Originally posted by HeartRN
The only politician I actually like on a personal AND political level right now is Mitt Romney. And, I feel that way knowing a number of his friends and personal advisors along with living in the state he's governed for the last few years. He's a good leader AND a good person. If he gets the nomination the Democrats are going to have a hard time attacking him on a personal level because he doesn't have any skeletons and his family is a cohesive, happy one. When he ran for the senate seat against Ted Kennedy (before he became governor) the only things Kennedy could blast him on were the fact that he was a Republican (in the uber-liberal Massachusetts that's tantamount to a bad word) AND his religion (yup, Kennedy attacked his - my - religious beliefs).
If it's a race between Romney and Clinton I'll vote for Romney. And, I will bet that most of the rest of the country would as well.