We were recently invited to a wedding of a friend. We didn't attend, but knew that we had to get a gift. We also figured that we would have to spend somewhere between $85-100 on the gift....
I was planning on making a quilt and then one of the bridesmaids told me I needed to consider that she was registered and pick a gift from there. Gone are the days of the personal gifts, I guess.
Anyway, Thomas and I went to the registry and it was just outrageous. We ended up spending $85 on a MEAT FORK. It's not a gift I would ever choose (and to be quite honest, I actually kind of resent that I spent that kind of money on a fork...) The gift is totally impersonable and I am sure that I'll just get the standard "thanks for the fork" letter soon.
Are the days of the 'personal gifts' gone forever...and is it really so bad that sometimes people got a great 'deal' on a gift and didn't have to 'fork over' (no pun intended) big bucks for the gift?
It's great that the couple gets things that they specifically picked out and wanted, but isn't it a little rude to invite people to a wedding and then expect them to buy something off of your gift list (even when you can't attend)?
We never had a gift registry and we got the most unique, intersting gifts...It was actually fun to open them and see the thought that had gone into them....now the farthest people think about the gifts is in remembering the url to the web address for the registry and picking what hasn't already been bought.
I was planning on making a quilt and then one of the bridesmaids told me I needed to consider that she was registered and pick a gift from there. Gone are the days of the personal gifts, I guess.
Anyway, Thomas and I went to the registry and it was just outrageous. We ended up spending $85 on a MEAT FORK. It's not a gift I would ever choose (and to be quite honest, I actually kind of resent that I spent that kind of money on a fork...) The gift is totally impersonable and I am sure that I'll just get the standard "thanks for the fork" letter soon.
Are the days of the 'personal gifts' gone forever...and is it really so bad that sometimes people got a great 'deal' on a gift and didn't have to 'fork over' (no pun intended) big bucks for the gift?
It's great that the couple gets things that they specifically picked out and wanted, but isn't it a little rude to invite people to a wedding and then expect them to buy something off of your gift list (even when you can't attend)?
We never had a gift registry and we got the most unique, intersting gifts...It was actually fun to open them and see the thought that had gone into them....now the farthest people think about the gifts is in remembering the url to the web address for the registry and picking what hasn't already been bought.