I'm really curious about what the moms of tweens think.
I think it's an inappropriate-for-her-age shot - but I think it's also a very "Vanity Fair" and Annie Leibowitz shot. What did the Cyrus people think they were going for? Frankly the pic of Miley laying across her dad's lap looking all sensual looks worse to me. It was digital, parents and handlers saw the images at the shoot - all of this "embarrassment" and "anger" is a day late, IMO.
I also think the snaps that Miley posted on her myspace page are more indicitave of trouble. She flashes her bra, and is laying across her boyfriend's lap. And SHE posted those. At least the Leibowitz pics are nicely composed!
ETA: I just went and read the Vanity Fair article online. In the first paragraph she says her favorite show is Sex & the City.
If her parents let her watch that -- even the TBS version -- Annie Leibowitz and her camera are the LEAST of their issues.
I think it's an inappropriate-for-her-age shot - but I think it's also a very "Vanity Fair" and Annie Leibowitz shot. What did the Cyrus people think they were going for? Frankly the pic of Miley laying across her dad's lap looking all sensual looks worse to me. It was digital, parents and handlers saw the images at the shoot - all of this "embarrassment" and "anger" is a day late, IMO.
I also think the snaps that Miley posted on her myspace page are more indicitave of trouble. She flashes her bra, and is laying across her boyfriend's lap. And SHE posted those. At least the Leibowitz pics are nicely composed!

ETA: I just went and read the Vanity Fair article online. In the first paragraph she says her favorite show is Sex & the City.
