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Rosie O Donell

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  • #16
    It's fine to leave it. I edited my initial post and I think that I'm fine with it now... Thanks for understanding.
    married to an anesthesia attending


    • #17
      No problem
      Wife to a Urologist. Mom to DD 15, DD 12, DD 2, and DD 1!
      Native Jayhawk, paroled from GA... settling in Minnesota!


      • #18
        Okay, I'm confused. I was trying to stay out of this one, but.....

        I don't consider myself a "fundamentalist", but the church I grew up in would have drawn that label at that time, although they would have been on the liberal edge of that group of people. My understanding, though, of those that call themselves fundamentalist christians is that they are all about what they understand to be the "fundamentals" of christianity, including an extremely literal interpretation of the Bible and adherence to all of the "thou shalt nots", even if (imo) they were intended for the culture of the time and not for our culture today.

        However, I really don't get this statement,
        Don't forget the federal building in Oklahoma City.
        Rosie's quote, or equating all of fundamentalist christianity with Pat Robertson, who is a kook and a half in my book, and was never a "hero" in the church I attended.

        *Most* people who identify themselves as fundamentalist christians (and by that I mean the vast majority) would be horrified to know that others assume that they are eagerly waiting to kill people en masse who don't believe what they believe. True, they are die-hard Republicans, but come ON, there has been nothing you can tie directly to someone whose *primary* identification is with a fundamentalist christian group even close to what was done on 9-11. Just because a journalist (impartial, I'm sure ) calls someone a fundamentalist christian doesn't mean that they aren't actually an extreme deviant who claims to be part of that group.

        And, btw, quite respectfully, I have to add that no fundamentalist christian I know would claim "W' as one of their own. He is way too worldly and liberal for them. Voting for him is one thing, claiming him would be quite another.

        Flame away, but I won't be back on for a while!

        Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

        "I don't know when Dad will be home."


        • #19
          I know Sally - and that's why I hesitated to use the term 'fundamentalist' in the first place. That's also why I tried to clarify MY definition of radical / fundamentalist Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Mormon, or whomever, as being to the point of believing God wants them to kill on His behalf. Which, as I said before, is no longer the practice of a religion and taints the good name of that religion.

          It's dicey when labels get tossed around by the media and picked up by everyone else. I'm sure there are truly, honest, day to day Fundamentalist Christians who do NOT believe that God wants them to kill others and are lovely people.


          • #20
            one other point: for all we know, Pat Robertson might just be the equivilant of Osama Bin Laden in the Muslim world (you know, the crazy one?). I'm sure there are plenty of Billy Graham types (reasonable yet still religious) in the Muslim world too -- we just don't know their names b/c they don't instruct people to hurt us.


            • #21
              Pat Robertson = Osma Bin Laden

              This is exactly why we may lose the war on terrorism. Pat Robertson isn't in a cave planning how to kill my loved ones. I didn't aquire a fear of flying because of some Jesus Freak. While some liberals are sitting on their hands worrying about the Pat Robertsons of the world, the real enemy is planning to blow airplanes out of the air, poison our food or to kill Americans by any means necessary. Obviously this debate is about fictious and philisophical dangers and not about real harm.


              • #22
                you misunderstood my post. I did not say Pat Robertson is the equal of Osama Bin Laden. I was responding to Sally's post about how as a fundamentalist Christian she does not embrace Pat Robertson as one of her own. I was simply trying to say that to many Muslims, Osama Bin Laden is probably the one they cringe at the mention of (the same way Sally cringed at the mention of Pat Robertson).

                Not all Muslims are evil or supporters of Bin Laden, and I was trying to illustrate that w/the comparison of Robertson and Bin Laden.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by DrWahoo
                  This is exactly why we may lose the war on terrorism. Pat Robertson isn't in a cave planning how to kill my loved ones.
                  As far as why we may lose the war on terrorism, my vote would be a misplaced war in Iraq rather than actually continuing to fight the terrorists where they were.


                  • #24
                    dont forget about westboro baptist church. they sicken me. they're the ones that protest soldiers funerals and hold the signs that say "thank G*d for dead soldiers" and "G*d hates fags" (i hate that word) yeah, they're awesome "christians"

                    oh, and the FLDS...aka...warren jeffs.

                    i totally agree with jesher/jenn. (it was her?) there are fundamentalist freaks in EVERY religion and unforch they give the "good" ones a bad name.

                    if you have have never heard of WBC here is the link. discusting.

                    ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by mom2three
                      dont forget about westboro baptist church. they sicken me. they're the ones that protest soldiers funerals and hold the signs that say "thank G*d for dead soldiers" and "G*d hates fags" (i hate that word) yeah, they're awesome "christians"

                      oh, and the FLDS...aka...warren jeffs.

                      i totally agree with jesher/jenn. (it was her?) there are fundamentalist freaks in EVERY religion and unforch they give the "good" ones a bad name.

                      if you have have never heard of WBC here is the link. discusting.

                      Yep, got to love my hometown. My uncle died of AIDS in 1993, and we had to withold his obit until after the funeral to curtail any protests at his funeral.
                      Wife to a Urologist. Mom to DD 15, DD 12, DD 2, and DD 1!
                      Native Jayhawk, paroled from GA... settling in Minnesota!


                      • #26
                        Gotta love Fred Phelps - most of my four years at KU he was on campus protesting something, very annoying.
                        Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.

