I was aimlessly browsing the internet and happened to stumble upon this site. I'm not sure if I should be on this site or not. I'm actually a girlfriend, not a spouse, but I'm sure all of you have been there at some point
My boyfriend just started his intern year in neurosurgery residency in Chicago...I'm currently in Cleveland, so at this point it's an LDR. We've been doing pretty well so far in terms of a LDR for 2 months, haha. We've been together for a year, so...not that long
I'm also a few years younger than him, but we're both still pretty young. According to his chief resident, I heard that the second year was the "make-it-or-break-it" year for relationships because he actually has to know stuff during his second year. To be honest, I prefer that we keep it LDR for now since it will give him the time he needs to study and learn everything, and it would also give me the opportunity to live my life the way it want to.
Thankfully he doesn't suffer from "God-complex" and he's extremely sweet. Although he does like to stick his nose in the air every now and then, I always bring him back down to Earth (I don't take that "God-complex" crap). It's great that he wants to continue a relationship even though it's long distance and that he's going to suffer through hell for the next 7 or so. I think it's also great that there are groups like this and people that have been through these issues and survived to tell the tales.
As for me, I'm a recent medical illustrator graduate (with a great and stable job and apartment), and I've also been my SO's sugar momma for the past 8 months since he was a med student and also up to his eyeballs in debt. It helps that he actually has a stable source of income now
I've thought about moving over to Chicago (which is also my favorite city), but the job is here...for now.
That's all for now folks, thanks for taking the time!
I was aimlessly browsing the internet and happened to stumble upon this site. I'm not sure if I should be on this site or not. I'm actually a girlfriend, not a spouse, but I'm sure all of you have been there at some point

My boyfriend just started his intern year in neurosurgery residency in Chicago...I'm currently in Cleveland, so at this point it's an LDR. We've been doing pretty well so far in terms of a LDR for 2 months, haha. We've been together for a year, so...not that long

Thankfully he doesn't suffer from "God-complex" and he's extremely sweet. Although he does like to stick his nose in the air every now and then, I always bring him back down to Earth (I don't take that "God-complex" crap). It's great that he wants to continue a relationship even though it's long distance and that he's going to suffer through hell for the next 7 or so. I think it's also great that there are groups like this and people that have been through these issues and survived to tell the tales.
As for me, I'm a recent medical illustrator graduate (with a great and stable job and apartment), and I've also been my SO's sugar momma for the past 8 months since he was a med student and also up to his eyeballs in debt. It helps that he actually has a stable source of income now

That's all for now folks, thanks for taking the time!