy kids!


                        • #27
                          Welcome! I'm new too.


                          • #28
                            Hi Deebs, he's in a 4 year program so we've got some time left for me to stay busy Welcome Holly!


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by cedarsnow View Post
                              Thank you BonBon I just finished reading Snow Falling on Cedars so I ended up with Cedar Snow because I couldn't think of a good name off the top of my head!
                              JDAZ, what a great idea! I need to remember to do little things for myself, especially during stressful times. And you're right, the SO doesn't know a lot of what's going on but sometimes when I do let him know, I don't know how interested he is. I know a lot of it is that he's got a lot of frustrations of his own but I'm in the frame of mind that people in relationships should share their concerns. It's been less than a year and we've had a lot of adjustments to make in terms of his career, my starting school, etc. so I hope it's just that we're still getting to know how the other operates. And finals, UGH! All of you have been so supportive and I appreciate your kind words SO much!
                              First, totally do little things for yourself! I've always preformed so much better on tests etc when I'm happy (and as relaxed as possible). Don't rule a hot rock massage either!!

                              Second, I'm glad it's supposed to be cedar snow and not cedars now... there is no way I could have switched it to the latter in my head!

                              Finally, to me it sounds like you and your SO just really need to find a weekend to see each other. I know it's really hard to both be busy and in a long distance relationship. My DF and I never went that long without seeing each other, but I remember starting to question why I was doing this to myself after like two weeks of not seeing him. I always remembered as soon as I saw him again. Finish your work and plan a road trip! (just my opinion based on the info I'm aware of at the moment).


                              • #30
                                Ohhh, a hot rock massage sounds wonderful! And I totally agree, the SO and I need some alone time. We're both really tactile people, so without that human contact, I think we both start to forget how great the other person is...although I think he forgets easier (he's like Eeyore and tends to tolerate misery better-guess that's another reason he's in medicine)!

