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Doctors handing out sick notes at capitol rallies

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  • Doctors handing out sick notes at capitol rallies

    It has been confirmed that local doctors were handing out sick notes to participants at this weekend's rallies in Madison.

    I am appalled at this. Teachers striking is bad enough but I can't imagine that an ethics review will find that these doctors exercised good judgment. I am a social liberal and a fiscal conservative, for the record, and I don't see how our state will get of of this mess without taking a hard and painful stance.

  • #2
    The whole situation is sad. i can't believe that these doctors would do this. I hope they caught.
    I just have to say I would love to pay only 13% of health insurance or health related cost. I admire WI govern for standing up and doing something. I wish our govern here in Oregon would do something like this then may be they could stop closing schools.


    • #3
      Moral self-righteousness is always the beginning of the argument that the ends justifies the means.


      • #4
        What really pisses me off right now about the whole thing is that there are a dozen dems that are hiding out across state lines so that a vote cannot be held on the bill. While they continue to avoid their official duties, people are getting themselves worked up into a frenzy. Man up and vote already.


        • #5
          I'm appalled. DH is as well.
          Mother of two ballerinas and one wild boy


          • #6
            I think the whole thing has spun completely out of control, on both sides. I am also in a state where public sector unions not paying into pensions and health benefits and a young retirement age in those sectors is crippling our budget. I do think something should be done to bring them more in line with private sectors. The governor ran with transparency that one of his goals was to reform all of this. However, from what we're hearing here, the WI teachers have agreed to that, so now it seems more an attack on unions themselves. Where are these legislators who are also being paid to do a job and have just disappeared? I really don't get any of it.

            I also think it's bizarre that we're facing a government shutdown at the federal level and our president is in the media weighing in on a state's issue. Everyone, please go back to your workplaces.
            Wife to EP, just trying to keep up with my FOUR busy kids!


            • #7
              I don't agree with the state senators just running away, regardless of how I feel about the teachers. If they wont show up, I say vote without them. Too bad that cant actually happen
              Married to a newly minted Pediatric Rad, momma to a sweet girl and a bunch of (mostly) cute boy monsters.


              • #8
                Here in Wisconsin, the teachers agreed to most of what the governor proposed AFTER the deadlines. There was an opportunity for both sides to meet right before the new year and WEAC (teacher's union) refused. So, now Walker is pushing forward. Hard. As he promised in his campaign. Paying dues to the union is not voluntary, it is not dependent on union membership.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by SoonerTexan View Post
                  I don't agree with the state senators just running away, regardless of how I feel about the teachers. If they wont show up, I say vote without them. Too bad that cant actually happen
                  We can't hold the vote because there aren't enough members to participate.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by SoonerTexan View Post
                    I don't agree with the state senators just running away, regardless of how I feel about the teachers. If they wont show up, I say vote without them. Too bad that cant actually happen
                    I kind of thought it was ingenious. The second the vote happens, the Republican majority will win. Depriving the Senate of enough seats to make a quorum is the only tactic they had left to influence the outcome of the vote. Until collective bargaining rights are restored, they're going to keep things locked up. It's my understanding that's the main sticking point -- the other budget issues are negotiable but the right to form unions is NOT.

                    I have never thought hard about the right to form unions and bargain collectively, but I confess that the idea of stripping that right from an entire group of government workers kind of makes me recoil in horror. Must be my massively pro-union aunt influencing me, but yeah. Not sure why docs were handing out sick notes as it seems almost to undermine the power of the protest (along with being unethical) but the core issues underlying the protest? Apparently some people think they are worth fighting for. *shrug*


                    • #11
                      I thought this was a cool history of legislative walkouts: (from the National Conference of State Legislatures)
                      Julia - legislative process lover and general government nerd, married to a PICU & Medical Ethics attending, raising a toddler son and expecting a baby daughter Oct '16.


                      • #12
                        I'm not in WI, but public employees are going through the same fight in Ohio. I am a teacher here and I think we should protect collective bargaining rights of public employees. This is not a budget fixing measure; this is a move to bust unions. Our teacher union agreed to and signed a contract to freeze salaries and agreed to health care increases. We understand the economic problems of our state and country and work within those constraints. The right to collective bargaining goes beyond money, salaries, and benefits. Bargaining allows teachers to negotiate good working and learning conditions for both teachers and students. Public employees work hard to teach our children, keep our communities clean and safe, and provide invaluable services.


                        • #13
                          It would be ingenious if this were the only bill that were being held up, but we can't pass our budget at all.

                          I wouldn't have a problem with collective bargaining except for the fact that it is compulsory for the state workers. So, no matter what an individuals right to choose is removed.


                          • #14
                            The walkout strikes me as childish. If they go back and vote, they will certainly lose, but that's the political reality in Wisconsin. It can be used as a major campaign issue at the next election to get the votes needed to overturn it.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by HouseofWool View Post
                              It would be ingenious if this were the only bill that were being held up, but we can't pass our budget at all.
                              I guess if it were business as usual and no important legislation held up, it wouldn't be much leverage? I know it's a massive pain in the butt to be living in limbo and with school districts held up and all the rest.

