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Introduction of a frazzled Orthopedic Surgery intern spouse

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  • Introduction of a frazzled Orthopedic Surgery intern spouse

    This is my first post. My husband and I have been married 8 1/2 years. We have two children, a seven year old and a 10 month old. So, I am very familiar with the lifestyle of a medical spouse, but it dosen't make it any easier.

    Let's just say that I now, finally understand why the divorce rate is so high among physicians. This isn't to say I am thinking of leaving my spouse, I'm not. But, I hardly feel like I'm in a partnership. To the world, looking in, maybe it doesn't seem that I have anything to complain about at all. I have a caring husband who supports me and my children. I have a nice home (benefit of the cost of living here and deferred loans), two beautiful children, and the prospect of having a comfortable life in the years to come.

    However, I feel so trapped. All of my energy, my life, everything that I am is built around this goal. I have moved twice, very far from family and support in order to support this goal. I have given up my own career goals so that our children could have someone there. I do virtually everything to keep this family running from changing diapers and preparing meals to doing the taxes, researching options, paying bills, and doing the yard work. Yet, I am the marginalized spouse. I am completely unimoprtatnt. My husband tries, I know he does, but I still feel as though I am the cornerstone of a wobbly foundation, trying desperately to keep our sturcture standing.

    I know, in my head, that at some point *I* need to come first. But, I can't even find the time to exercise, let alone take time for myself in other ways. I am overweight, and I don't know how to fix it. With a 10 month old who won't let me get on the treadmill, limited money, and a schedule that is so unreliable, I couldn't possible count on my husband for one day a week. I would love to take a class or join a gym, but the cost would be enormous when you include the babysitting. It's just frustrating. I'm not really looking for advice here, I just wanted to ramble off some of the things in my head. It's hard to tak to someone who's been awake for 36 hours, who tells you they are listening, while nodding off in the recliner.

    I'm just taking it one day at a time for now.

    Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.

  • #2

    First of all, welcome! You have a lot of good company here.

    My DH is an attending(thank goodness!), but I know what you mean about feeling like you *should* be perfectly content. To everyone else, I have the life...some relatives have even said to me "I wish I was you" . Granted, we are free from financial worries, but it isn't easy feeling like you are a single parent! I am fortunate in that my DH's hours aren't usually too bad, but since this past summer, business has really picked up and he frequently doesn't get home until my son is in bed. (He is not happy about this situation either, and is eager for the new hires to start) I know exactly what you mean about feeling trapped. We have bought what should be a dream house but feels like my prison. I want so badly to be a physician myself, yet feel that it is unattainable due to our geographic location and the fact that someone needs to be with our children!

    Please don't ever feel like you aren't important! You are making it possible for your husband to achieve this goal. You need to do some things for *you* however hard it may seem to fit it into your schedule. Can your 7 yr old play with the baby while you are on the treadmill? Do you have a pack&play for the baby while you work out? I just now started using mine and it has made a huge difference in the frequency of my workouts. I no longer have to wait for DH to be home and my son enjoys sitting there watching me and babbling.
    Are there any tweens in your neighborhood that wouldn't mind coming over as a "mother's helper"? You will still be in the house, but with a helper you can turn your attention to other things while he/she plays with the kids. I'm sure they wouldn't demand too much in the way of pay and would probably appreciate the experience. Another benefit that another member here(Sally) mentioned is that you can "groom" them to be your babysitting later on, and they won't be coming in with any preconceived notions of how things should be done. Also, are there any gyms in your area that offer free babysitting? Our local Y does, and the membership dues are pretty reasonable. I think they are also willing to work with you if money is tight, ie by lowering the price.
    Crap, I just read the part where you said you aren't looking for advice. Oh well, maybe I was a little helpful anyway. Now if only I could follow my own advice!!!
    Try and join us in the Healthy Lifestyle challenge.

    Post often!


