This is a spin-off off what was being discussed a bit in the CallRoom...I figured we could carry it over here.
What are your thoughts on spacing your children?
We have children that are 15 months apart, 2 1/2 years apart and 5 years apart.
Honestly.....there is something to be said for and against each age gap. My two with the closest age gap were best buddies until they hit the tween years. Now, they argue non-stop, but....when push comes to shove, they have an incredibly fierce loyalty to each other.
The 2 1/2 year age difference is the toughest...This child isn't close enough in age to really be "friends" with any of his sibs.
The 5 year gap allows them to be in more of a care-taking role than anything else...and that isn't necessarily bad either...just different.
What are your thoughts on spacing your children?
We have children that are 15 months apart, 2 1/2 years apart and 5 years apart.
Honestly.....there is something to be said for and against each age gap. My two with the closest age gap were best buddies until they hit the tween years. Now, they argue non-stop, but....when push comes to shove, they have an incredibly fierce loyalty to each other.
The 2 1/2 year age difference is the toughest...This child isn't close enough in age to really be "friends" with any of his sibs.
The 5 year gap allows them to be in more of a care-taking role than anything else...and that isn't necessarily bad either...just different.