Not sure if this should be in debates or marriage matters...I'm putting it here to be on the safe side 
Interesting article:
And here's the Jezebel take on it:
I admit I'm a nagger. I try to stop (and have had some success), but it often feels like a battle between holding my tongue and getting my husband to actually take out the dang trash
On one hand, DH has admitted that I'm sometimes justified in my nagging and it helps him remember to do certain things. On the other hand, I wonder if it just makes the problem worse be he expects it. We have had some good conversations about it and made some positive improvements, but I think it is just one of those things that is always going to be there, even if it is just a little bit. But is it a "marriage killer?"
What do you think? Will the men of IMSN please weigh in on this???
And now I'm going to remind him to pay the utility bill for the third time...:P

Interesting article:
And here's the Jezebel take on it:
I admit I'm a nagger. I try to stop (and have had some success), but it often feels like a battle between holding my tongue and getting my husband to actually take out the dang trash

On one hand, DH has admitted that I'm sometimes justified in my nagging and it helps him remember to do certain things. On the other hand, I wonder if it just makes the problem worse be he expects it. We have had some good conversations about it and made some positive improvements, but I think it is just one of those things that is always going to be there, even if it is just a little bit. But is it a "marriage killer?"
What do you think? Will the men of IMSN please weigh in on this???
And now I'm going to remind him to pay the utility bill for the third time...:P