    • #3
      Heidi, Welcome! You are in good company here. There are spouses from every specialty represented on these boards ... and we're all at different places in this process. You will be able to take comfort in the fact that you are not alone, complain when you need to and also see the 'light at the end of the tunnel' by chatting with those who have 'survived' and are finally out of training.

      I have 4 children...10,8,5 and 14 months (man, I can't believe he's already 14 months) and I work part-time at the U teaching bio labs. The way that I carved out that time for myself when my dh was a resident was by taking classes. I studied part-time but was eligible for Stafford loans...which I used to buy our washer/dryer , fix our car when it broke and pay for preschool so that I could attend class.

      There are plenty of distance learning options out there that are available that offer aid as well...if you need help finding something I'm happy to help.

      One thing that I've learned in the last 10 years of going from being a full time sahm, to a part-time student, to a full-time student, to a stay at home mom, to a part-time employee (man, I'm tired just saying that) is that not only are our children only young once...we only get one shot at this time in our lives too and deserve to enjoy it.

      You are are single-handedly running your family right now. Your hubby may not appreciate it now, or may not know how to show it right he couldn't do this without you. You KNOW that..and so do we!

      Hang in there!

      ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
      ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


      • #4
        Thank you Chris and Kris. Whether or not I asked for advice, it's still nice to get some. So, thank you.

        Chris, I wanted to be a physician myself, but decided that there was no way for the same reasons you mentioned. Someone needs to be with the kids. When my baby is in school, depending on where I'm stuck living <g>, I think I might go to PA school. Your ideas for exercising are very good. I already feel like I use my son to watch the baby a lot. "Will you watch the baby while I....." fill in the blank here with anything and everything. But, 30 minutes a few times a week can't hurt him. I don't really know any tweeners in the area, and I am not even sure if this city has Y. If they do, I am sure it is quite distant from my house. But, I am sure I can figure out a few things for containing the baby while I manage some work out time. I don't feel like I'm unimportant, really, I know that I am, but sometimes I feel as though everyone else sees me that way. My husband tells me that I am and that he couldn't do this without me, but when I page him to ask him something and I don't hear from him in 6 to 8 hours I feel less important. I'm a bit miffed at him right now because one of the perks of being a physician spouse is that I should get a prescription if I need it, right? I have a sinus infection right now, and asked my husband to ask another resident to write me for a Z-Pak. He totally forgot to ask anyone. He would get totally killed at work if he didn't order an antibiotic for a patient, but he easily forgets the one for me, because I think he knows, I'll forgive him, and I'll still be here. Anyway, I got the prescription, finally, but my husband needs a talking to, again, sigh. Thanks for the advice and support.

        Kris, I have a bachelor's degree already, so I don't know that I can do much distance learning with stafford loans or anything of the sort. My loans for that are already sitting in deferment. LOL I guess I never really thought of it as I am only here once. I always thought of the kids as being young once, but not myself. Anyway, thank you so much for the encouragement and support. I really appreciate it.
        Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.


        • #5
          All I can say is welcome my sister-in-arms. I'm Kelly, the wife of a PGY-5 gen surgery resident in a 7 year program (two years research). We have two children under the age of 5.

          To your post, I emphatically respond:

          Amen, amen, amen.

          In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


          • #6
            Welcome, you sound like us!!!!!! This site is a marriage saver. My DH is a Pulmonologist, I am an RN. This is a second marriage, and we each have two children (all in college now). I do absolutely everything here. My husband works at least 80 hours a week. If I want to have more than 10 minutes of conversation, I have to have lunch or dinner at the hospital. Fortunately we do work together a bit which is nice. Glad you found us.
            wife, mother, nurse practitioner

            "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


            • #7
              Hello Heidi,
              Welcome to the club, you are not alone. Aside from the fact that I do not have children yet, I am feeling pretty much the same way you are. I am thankful I found this site and browse through often. There is a lot of good advice and shoulders to lean on.


