My client that I've been billing for turned his medicare billing over to me last month (before I was doing everything but that) which meant I had to learn a new kind of billing. I was so thrilled because the volume of claims basically tripled and also I had to really earn their trust so it felt good that they were turning it over to me. I worked my butt off to learn how to bill the medicare claims, staying up sometimes until 3am. I was trying to be so careful to do it all correctly so they wouldn't regret their decision. Before I sent the claims in I carefully looked over each and every one to make sure everything was OK. I felt pretty confident but a little worried that I might somehow screw it all up. Today I started calling to follow-up (I mailed the claims about 2 weeks ago so I figured they might start being processed by now) and so far every one of them that I have checked on has been suspended. They give a different error code for each one and I can't even figure out where to find what the error codes mean. The guys I bill for are in a conference in FL so they don't even know yet. They will be back by Thursday so I'm hoping to have everything resolved and the claims ready to re-submit by then but I can't for the life of me figure out how this happened. I was so careful! The good news is that I am going to a Medicare billing seminar on Thursday so hopefully I can get some answers but I'm so disappointed in myself.
