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Hello Again! Spouse of MSIII, Bus Home, & Residency prep

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  • #31
    Welcome back Kelly! What a fascinating last couple of years you've had! I'm totally diggin the bus, especially that tub.

    We did the whole excel spreadsheet thing too and I went with DH on as many interviews as I could. I'd drive around town while DH was interviewing to get a feel for the neighborhoods, I felt like it gave me a better sense of what my daily life would be like there. Sounds like you're already on the right track as far as planning, the only other thing I'd say is make sure you have more money tucked away for interview season than you think you need. Even if you plan on driving the bus to a lot of the locations, sometimes those interviews will be scheduled back to back to back and he'll be forced to fly in order not to miss it, and those travel costs add up FAST. Plus cost of applications, a new suit if he needs one, the step exams -- I felt like we were hemorrhaging money during that time, so just be prepared for that.
    Wife of a surgical fellow; Mom to a busy toddler girl and 5 furballs (2 cats, 3 dogs)


    • #32
      Oh yea, that's smart. If I remember correctly DH had two cluster weeks in addition to flying to an interview and coming home. Texas, Oklahoma, Iowa City, and then SC, Gainesville, and Miami. Yea, he had to fly from Gainesville to Miami because there wasn't enough time.

      We already talked about this over PM but it's so strange I have to tell you guys. I went to music school with Kelly's brother!! I was an undergrad and he was a graduate student, we didn't know each other very well but it was such a small program I can even remember when he started dating his current girlfriend!! What a strange small world this is.


      • #33
        Originally posted by niener View Post
        the only other thing I'd say is make sure you have more money tucked away for interview season than you think you need.
        Thanks for bringing this up! It's something I've been thinking a lot about and we have already started preparing for. I felt that hemorrhage feeling when he was interviewing for med schools all over the country, but there weren't nearly as many of those. One of my fears is that since I'll only go for some of the interviews, he'll match to a place I've never been. I can't honestly expect to go with him everywhere, though that'd be nice. I guess that's all just part of the process though. I'm so glad I at least have some new friends (you guys) and the internet to research places.

        Some days definitely feel more stressful than others.


        • #34
          We went through that with Fellowship. The kids and I went to several interviews with him. All but two. He had decided where he wanted to match and I felt comfortable with our choices. Then he flew to Florida alone and was taken in by UF. That's where we ended up. It all worked out for us. It was just one more bit of adventure!

          ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
          ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


          • #35
            Hey Kris,

            I'm glad it worked for you. We both went to UF for undergrad and I was there for grad school too. We loved Gainesville and I hope you do too! We got both our dogs from amazing rescues in the area. Man! I want some flying biscuit now! :P



            • #36
              We were in Gainesville for fellowship but now we're in MN. Brrrr! It was hard to enjoy Gainesville at the time because fellowship was tough. Looking back on it now though, there were a lot of good things about it! We got our Australian shepherd who recently passed away from a rescue there too!
              ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
              ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


              • #37
                What part of MN? Chris really liked a program and the people from St Paul when he went to a a family med conference last year. I've been researching the TC the last few days, found a nice pottery studio and some really affordable housing. We will not be living in the bus if we move to MN, haha.


                • #38
                  Hi Kelly, welcome! We're just finishing up interview season now, and I actually haven't been on any interviews with him. Since I was 7+ months pregnant for most of interview season, I wasn't up for that much traveling, and we didn't want to spend the money. We actually spent less on interviews than I expected, probably for that reason. But we could easily match somewhere I've never been. Should be interesting! I'm looking forward to knowing though.

                  And - if you end up in the TC, Northern Clay Center is the best! I took a couple intro classes there, it was so much fun and the teachers and artists there are lovely. We live in PA now though.
                  Wife of PGY-4 (of 6), cat herder, and mom to a sassy-pants four-nager.


                  • #39
                    Thanks for the warm welcome everyone! I'm well on my 50 posts and can't wait to be a regular


                    • #40
                      Wife to PGY3 Rads also proud mother of three spoiled dogs!! Some days it is hectic, but I wouldn't trade this for anything.


                      • #41
                        I'm late but wanted to add my welcome, too. One of my dreams has been to add a tiny house on our imaginary property someday. I'm so impressed by your bus. It seems so cozy and comfortable.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Bittersweet View Post
                          I'm late but wanted to add my welcome, too. One of my dreams has been to add a tiny house on our imaginary property someday. I'm so impressed by your bus. It seems so cozy and comfortable.
                          Thanks! We think it's pretty cozy too, Just Right for us now DH is pretty much addicted to bus conversions and tiny houses in general and can't wait till we own a large piece of property so he can buy another bus to play with. And some llamas


                          • #43
                            Not so much a fan of llamas but would love some alpacas. They are like giant dogs.

                            Plus, their fur is so nice to stuff in your boots/pockets to keep your toes/fingers warm.
                            Finally - we are finished with training! Hello real world!!


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by medpedspouse View Post
                              Not so much a fan of llamas but would love some alpacas. They are like giant dogs.

                              Plus, their fur is so nice to stuff in your boots/pockets to keep your toes/fingers warm.
                              I would LOVE to have alpacas! It's on my ten year plan ... and it will take that long to convince DH.


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by Bittersweet View Post
                                I would LOVE to have alpacas! It's on my ten year plan ... and it will take that long to convince DH.
                                Has your DH seen a baby alpaca? Surely he cannot resist and say no to those giant eyelashes.
                                Finally - we are finished with training! Hello real world!!

