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What can YOU do...

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  • What can YOU do... make this country a greater place?

    I try to do small things, like supporting local charities and doing some volunteering. On Saturday I'll be helping to re-pack some food for the food bank. I recently joined the Junior League as well. (eek, that sounds so "doctor's wife-ish")

  • #2
    As odd as it sounds there are very few volunteer opportunities here that allow someone to volunteer around normal work hours. I wanted to join the Junior League in our former location but never got around to it, we don't have one here. Even through our great spouses group the only real volunteer option is the ped's parties we do at the hospital but even that is only once a month. I donate to several charities a year, not a lot but enough to feel good about it and I'm a sucker for school fundraising.
    Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


    • #3
      I am so glad you posted this, I was actually trying to think of things I could do today for the greater good. Haven't come up with any yet (actually it was a fleeting thought, but I really do want to do something good). I think I might join the ACLU, actually.
      Awake is the new sleep!


      • #4
        ...move to Canada? :>
        ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
        ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


        • #5
          Originally posted by PrincessFiona
          ...move to Canada? :>
          Awake is the new sleep!


          • #6


            • #7
              Save me a place next door.



              • #8
                It's small, but I think that participating the neighborhood/community helps. I'd like to get involved with more in the area. I think if we get to know our neighbors on a more personal level we can see beyond some political differences.
                I agree with you on the other points -- volunteering and donating $$ to local organizations. Ideally, I would donate on a local, national, and international level to causes I feel passionately about. I've dropped the ball on that lately. There is a hospice near our house and I'm going to find out more about it b/c I think we have some karma due there. I just need to work on finding local organizations here that I'd like to support. I've been thinking about volunteering with the local Meals on Wheels for seniors. This is a good reminder to do so!

                Thanks, Chris!


                • #9
                  I think starting small is the only way to go.

                  And I have an idea for everyone......volunteer at your local public school. The odds are so stacked against so many kids and there is NO WAY teachers can meet all the needs of their students. You would be surprised at how welcome your offer to run copies for an hour would be, and if you were able to quiz a kid who is struggling on their math facts or their spelling words for 30 minutes, you would be amazed at the gratification you would feel.

                  Sing with me now...."I believe the children are the future, Teach them well and let them lead the way....."

                  And btw, there is no freakin' way education will ever be reformed until someone has the balls to take on the NEA (National Education Association) and get them to accept some kind of merit-based pay for teachers. There is no way to attract the best and brightest to the profession when a) the pay sucks, b) chances are you will work with and maybe even report to someone who has taught for years, makes WAY more than you, and is an IDIOT, and c) there is no reward for going above and beyond, and the only way to make better money is to LEAVE the classroom. I think this issue might even trump the abortion issue for me. In fact, I swear right now that any candidate of any party who promises to knock down the NEA will have my vote. Although.....a democrat taking on a union? Doesn't seem likely.

                  (Sorry for the rant......I just have had a week where I have once again realized how much talent it takes to be a good teacher, and how under-appreciated and under-paid they really are......I am not speaking of myself AT ALL.....just in awe of some of my colleagues.)

                  Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

                  "I don't know when Dad will be home."


                  • #10
                    Sally...I agree wholeheartedly.
                    ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
                    ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


                    • #11
                      Thanks for the suggestion Sally, it never even occured(sp?) to me to do that.


                      • #12
                        I do volunteer at our local school. I'm there at least 5 hours a week working in classrooms, the library, and lunchroom/recess. I've also designed science curriculum and taught mini courses for schools now in three states. I wish some of that counted as work experience "officially" in the eyes of universities. I think it is a great place to help, but I do caution that not every school district is the same.

                        In Maryland, the schools were desperate for help and welcomed it in any form. In Brookline, MA the schools were actually wary about parent involvement and you had to work your way in with the teachers before they would even allow you to help on a field trip. The reasons for this are worthy of their own post/debate. Here in Ohio, the school is awash in parent volunteers at all hours. They staff the library and cafeteria and administer enrichment programs in art, science and music. When you volunteer, you are plugged into very specific roles in a highly organized large group. It is like a job in a corporation---great for the school, but I hear it is difficult for working parents who want some involvement because you have to conform to the busy volunteer schedule to get involved. Of course I'm sure you will find all types of school districts in any one area (maybe not the Brookline model....that was a little odd ).

                        As for making the world a better place, I've been trying to "be a uniter not a divider" myself for several years. It is honestly getting harder. I think that is due to being hammered by TV/phone calls during this election season. Clearly, I am a wrong-thinking weak-willed flip-flopping morally bankrupt loser. I just thought I was trying to find common ground. From now on I'm going to try to stop doing that and instead stick to my guns. I've also worked hard to be non partisan and vote issues instead of parties. No more. I think this is the first election in which I considered voting a straight Democratic ticket to combat straight Republican ticket votes. Next time I just might do that--if I can bring myself to stop thinking about the candidates. There I go--flip flopping again

                        Seriously---I need to heal, personally before I can begin to participate in this nation. I don't want to help out now. I don't even want to invest economically by buying furniture ( !)) or cars or stocks for the next four years. I just want to go to sleep and wait till its over, because I don't think anyone who votes Democratic is going to get any credit for helping. In four years, we will still be those whiny, amoral, celebrity loving LIBERALS who did nothing to build this country. I'm tired of not getting credit for my work. Cleary, I want to take my ball and go home .

                        I really do feel like all that matters to me is ridiculed in the eyes of this administration and that my efforts are undervalued. I know the other "side" could say the same--and has. I personally have never ridiculed religion and I do see the abortion debate/gay marriage/stem cell research as serious issues worthy of much debate. For me, I think it is the ridicule of "intellectualism" and the right to question authority that hits me the hardest. Also, I do not like feeling d**med because I vote Democratic. There are good people everywhere--in the Democratic party and the Republican party as well. I do not know how we are going to pull this country together.

                        Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
                        Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

                        "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"


                        • #13
                          Nicely stated. 8)
                          Married to a hematopathologist seven years out of training.
                          Raising three girls, 11, 9, and 2.

                          “That was the thing about the world: it wasn't that things were harder than you thought they were going to be, it was that they were hard in ways that you didn't expect.”
                          Lev Grossman, The Magician King


                          • #14

                            I never took politics personally...until this election. I never understood why people said that they didn't discuss religion/politics with friends..until the last 2 weeks. I have pretty much just debated the issues (and sometimes with fervor :> ) without really taking things personally....but right now I feel exactly like you have just expressed.

                            I also volunteer at our public school and the Montessorti and I volunteered for the entire first year when I taught at our StateU....One thing that strikes me is that they are desperate for volunteers because they don't get adequate funding. Classroom sizes have increases, the number of paraprofessionals to work with mainstreamed special needs children has decreased and funding from the federal and state governments has declined as well. At the same time, students and teachers are expected to jump through new hoops. The idea that the solution is for more parents to volunteer just doesn't cut it in my eyes...we are continuously passing more funding requests for our military (and we fund our military quite well...but pay the soldiers bupkis.....people don't want to pay more in taxes (and neither do I, btw..selfish person that I am, I am benefitting from the Bush tax cuts) and we're ok with 70% of our corporations getting around paying taxes....

                            I'll stop.....

                            ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
                            ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


                            • #15
                              I guess this is how the other side felt when Clinton was re-elected!
                              ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
                              ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss

