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New Airport X-Rays

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  • New Airport X-Rays

    What do you all think of this? ... index.html

    I hope the link works. It's an article about new x-ray machines that can see through people's clothing.

    Do you think these machines are an invasion of privacy? As a person who is totally terrified of flying, I wouldn't mind giving up some privacy if it means that my family and I will be safer.

  • #2
    I read that this morning...I am not sure how I feel about it yet. I am *always* picked to be felt up and bags rifled through at the airport. I hate having my boobies manhandled . I guess if it prevents mauling at the gate, then I might be for it. It seems like a serious invasion of privacy - even though the screen is hidden from view.


    • #3
      I have heard that they pick people to search according to certain factors such as type of carry-on. I once went on a trip that included many plane trips and one of the girls with our group was searched at EVERY STOP. Seems kind of silly, I mean if I have heard this, people who want to sneak stuff on planes surely know, and would just wear clothing or take bags that are statistically less likely to be searched. Anyway, I don't know that for a fact, I've just heard it and had experiences that would support it.
      As for the X-ray vision, I guess I couldn't care less, especially since I would feel safer on board. I mean, what in the world would someone use the pictures for other than the intended use? I would probably feel more uncomfortable wearing a string bikini in front of the same people and letting them take normal pictures. :- Just my opinion.


      • #4
        No way this is okay. I've never had a pat-down that was nearly so invasive.

        How about if we all have to check our clothes at the gate and fly naked, and then we get our clothes back when we reach our destination? That'd be super safe.

        I think our security dollars are better spent elsewhere. I'd rather have them check more boats coming into the ports, or say, the cargo hold of the plane than to continue harassing the passengers more and more.

        Plus I don't want a bunch of airport security yokels standing around laughing at my third nipple and vestigial tail. (Just kidding.)
        Married to a hematopathologist seven years out of training.
        Raising three girls, 11, 9, and 2.

        “That was the thing about the world: it wasn't that things were harder than you thought they were going to be, it was that they were hard in ways that you didn't expect.”
        Lev Grossman, The Magician King


        • #5


          • #6
            I'm uncomfortable with it and don't think it'll do much to protect us. Like Julie said, the money would probably be better spent elsewhere.


            • #7
              I think the new technology would have potentially prevented the two Russian jetliners from being bombed a few months ago since it is presumed the planes were brought down by two women who had explosive vests strapped to their chests.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Julie
                How about if we all have to check our clothes at the gate and fly naked, and then we get our clothes back when we reach our destination?
                judging by many of the people I've flown with, I think the airlines better stock up on airsick bags if they incorporate this policy.
                Enabler of DW and 5 kids
                Let's go Mets!


                • #9
                  wife, mother, nurse practitioner

                  "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


                  • #10
                    To be honest, I don't really care as long as it moves the f-ers in front of me in the security line through more quickly. Honestly. If it means ten fewer minutes hanging out with the fabulous cross section of humanity that is our nations flying public- Amen. and if i need to be naked- cool, I would scare small children, but so would a lot of other people.

                    But, for the Love of All...Hurry the F up. Take your shoes off. Get the laptop out BEFORE you get to the front of the line. Keep your boarding pass with you. Do NOT open the soda until you are through security. Please do not try to take a tray of food from the food court through. Please do not try to take a dog through by putting him on the X-ray line. Please do not wear wife beater shirts and shorty shorts. Please bathe and do not wear nasty cologne. Please brush your teeth; within 24 hours of flight. Do not get mad when they make you take the baby out of the stroller. Do not try to take 5 bags through as carry-on. If you can't lift it over your head, ITS NOT CARRY-ON. No, Gate C and D are NOT at the main terminal, Yes, you have to take a bus to Gate G. No, you cannot get up to use the bathroom for a half hour before you take off and land a National. NO, they AREN'T kidding and YES, they will divert us.

                    Can they screen for stupidity, too?



                    • #11
                      Screening for stupidity is a great idea! My favorite was when our plane was backing away from the gate and some idiot jumped up and ran into the bathroom. I mean, c'mon, I can't believe this guy didn't have the forsight to use the restroom before he boarded! He eventually came out, but we had to pull back up to the gate so that both he and the bathroom could be searched. We finally took off...45 minutes later...not to mention that our flight was already delayed by 3 1/2 hours from a snow storm.

                      I would have major air rage if I had to fly on a regular basis. I feel for you, Jenn!


                      • #12
                        Not to "hijack" the thread, but apparently a friend of a friend of mine had her checked bag searched and it had a favorite plaything (ahem!) in it. Well, when she reached her destination, she opened her bag, and there was her D battery powered friend, RIGHT ON TOP


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by HeartRN
                          Not to "hijack" the thread, but apparently a friend of a friend of mine had her checked bag searched and it had a favorite plaything (ahem!) in it. Well, when she reached her destination, she opened her bag, and there was her D battery powered friend, RIGHT ON TOP
                          I'll bet the people that do the searches have some good stories to tell.
                          As far as the X-ray thing, I don't really know. I don't fly often, the last several times I flew I felt relatively safe (I'm more afraid of a plane crash than a terrorist so 9/11 didn't really affect me travel-wise). I do worry more about other points of entry into the US, such as the ports along the coast who receive imports that apparently are not routinely checked.
                          Awake is the new sleep!


                          • #14

                            I will also hijack the thread with this little gem:

                            My room-mate from college had her little "bedside friend" (who was PURPLE) and she thold she had secured "him" in her nightstand. So, she stripped her sheets and was going to shake them out prior to throwing them in the wash. She she goes out on to her balcony, and in a very dramtic move, shook the sheets out over the balcony. Except out flies her friend, which lands smack dab in the middle of the yard below. and there's a party in the apartment above with people drinking and smoking out on the balcony.

                            She said she froze. Apparently no one from the party had yet realized what happened so she ran downstairs to try to sneak through the yard to get her friend back. except she realized that the people were home in the bottom apartment and the people from the party were by now watching her antics. She said her biggest fear was that the neighbors dog would find it and bring it home to its owners.

                            She eventually gave up trying to get it back and had mourned her loss instead.



                            • #15
                              Is this really a bad idea?

                              My father just recently (last weekend) visited us here in Boston. A couple of days into his visit he was shocked to find that he had left his very large "Bowie" knife in one of his carry-on bags. He had been searched and he said that one of the searchers had gone through that particular bag "thoroughly" - they did not x-ray it because his camera equipment was also in that bag. But, even after the hand-search, the big, sharp, forgotten knife was still there.

                              He flew on a non-stop from DFW to Logan on American Airlines.

                              I'm glad that my dad is a security guard and not a terrorist.

                              Something interesting to think about....

                              Who uses a machete to cut through red tape
                              With fingernails that shine like justice
                              And a voice that is dark like tinted glass

