I don't know of many physician jobs for part-timers. What tends to happen is someone gets a full-time job, has a baby, and starts dropping back in hours. They have that right, but then we should support an employer's right to say no. Many willtry to work with the employee for a variety of reasons. It hasn't worked here. 50% of the docs in primary care are now part-time women who all started as full time. Now there is a patient access problem as well as an issue with a difficult call schedule. There are recruiting problems in part due to this. The hospital is in a bind.
Heidi, you say you support parttime female employees. Under the same circumstances faced by many groups though, you admit not hiring those same women.
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Heidi, you say you support parttime female employees. Under the same circumstances faced by many groups though, you admit not hiring those same women.
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