              • #8
                Welcome, my husband is an intern as well. In neurosurgery which is a little longer but just as demanding as ortho. These boards are great when you need them, welcome!
                Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


                • #9
                  Welcome, Heidi! Unfortunately, I think we've all been there! Once when one of my former clients asked what my husband did for a living, I told her he was just about finished up with residency and I couldn't wait until he was done. She replied, "Oh, then you'll have a nice life as a doctor's wife" if there was nothing else to my life than being a doctor's wife. And we heard that before we moved into our new house last summer, the rumor around the neighborhood was that a "doctor and his wife" were moving in. I'm sure people were picturing me as always having my hair up in a french twist with a mink around my shoulders and pearls on my neck. They were probably surprised to see me outside mowing the lawn wearing sweats and a baseball cap!! I shouldn't really get upset about these things, but the idea of being "a doctor's wife" makes me a little uncomfortable with everyone's preconceived notions about what that's supposed to mean.

                  Anyways, I just wanted to let you know we all understand and anytime you're feeling frustrated, feel free to vent!



                  • #10
                    I got my loans as a 'second degree' student since I hadn't taken out any before that....If you are interested at some point you could always go for the whole private loan thing (YUCK!)

                    ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
                    ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


                    • #11
                      Thank you all so much for your commiseration and support. I appreciate it so much. It is nice to know that I am not alone, and I am sure I will be frequenting these boards more often, if only to *know* that.

                      I had to LOL at waliking around with my hair in a frech twist and a mink around my shoulders. Maybe one day, I'll dress up like that for Halloween - the notion of a doctor's wife. A Stepford Wife. LOL Thanks for the laugh.

                      Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by hlj25950
                        I had to LOL at waliking around with my hair in a frech twist and a mink around my shoulders. Maybe one day, I'll dress up like that for Halloween - the notion of a doctor's wife. A Stepford Wife. LOL Thanks for the laugh.

                        Don't forget your bon bons!


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by ljnamaste
                          Don't forget your bon bons!
                          for me it's yodels...(though I don't think the "doctor's husband" myth ever really took off, huh? )
                          Enabler of DW and 5 kids
                          Let's go Mets!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by ljnamaste
                            Originally posted by hlj25950
                            I had to LOL at waliking around with my hair in a frech twist and a mink around my shoulders. Maybe one day, I'll dress up like that for Halloween - the notion of a doctor's wife. A Stepford Wife. LOL Thanks for the laugh.

                            Don't forget your bon bons!
                            From an e-mail I got just today from a relative about my wedding registry:

                            Do you have a silver chest, good china and things like that? What about table linenp or bed room items or what kinds of things would you like as a doctors wife that you wouldnt buy yourselves?
                            What?? What kinds of things would I like as a doctor's wife?! You mean things like a country club membership and a valium addiction? What image are we working off of here? And what's a silver chest? Lord, please don't let anyone get me anything silver for my wedding, because the maid's out of town until . . . forever, and I'm not fond of polishing.

                            (I don't blame her--she's good-hearted but known to be a bit kooky, and on top of that she's cursed with a mother with a really unhealthy kind of class-consciousness, so this isn't the first eyebrow-raising comment that's come up.)
                            Married to a hematopathologist seven years out of training.
                            Raising three girls, 11, 9, and 2.

                            “That was the thing about the world: it wasn't that things were harder than you thought they were going to be, it was that they were hard in ways that you didn't expect.”
                            Lev Grossman, The Magician King


                            • #15
                              Lord, please don't let anyone get me anything silver for my wedding, because the maid's out of town until . . . forever, and I'm not fond of polishing.

                              I have yet to use that full set of sterling silver serving ware that I got as a wedding present. Mmmm....Silver spoons don't quite match my Target plates and my yard sale drinking glasses.
                              Opps, did I say Target plates? My goodness, I am not living up to my reputation as a "doctor's wife!"

