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  • #16
    Yes...I think you'd be an interesting lawyer. No offense to the legal eagles on this site (perhaps it's indicative of my social circles and an indictment of ME) especially Kelly, greymatterwife, Laker, and reciprocity who ALL seem very interesting AND intelligent BUT IRL I truly have to say that I've yet to meet an intelligent or interesting lawyer. Not being a POS here, I'm being serious. And don't get me started on "John Boy".


    • #17
      I'll one up what Kevin said...not only are most of them one dimensional bores, I've met very, very few happy attorneys. Seriously. Stay away.

      In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


      • #18
        Yeah, when the asshat who backed out of buying our house last summer 'threatened' to get a lawyer I was like, "hey- I grew UP here. I know more lawyers than you could meet in a lifetime." All three of my renters are lawyers. Both next door neighbors. Heck Denis Hastert lived there. (until they moved him to a 'safe house'. I figured for him safe meant next to a defribrilator)

        I think she (who was from a small desert town) was rather taken aback at my sincerely blasé attitude.



        • #19
          You were impressed with my use of the accent egu, aren't you?



          • #20
            Originally posted by oceanchild
            I think the likeability of lawyers is directly proportional to the type of lawyering they do.
            I hear that US Bankruptcy Court career law clerks with a background in corporate insolvency law make absolutely fabulous, erudite, engaging conversationalists.

            (Is that my DH I hear laughing...all the way at the hospital???)


            • #21
              Originally posted by house elf
              I'll one up what Kevin said...not only are most of them one dimensional bores, I've met very, very few happy attorneys. Seriously. Stay away.

              That's too bad! I am genuinely always sad to hear when people really do have a deeply engrained general hatred or lack of respect for all lawyers. However, we seem to be an easy target for socially condoned (and encouraged) disgust. I love what I do and I am really proud that I do it. Some of the most intelligent, caring and selfless people I've ever known have been lawyers. Hopefully, y'all will meet some of those types of lawyers someday. There are many of them.


              • #22
                Kelly is...*gasp*....a lawyer.

                I think she fits under the latter category (the caring, intelligent, selfless kind).

                (She is out of town but I thought I would reply to clarify. )


                • #23
                  That's too bad! I am genuinely always sad to hear when people really do have a deeply engrained general hatred or lack of respect for all lawyers.
                  Part of my schtick was hyperbole, and I guess that's not easily conveyed. And I did except all on this site.

                  The small sample set (from personal experience) that I'm referring to are into traffic court, personal injury, D.A.'s office.

                  I respect what most legal eagles do. I do have a profound disgust with some medical malpractice types, clears throat...John Edwards' ilk...

                  Philosophically and personally I see that type as a huge hidden tax on all of us.

