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Introduction of a frazzled Orthopedic Surgery intern spouse

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  • #16

    all right, I spewed my diet coke reading all this.

    In our old neighborhood, people were veeeery standoff-ish with me at first. Because I'm a dawkter's wife. Eventually, an elderly lady got to know me and spread the word around that we are actually very nice people. This neighborhood, nobody gives a toot.

    What the heck IS a doctor's wife anyway?! And what the heck is a bon bon? I've actually had people say to me "you make such a good doctor's wife" Huh?? dh has been an attending for over 4 years now(read: there is money in the bank account ), and we still bought our "china" at Target and our regular dishes at Wal-mart 8)

    Oh the shame!!! omg you guys are killing me


    • #17
      Welcome, Heidi! This forum is a great place to find support through the medical training process and beyond.

      And this has gone off on a tangent.....but, OMG, the stuff about the silver is cracking me up! Julie, between your future in-laws (and the freemason stuff), this relative, well you'll get all the comic relief you need.

      Errr....I do have silverplated silverware (couldn't afford the all silver stuff!). And I use it every day and have allowed it develop a "patina." I actually like it that way. The last time it was polished was when I was in labor with DD #1 (4.5 yrs ago). I put in the dishwasher and just make sure it doesn't touch stainless steel (otherwise it gets funky spots). And it looks just fine with Target dishware. So, Lori, don't let it sit in a drawer -- pull it out and use it everyday!

      Bon Bons: ... deptid=360

      Well, who would have known? I am a doctor's wife and I like chocolate and now I can spend my life of leisure eating them? I wonder if it's hard to get chocolate out of this mink stole I have wrapped around my neck. Oh, why am I worried? I'll just have the maid take care of it!


      • #18
        Well, I must admit that I do have the silver, china and crystal.

        That I got as wedding presents when I married THE FIREFIGHTER.... (and stupidly took when we split up and have now been carting this garbage all over the country numerous times over.)

        The Dawkter breaks everything he touches, so he gets paper and the cheap wine glasses.


        PS- I must also confess to a mink hat. Bought it in Russia- when the HIGH was -14. My head was freezing off. Not that I'd wear it here- doesn't go with the sweats and tennies whilst walking the pooch.

        and welcome aboard Heidi- you'll find that the majority of us are nutjobs, but happy in our nuttiness.


        • #19
          Originally posted by nmh
          Errr....I do have silverplated silverware (couldn't afford the all silver stuff!). And I use it every day and have allowed it develop a "patina." I actually like it that way.
          You don't know how glad I am that your silver doesn't have a "placenta", as I originally read.

          And now I am off to take a much-needed break.


          • #20
            Julie, I know what you're going through with the whole china wedding present thing. One of DH's aunts told me I had to register for china when I got married because I would need it for when I entertained other doctors and their wives. Well, let's just say china is not my thing so I never registered for it...and DH's aunt was pretty miffed.

            As you can see, Heidi, this is a great support group because we have all been there and know how you feel!


            • #21

              You guys are killing me.

              Oh, and for the record, before this Christmas, we had no more than two spoons that actually matched. I'm not making this up, but I obtained my cutlery by obtaining a piece with each tank of gas at SuperAmerica during college!

              In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


              • #22
                Welcome Heidi!
                The china discussion has me laughing my ass off! I have not a piece of fine silver or china in my house. The last several parties I've hosted have included plastic utensils and plenty of alcohol...then again we might not be the classiest couple to ever grace my dh's program.
                Awake is the new sleep!


                • #23

                  Thanks everyone for the great laughs!
                  Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.

