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New to Board - fiance 2nd year med student

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  • New to Board - fiance 2nd year med student

    Hi everyone - My name is Jenn. I have been lurking on and off since last Feb, but I felt I needed to join now. My fiance is starting his 2nd year of med school in Grenada, West Indies in January (he comes home for 3 weeks next Saturday). I live in NC - yes, we are doing this 1,000 miles away from each other while I finish grad school AND plan our wedding - which is July 29 Then I will STILL be alone for 6 months before we move to wherever his clinical rotations are in the states. Thankfully, as a nurse, I can move in a heartbeat so I feel lucky to have that advantage, at least.

    Ok well, I wouldn't be posting if I didn't have the need to vent and de-stress. I've got great friends and family - but they just don't understand sometimes. Even me! A nurse! I am in the hospital and I still feel slighted by this whole medical school process. So, it's happens to us even within the medical profession I suppose. And the one thing I am starting to despise is when someone says "why are you going to school still, he's going to be a doctor!"...or my favorite.."oh, a doctor, you'll be set for life."...Umm ya, if I get that far (really, I'm just feeling down right now...don't take that seriously, please)

    Ok, so I am here...keeping the house, the dog, the bills, the loans, my grad school, a job, everyday mundane tasks, the vet, the birthday cards to his family, the name it, I freaking do it for me, for him, for us. Just like most of you do. So, when FI tells me that "he's tired" and he doesn't want to answer a yes/no question about the wedding (which would be quicker than actually saying I'm tried)...and he needs to sleep because he's been studying"...well, I start to get a little upset. Reason? I am tired too! He asked me to marry him and I rarely even involve him in the process or whine about anything task wise that I do. I suck it up and I do things. But jeez, can't a girl get a little love while their SO is in medical school? I'm feeling emotionally disconnected lately...and especially during finals right now, we talk maybe 5 min per night. I would KILL to have him to hold every night, even for 5 hrs. I haven't seen him since August. Nights like tonight I wonder why I am holding on. My mom always says that right now is the lonliest i'll ever be because at least in a year he'll be in the same house, instead of in another country. She's got a point, but still.

    It sometimes feels like I give and give and I don't see that letting up anytime soon (he wants to be a surgeon). I feel stupid for waiting through this process even though I practically wrote his application essays. We've been together for 4 years - I knew him when he was still an undergrad and "knew" what I was getting into - he's 26, I'm 27. We are the opitomy of success in our first generations family's eyes - we have a college education, a house almost paid off, no car payments, etc etc. But that sure as heck doesn't make you happy, ya know? I feel disconnected to the person I once knew and thought I made happy. He's changed - but I can't pinpoint it. I have been reading that this is a normal occurence, but it makes me sad, that I don't really know him anymore...and we're supposed to be married in 8 months...when he'd home, it's great...but it's hard to bear being away. Maybe it's better he's away so I don't get upset about being there in person and him needing to study and being tired in front of me....ponder that.

    I just needed to vent to people that may understand...thanks. See you around (I promise my other posts won't be as long)

  • #2

    sorry...epitome...can't spell, it's late.


    • #3
      Re: New to Board - fiance 2nd year med student

      How many Jenns are there here? Is there something going on about Jennifers and marrying docs that I don't know about?

      Originally posted by NurseJenn
      Ok, so I am here...keeping the house, the dog, the bills, the loans, my grad school, a job, everyday mundane tasks, the vet, the birthday cards to his family, the name it, I freaking do it for me, for him, for us. Just like most of you do. So, when FI tells me that "he's tired" and he doesn't want to answer a yes/no question about the wedding (which would be quicker than actually saying I'm tried)...and he needs to sleep because he's been studying"...well, I start to get a little upset. Reason? I am tired too! He asked me to marry him and I rarely even involve him in the process or whine about anything task wise that I do. I suck it up and I do things. But jeez, can't a girl get a little love while their SO is in medical school? I'm feeling emotionally disconnected lately...and especially during finals right now, we talk maybe 5 min per night. I would KILL to have him to hold every night, even for 5 hrs. I haven't seen him since August. Nights like tonight I wonder why I am holding on. My mom always says that right now is the lonliest i'll ever be because at least in a year he'll be in the same house, instead of in another country. She's got a point, but still.

      I'd read the posts around here that address this stuff. Welcome to the boards. I lurked for a few months before posting and just joined the conversation a couple of months ago. Friends don't understand. Family members don't understand. Even the medicial peers don't understand (as you verified). The people here do!!

      :chat: Janet


      • #4
        Welcome! Sorry you are going through a stressful time right now and having to handle everything yourself while the one thing that would make you feel better is 1000 miles away. You can comisserate here anytime and everyone can relate!

        Good luck with the wedding planning!



        • #5
          Hey Jenn-

          (I think you make #15 in the Jenn count...)

          We have everything here that you could need- fellow nurses, fellow engaged people, people whose spouses have been overseas for med school, people (like me ) who have done the long distance thing- you name, we're here for you.

          and nope, no one else gets it and no one else will. I suppose people whose spouses are astronauts or Supreme Court Justices have unique issues to those professions but the doctor thing everyone thinks they understand- they've seen them on General Hospital and er and Scrubs after all.

          So, welcome aboard.

          I have a screaming toddler in the background (he's made because I won't let him wander the house opening and shutting doors) so I must go.



          • #6
            I think the only ones who get it, besides astronaut spouses, are military spouses who have lived through deployment and an overseas move. Its the they speak you jump attitude in the training, homelifeis secondary, and the administration is never wrong even if they are really


            • #7
              ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~


              • #8
                Wow, thanks ladies...


                • #9
                  Welcme, gald you posted. I am Luanne and am also a nurse, currently in graduate school for my NP. People never get it, especially in the hospital. My coworkers make stupid comments all of the time. This is a safe place to vent/share and be understood. Welcome.
                  wife, mother, nurse practitioner

                  "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


                  • #10
                    Hello and welcome from another Jennifer!

                    I think the number of Jennifers on this site speaks more to the popularity of the name roughly three decades ago when we were all but twinkles in our parents' eyes.

                    Who uses a machete to cut through red tape
                    With fingernails that shine like justice
                    And a voice that is dark like tinted glass


                    • #11

                      Please join in the fun. Oh, yeah, don't worry too much about spelling, I used to be all freaked out about this kind of thing and now I realize that around here, no one grades you. Be yourself and post often.

                      In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


                      • #12
                        Welcome and post often!


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by jloreine
                          (I think you make #15 in the Jenn count...)
                          And, if I'm correct, the 3rd w/2 "n's".

                          Welcome. Please don't apologize for long posts, or for spelling errors. We don't care. We are a different breed with problems all our own, that no one (NO ONE) else gets. The doc's parents think they've provided us with a spouse fit for a queen (or king), friends think we've struck the jackpot -- no one understands the true life except for those living it.

                          We're here. Post often!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by kmbsjbcgb

                            Please join in the fun. Oh, yeah, don't worry too much about spelling, I used to be all freaked out about this kind of thing and now I realize that around here, no one grades you.

                            Well, not publically :> hahaha...just kidding, Kelly!

                            Welcome aboard! You have a lot on your plate right now...I think you'll find that we all are very understanding...fabulous people Come in and vent anytime.

                            ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
                            ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss

